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Messages - camrE

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Console gaming is going to slow down. It's inevitable, and it's definitely not a matter of people growing out of games, or anything even like that. Games are like movies, music, books, they come in genres. Every group likes a specific or multiple genres. There's no risk of people growing out of any genre causing anything to collapse, cause there's another genre waiting to move on to. After all these years, when everyone jumped shipped and went with genesis, I stayed with Nintendo, again with the PSOne, I stayed with Nintendo, again with the PS2, I stayed with Nintendo. Simply put, in hopes that they would grow with gamers, and they sealed it with the Wii and I realized that there was no hope of them really doing anything with software and evolution. So I finally gave up. Zelda was and shamefully, after two years the console being out, still is the ONLY game worth playing. But guess what, I moved over to Xbox360/PS3 exclusively. My point being there's always another flavor to move on to.

As far as consoles dying. Nonsense, like I said it'll slow down, and that's because of technology's advances. HD is the standard, I will not play xbox on n SD tv. It's just not going to happen. 680x480 is VERY far away from 1920x1080. That's a massive jump in textures, pologyonal count, etc... this is where the bottleneck is going to happen. Games are on a far grander scale than they were 5 or even 10 years ago. And we all know a solid title, Zelda, Metal Gear, even a splinter cell, any AAA title takes 2-5 years to be done properly. Now one can say the hardware for development is matching the hardware for software execution, and so it balances out, and that would be right. But it doesn't change the fact that the human element of development is getting left behind. It's alot more work putting together the new size of textures, and while the computer will b up to par in calculations, it's still human eye that finalizes everything. It's still human hands that draw out these levels, and put them together.

This is what is going to slow down production, and triple A titles will, little by little, take longer to complete, console lifespans may soon get stretched out. But I do expect new techniques to come about and for there to be a boom again and everything will run at full speed again. The jump form Atari to NES was big, the jump from nes to SNes really wasn't that huge, the jump from SNES to N64 was monumental, the jump from N64 to gcn wasn't that large, the jump from Xbox to Xbox360 is monumental. I suspect the jump from this gen to next gen won't be that great. I also suspect the focus next time around to be on control scheme in the path that Nintendo took with the Wii, but not for the same reasons.

All in all, console gaming is not going to die. It has too many pros over pc gaming from the industry's POV, and we all need to game. The industry now rivals the Movie industry, infact to the point that hollywood monitors what games come out on what weekends as to avoid releasing their movies simultaneously and losing potential viewers.

Console Gaming Archive / Re: STAR WARS TFU
« on: September 19, 2008, 08:33:58 AM »

i have both versions. Bought the XBOX, rented the PS3.....despite the BULLSH!T reviews of graphical comparison, the 360 has smoother framerate.
Very good storyline, which makes up for a so so targeting system.

whatever, im going back to warhammer

lol. NO it does not. I rented the PS3 version and I ran a comparison and it does look better on the PS3, run a bit smoother, and I haven't experienced any screen tearing on the PS3 version (not to say there isn't any.)


Console Gaming Archive / STAR WARS TFU
« on: September 18, 2008, 08:48:42 AM »
I finally got it in the mail last night. I put in a couple hours, I gotta say, I'm quite pleasantly surprised.

Unfortunately I got the xbox version over the PS3, which sucks. Graphically it's not up to par. But it's not horrible.

I'm in the second level, which looks awesome. The work put into the game is most apparent. It's a junkyard, pretty good art direction, pretty good level design, nice textures.

The gameplay, like all of these games is a tad bland in terms of combo design and dept. I think it should have been a little closer to SC IV where you have one button for vertical strikes and another for horizontal, perhaps a trigger button used as a modifer. But it's not horrible, seeing as you have a decent amount of options when mixing force capabilities in.

The animations are pretty smooth, pretty fancy, pretty nice. Close up textures of the characters during cutscenes reveals some ugliness most times tho.

The audio is as expected, fantastic. Unfortunately I have the xbox version, where the hardware is limited to DD, This would have been another plus on the PS3 where I would have had uncompressed linear pcm. But even on the limited hardware it's fantastic.

The ability to level up, also with full control over which attributes you would like to level up, is nice. It's not over complicatedly deep, but it doesn't need to be.

Just hands on impressions. :)  I think it's a good rental. Not a purchase tho.

Console Gaming Archive / Re: Another Capcom Crossover?
« on: May 25, 2008, 11:02:07 AM »
I think it's absolutely awesome that capcom feels the need to keep pumping out these nonsensical titles instead of devoting the time and work to new IPs. Consolve work hasn't even begun on SF IV yet, nevermind they are investing time, money, and resources into this nonsense. The team they have working on this could be devoting their time to speeding up the process of RE5. sigh...

   (This is your argument)

And this is my counter.

1// This is a new IP. Don't be absurd. That's like saying Capcom vs SNK is the same IP as Street Fighter vs X Men.

2// Capcom of America is responsible for the production SFIV and they've outsourced it to a development studio within Capcom of Japan. If you wanna be snarky about the console version of SF4 you're directing it at the wrong people.

3// This is going to make Capcom of Japan lots of money. Besides when is the last time Capcom released a new "vs" game in this vein? Marvel vs Capcom 2 was released in 2000; Capcom vs SNK 2 in 2001; Capcom Fighting Evolution in 2005 (which is pure shovelware, I'll admit).

So yes...three new titles since the turn of the century. Yeah. They're really pumping, aren't they?

4// You are right. They could have this team integrated into the Biohazard team because putting all your eggs in one basket is fun and cool and there are no axioms about doing the contrary. Neither is the biohazard team specialized in the type of development needed -specifically- for this title and Capcom is not, ultimately, a business interested in expanding their profit margin in a substantial manner.


Would've been better off simply saying, "I don't like the MvC series."

LOL @ the aggressive and insultive reply complete with pic of "bunny cry." You most definitely don't know who you're trying your nonsense with. Keep that filth for your other gatt kiddy buddies, fella. This is exactly why I quit posting on here.


1.New IP... hardly. And yes, it is saying that it's all part of a series, Capcom Vs. You think because they don't share some stupid storyline it's not a series? LOL.

2. My point was the waste of TIME, MONEY, and RESOURCES. It matters not by what means they get it made, it's the waste of TIME, MONEY, and RESOURCES. And thanks for schooling me, but you're WRONG. SF IV is being dev'd by DIMPS, a company founded by former members of SNK and independant. NOT a sub of capcom in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

3. As it was pointed out to me, by someone who knows a shit, the VS. series didn't do particularly well in Japan. LOL. So you're fiscal predictions over a title from a fiscally mediocre series.

3a. Yes. Pumping out. "since the turn of a century" lmfao. You sir are lacking in the upstairs dept.

4. You OBVIOUSLY do not understand how organizational of a company works. Especially in the media industry. Once again, it's a matter of moving around TIME, RESOURCES, and MONEY!  You say "a business interested in expanding their profit margin in a substantial manner." nevermind they are investing in propelling a another title in a series of mediocre titles".

Yeah... I bid you a FINE DAY, SIR.

Console Gaming Archive / Re: Mortal Kombat 8: MK vs DC Universe!
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:49:07 AM »
If I ever saw a mismatch of franchise, this is it. This has to be one of the silliest combinations ever, even by Mortal Kombat standards. I've never seen such a great franchise that fell so far from grace so fast.

It seems like every singler new iteration they purposely find new ways to destroy the game, and what it made in it's years. Mortal Kombat has always been an empty experience. Cheap thrills and nothing more, it was not terribly deep, gameplay-wise, but it has charisma. Now, they keep saying "we want to take the series to the next level" yet they keep convoluting the experience with idiotic additions. More characters does not = a better experience, especially with bullshit like Bo Rai Cho, Dead Liu Kang, Dragon King, Blaze, Mocap, the dude with the club on his hand, etc...

Mortal Kombat needs to be revamped. Completely. A total rip down and rebuild. Everything they have done since MKT has been wrong. They had a couple decent ideas, like the krypt and Konquest mode, but neither were executed properly. The Krypt quickly becomes a waste of time as the "secrets" are a complete waste of time when it's nothing more than concept art. It adds nothing to the game. The Konquest mode is nothing but an empty experience under guise of a real adventure more with a lot of back and forth, time triggered events and poor scripting.

Tear down, and rebuild. It's the only way to save the series.

Console Gaming Archive / Re: Another Capcom Crossover?
« on: May 25, 2008, 08:59:31 AM »
I think it's absolutely awesome that capcom feels the need to keep pumping out these nonsensical titles instead of devoting the time and work to new IPs. Consolve work hasn't even begun on SF IV yet, nevermind they are investing time, money, and resources into this nonsense. The team they have working on this could be devoting their time to speeding up the process of RE5. sigh...

Sony PlayStation / Re: Sony's bad marketing strikes again!
« on: May 25, 2008, 08:55:08 AM »
Wow, us on the other side of the world in an uproar of european ads... lol, the difference in culture is like night and day. Who gives a rat's ass. Cause we don't get it, doesn't mean they don't. It's like when people go nuts over cultures that eat dogs and guinea pigs. If YOU been eating guinea pig all your life and someone comes out of nowhere and gives you a chicken or a side of pig to eat, you're gonna watch em like they nuts. It's all relative... subjective.

I can guarantee you now, this game will amount to squat. I will say, it does look very nice, I love the textures. The game play, given what was revealed in the trailer, looks pretty cool. Platforming in an FPV should amount to some fun.

Sony PlayStation / Re: Official GATT Playstation Network Handler List
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:25:55 AM »
No, I am laughing at the fact that the man on the PS thread using his XBOX gamertag

Oh. Naw, it ain't like that. I've used that name for about 8-9 years now. So I use it for everything.

Microsoft Xbox / Re: Pacman Tournament on Xbox Live
« on: April 19, 2007, 01:00:57 PM »
I'm from NY.
Pacman sucks.

LOL. I don't feel incensed to enter the tournament for some reason. :p

Sony PlayStation / Re: Official GATT Playstation Network Handler List
« on: April 18, 2007, 01:20:21 PM »

Same as my xbox live tag.

Are you making fun of me, Wintry? :(

Sony PlayStation / Re: Official GATT Playstation Network Handler List
« on: April 18, 2007, 08:32:45 AM »

Same as my xbox live tag.

Grabbed that tekken 5 and I gotta say, I'm shocked as to how decent it looks considering it's just an upscaled version. The poly count sucks, but for the most part it's sexy!

Yea, sorry to hear about those issues you are having there Camre, I've had mine since January 2006 and only had the Red Ring thing happen once, but it turned out to be a loose cable connection in the back, after I plugged it in all the way it worked fine. But it runs great, doesn't get hot and I've played it standing and lying flat. It sucks to have any product die on you 4 times. I would be very pissed if I were you. W1nTry's died and I bought him a new one, still have to send the dead one back just haven't gotten around to it. But what suprises me is that my Wii that I had for 3 weeks DIED on me, now that pissed me off due to the fact that I can't find another one to buy because they so rare to find. My plan is to send this one back to Nintendo and then give the returned one to my sister.

Hmmm. If you should ever, and I mean even once, get the rrod for any reason that you cannot explain, send it back immediately! Call them, tell them it's persistant, cause if it happens and your'e one day out of warranty, you're screwed. I've seen few people that have had it happen once and didn't come back, but that has been the case for some people. Just CYA!

Lol. Don't worry, it's me and a few MILLION other people. The two largest gaming communities online certainly prove it;

Xbox 360 general board and neogaf. Don't forget that couple in Utah who ended up with the SEVEN dead consoles. The general consensous is every single Xbox made out of those three factories in China from launch till now, will die. It's just a matter of time. I don't care about what it will cost to microsoft, but knowing the pain it is dealing with this, I really do hope that situation never proves true. Further proof that this is true is how Microsoft rebated everyone they made pay to have their consoles repaired, and extended the warranty twice.

I'm actually still very shocked that there are gamers who own the xbox 360 and partake in online gaming communities and don't know of the problem.

Xbox 360 General, eh? I used to live on gamefaqs, I swear. Anyway. The problem isn't that bad. It's unacceptable, yes. But not that bad. Not enough to warrant a statement with so much inevitability.

Actually the problem IS that bad. And yes, it does warrant that statement. Quite frankly, the most plaguing problem of rrod (red ring of death) aka (three red lights) which is the literal code of "Xbox cannot debug itself" is so far, the cause of, not known by microsoft. Everyone believes that it is a matter of cold solder. But no one knows for sure. Guess what, besides the Elite, NOTHING has changed in those three factories and how the manufacturing process is still the same. Infact, a greater deal of the IGN boards insist the Elite is going to suffer the same problems.

You wanna be skeptical and that's cool. Hell ignorance is bliss, the last two consoles I had, everytime i booted up I couldn't help if it was gonna start up and work, and if it did, for how long. That's a f*^%ing ridiculous feeling to have for any product. Especially one that costly.  Microsoft said they are changing the work over to another factory come July 1st or thereabout. Perhaps this is when a sure change will come.

As for QA, I never thought any console would have been worse than the PSOne. Atleast I could have turned that over and it'd play. It'd be upside-down, but it sure as hell would have played.

(edit du to obscene language, $1. in the swear jar plz)

Microsoft Xbox / Re: Regular 360 Sweatage
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:56:47 AM »
Dread, Blue soap, karaili bush, breeze, and some other assorted herbs should rid you of that... though yuh may have a problem finding a stand pipe along de road in the US...

LOL. Just to jump OT a bit, I was watching this show on the travel channel last night about some fat lame dude who goes eat exotic foods from all over the world and such, he was in Ecuador, so they carried him to a witch doctor.


The witch doctor, spat moonshine on him, beat him with some kind of posions bushes, rubbed the fat man down with a guinea pig. LMFAO! Yes... with a guinea pig! Dude even got a rash from the bushes. LOL> I was rolling.


I finally buckled down and got a PS3 so should this xbox break again, I'd have something to use in the mean time.

Lol. Don't worry, it's me and a few MILLION other people. The two largest gaming communities online certainly prove it;

Xbox 360 general board and neogaf. Don't forget that couple in Utah who ended up with the SEVEN dead consoles. The general consensous is every single Xbox made out of those three factories in China from launch till now, will die. It's just a matter of time. I don't care about what it will cost to microsoft, but knowing the pain it is dealing with this, I really do hope that situation never proves true. Further proof that this is true is how Microsoft rebated everyone they made pay to have their consoles repaired, and extended the warranty twice.

I'm actually still very shocked that there are gamers who own the xbox 360 and partake in online gaming communities and don't know of the problem.

Microsoft Xbox / Re: Regular 360 Sweatage
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:14:31 AM »
LOL. I know that's right. Outside of just my gaming issues, I have almost the worse luck in the world. I got a real jinx on me mang!

Take into consideration my console has died 4 times on me so far, but it's nothing for me to drop in box and send back to TX, but what will you guys do?

Xbox 360 #1 Lasted from launch day to November 06 (lifespan, just under a year) COD: Rrod
  "       "    #2 Lasted from November 06 to November 06 (lifespan, just under 6 hours) COD: Rrod
    "       "  #3 Lasted from January 06 to January 06 (lifespan, 30 minutes) COD: Dead disc drive
   "       "   #4 Lasted from Febuary 06 to Febuary 06 (lifespan, 23 minutes) COD: Console freezing.

I'm awaiting my 5th console now, and it really makes me wonder, what are you guys gonna do? Just go cop a new one or what?

Microsoft Xbox / Re: Regular 360 Sweatage
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:01:26 AM »
*W1nTry walks in, takes in camres posts* Red doh study it, we go continue the sweat as norm. Camre isn't a GOW person per say, we need a reliable 4th.

WTF!!! How dare you! I fully intend on putting in some quality time when my xbox gets back. Which is next week and providing my ISP comes fix the lines, internet went down on wednesday night, supposed to come check/change modem today. I hope they don't string me along!!!!!

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