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Messages - Curly

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Politics & Soap Box Rants / The Abu Bakr Inquiry
« on: February 13, 2005, 04:50:06 PM »
Crixx - justice is not hanging a man in a public display, in the oval or putting a man out and letting the public throw rocks at him..... the days of that done.

that was my most serious objection.
In the past Mr. Man get off because our laws accomodate pardons etc. just like people does use the system to get what they want.... layers do it, doctors do it taxi drivers do it. everyone does it at some point or the other.

Everyone was upset after he terrorize the country and walk.... but anybody ever stand up and say... well hear what nah.... my family was done a great injustice in this thing... and I going to insist that they change the laws so it don't happen again.

Everybody continue bout life... government change laws stay the same, everybody just want they road pave before elections.

Now the man on trial and even thought you think he guilty the justice system allows him to be innocent until proven guilty, and I'm sure if you were in a court case and you were innocent you'd be glad to know that it's not about you trying to convince beyond a doubt that you innocent.
If the police did they job right the man will get sentance....                      

Politics & Soap Box Rants / The Abu Bakr Inquiry
« on: February 03, 2005, 12:03:29 PM »
Ever thought about what you all say?
Hang someone in a public square? So everyone could come and wittness a killing / justice ent.....
I believe in justice being served but why anyone would want to watch someone die is beyond me. Worst yet let's hang him in the Oval, how about right before the Trinidad vs USA match and save on renting the oval and that would be a next $5000 to go to the victims families. And we could all walk with our camera's and take pics of our first killing to show our grand kids.
My Take on it though, I think the man is a mad man, and from talking to him in person I'd rather not have him around me. And I don't believe that wittness go survive too much longer.

Hardware, Tweaking & Networking / Wireless BroadBand Option
« on: February 03, 2005, 09:53:16 AM »
I want to sign up.....  wtmc whamm to gasparillo people?                    

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