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Messages - Chaotic
« on: April 24, 2007, 11:14:02 AM »
I think that it would be a great idea to have a big showdown, not for rankings or anything. Here's how it goes, we duel in teams of 4, so south can bring 3 teams of 4, town can bring teams, uwi can bring teams, legeon will bring it's teams. Teams will face off against teams to decide the top 4 teams, the tope 4 teams will play off then. Each team pays $100 to enter thas like $25 per person thas not really hard. If we get 10 teams then thas a grand right there, and the winners can split the money. To even make things more interesting each team will have to put up a rare and worthy card of prize status and the team who knocks out that team get's to take their card, not the rare cards are like credits, once you still have a prize card in your team you cannot be knocked out, but let's say your team has 2 prize cards and you lose 1 to a team then your team can play again using it's other card as the ante. Each member of each team playing eachother will face off in singles and when all members of a team is defeated then that team loses. So 3 people can be knocked out from 1 team and if the last member defeats everyone else on the opposing team then they will win still. Think bout it throw suggestions.
« on: April 24, 2007, 11:06:14 AM »
Listen is not just about when someone big up themself. It's one thing to talk d talk but something else to talk it and walk it, and it's even bigger when you can talk it, walk it and everyone can't dissagree with you. I've done it all in this game, feats that haven't been attempted, but my personal moment of glory was winning a game with gate gaurdian at a tournament. There isn't anyone in this country who can say that they're surely better than i am, wait they can say it, but no one will believe it. I've dueled with the best of the best, my clan has been the most destructive force in yugioh for over 2 years, we've won more tournaments than every other duelist outside of chaos legeon combined, band list and advanced, we dominated throungh every advance structure. Chaos legeon was formed under pure hatred for duelists who "had all the cards" and was bumping their stinking gums. I'll always recognize a true chmpion like this, when the competition get's fierce, you stick around and fight. When chaos legeon members were nobodies, we didn't have the best cards and all that, we had to watch duelists like destroyer, hidden agenda and a few others run this game. We made it our own business to rise above all those duelists, and at gatt 2nd tournament when we were ready to make our debute, we destroyed all opposition. I won that tournament without losing a single round. that year out of the 24 tournaments we played in we won 21, the 3 that we didn't win we place 2nd and 3rd, 2nd and 4th, and 3rd. I came to the gatt site and voiced our warnings, and one by one duelists started leaving the game, i'll never forget when i challenged hidden agenda after he told me i'd never be the best, what was his excuse, he have to study so he leaving the game. All those so called big duelists meant nothing to us after gatt 2nd cause we started winning tournament after tournament and we couldn't be stopped. We continuously provoked duelists so that they would come tournament just to try to beat us, we were arrogant yes, but no one could say that we couldn't back up everything we said. The game has changed since, with the coming of band list after band list, and we stood tall, not running just adapting, when people said that Chaos Legeon was finished we proved them wrong. We were aggressive and i miss that, maybe it's time to awaken the old chaos legeon, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Also the standard of the game in this country has fallen, there is no longer any originality, as people are now netdecking, and by doing this others are also forced to do the same thing, kudos to rio who went against the net decking structure and won a tournament with an insect deck. believe you me the war is still brewing, it's just that everyone is too friendly towards eachother now, so there really isn't any fierce competition.
« on: April 02, 2007, 01:41:38 PM »
I don't understand how come all of a sudden everyone know who hard and who's not. Hear this We have very few tournament winners in this country and all of them still not hard. Hear what it is, is really nothing for me to win a tourney, i could just netdeck and do that, but it won't make any sense, I've already made it to the top, and it kinda cool watching other people work hard for theirs. Take shurland for example, d man doing he thing, Jerry the Ravi killer, Einstein, Aaron, allyuh do allyuh thing, but make no mistake, as you all saw from the last tournament, i can put myself back into the game if i want to, but i like trying new decks and shit, so i'll lime with that. By the way, everyone prepare yourselves for pure destruction cause i coming through with a next group just now, real dreadd movements, so gears up, or get the f**k out of our way when we reach.
« on: December 28, 2006, 11:19:13 PM »
Chaos Legeon now challenges Yuwioh to an official showdown. state your time and place.
« on: November 03, 2006, 02:22:17 PM »
Cope with me people i typed this really fast. gotta go, latas.
« on: November 03, 2006, 02:18:40 PM »
hoss, not many know you and your family like the members of Chaos Legeon. We camped out there many night's before tournament. Your mother IS (Cause she still lives on with us) a very kind lady whom i will always respect. We stand by your side and share your grief and pain amongst the entire clan. Piece by piece this pain will slip away just as piece by piece a love for your mother has spreaded throughout this clan. I can't say what will happen on Sunday hoss, but i playing in memory of Mrs. Ballentyne, and so will everyon in chaos legeon. We not there for games this sunday fellas, everyone try to come out please, Chaos Legeon in full power sunday, with the spirit of Chicking and beer riding high. Condolences hoss. This sunday is for you.
With love and care, straight from the heart, we're always there, We'll never part, we'll light a way, For her to see, Her way to jesus, Her victory, don't stop to moan, over this void, But stand like a man, and make her proud, You're a legeonnaire, Stand tall with pride, She isn't gone, She lives inside.
R.I.P Mrs. Ballentyne
« on: November 03, 2006, 02:05:06 PM »
nah neo, heroes, beat down even aliens. But seriously fellas, who had the bright idea of making machines the most powerful and supported theme in yugioh. Anyone see the new machine cards coming. One of them has ancient gear golem effect, plus negate any trap that targets him, plus when he finishes attacking he destroys a trap or magic on opponents field, plus he's lv 4 with 1500/1600. WTF? There's another one who can boost his attack by 500 for each card he discards to the graveyard, up to 3 EACH TURN, YES EACH TURN, your opponents too, plus when he's destroyed you get to draw a card, then there's the gadgets, WTF man.
« on: October 24, 2006, 01:16:49 PM »
Ravi come on man, your hero deck can't possibly be better than mine, heh heh.
« on: October 01, 2006, 08:39:43 PM »
Ravi, if you can't cut it maybe you should leave the game. Maybe you should run with your tail between your leg like a lil girl, i mean u just can't seem to get 1st in your words. But between you and me you're one of the best duelists that i know and have come a very long way in a short period of time, and i believe that you can cut it, and if you play hard enough you'll win a tourney. There are duelists who would die for the chance just to play in the finals against, Rio, Me, Kajun Cliff or even yourself, so maybe you should take it as an honor to come 2nd, because so far most of d tournaments u come second in Chaos Legeon win, that only means that you've lost to the best, lol. There's always room for you in Chaos Legeon and candace too, lol. But if that happens, who will i have to look forward to playing against in tourneys, where will my driving competitive force go. Forget leaving hoss, you're needed around and needed in UWIOH as their champ and best duelist. When the going get's tough UWIOH gets Ravi, lol.
« on: September 25, 2006, 08:50:34 PM »
So you mean Chaotic of CHAOS LEGEON won, and kajun of CHAOS LEGEON took 3rd, and rio of CHAOS LEGEON took the overall tournament trophy. Wow i didn't see that coming,..............oh no wait i did, lol. better luck next year fellas, just keep praying and asking god, and maybe they'll make a new yugioh band list, All of Chaos Legeon, ha ha ha. Kudos to Ravi and Nick, and bloody hell, Reas and that damn insect shit. That bastard. Anyways, i did what i said i was going to do, so latas, and for all who doesn't know by now, Chaos Legeon rules yugioh, anything else is a shadow.
« on: August 31, 2006, 02:20:35 PM »
I seriously doubt that I'll be ablde to find this place, but I'll at;east try. Waiting to what the new bandlist has done to the other decks, good bye chaos sorceror, harder to run return now you bastards.
« on: June 21, 2006, 08:48:09 PM »
Aight ravi, bring your dragon deck before tournament and feel the power of the dragon master, dark magician
« on: June 21, 2006, 08:44:11 PM »
Ravi i might not bring blue eyes, but i'll be bringing a dragon, a very powerful one at thatt too, watch out now.
« on: June 14, 2006, 01:21:09 PM »
Ohh yeah i have to throw a lil shout out to meh boy zim who real perform sunday too, well done hoss.
« on: June 14, 2006, 01:19:47 PM »
Yes kerron at the top, right under me, rio and kajun, there'll be you, shinkuu, senissa, tano and dominic in any order you guys want. Thas a chaos legeon new goal. A big one to accomplish seeing as dominic, tano and senissa don't even have upperdeck numbers yet, but with the right push and in the right direction, they'll be on the list in a lil while. peace out.
« on: June 14, 2006, 01:15:58 PM »
yeah he wakes you up hero, not me, i can handle rio, most times. Yeah ravi i down for it, seriously, blue eyes deck for next tournament, me and you, this will be great. you reach there already hoss, you reach where it took me a good while longer to reach, the point where it doesn't matter what deck you run cause you know you can compete and you just wanna try to accomplish great thihngs, i with yuh on that one, blue eyes next tournament for sure, i'll start constructing it asap. Thanks for the compli too, it's good to know that my reputation still stands even though i kinda slow down the pace these days, giving other people a chance to shine, lol. Or maybe they just doing what you doing ravi and establishing their dominance in the game, for real . Nick put on a nice show on sunday too hoss, and i don't know how you does do it hoss, but i going to learn to shuffle like you hoss, you bastard you gave me real shit in 3rd round hoss.Bless up, i out for now.
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:26:51 AM »
hero your confidence gone sky high hoss, i like it, handling business like a true legeonnairre now, stirr the pot of fire,lol. We back to our good old provoking, chaos bring controversy stirring ways again, myua ha ha ha ha, step aside or get run over. New legeonnairres showing up for the tournament on july 2nd too.
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:23:34 AM »
Rio doesn't need or want to be appreciated here, he is THE GHETTO KING, and he knows it, everyone who is currently playing now also knows it, and hero when you posting in threads try and kinda read the date for it nah, this thread was up way before rio make it to the top position hoss but thas meh boy and he handling business. I must say Yuwioh is doing a great job so far also, but they'll have to work extra hard to catch up to us.
« on: June 06, 2006, 10:17:10 PM »
sorry i meant that i dissagree with the fiend decks there.
« on: June 06, 2006, 10:14:11 PM »
I dissagree with those zombie decks there, i'd rather run one more up to date with countering the deck styles out now. I mean necrofear is cool and everything but, not for this meta game style going down in this country right now, not at all.
Judgement of Anubis Judgement of Anubis Darkruler Hades Jinzo Cyber Dragon Cyber Dragon Cyber Dragon Breaker Mystic Tomato Archfiend Soldier Elite Goblin Attack Force Newdoria Sangan Faith Faith Night's Assailant Treeborn frog Kuriboh Exile Force D.D.Warrior Lady
Heavy Storm Typhoon Brain Control Brain Control Enemy Controller Enemy Controller Swords Crossout Crossout Premature Book of moon Scapegoats Graceful Charity pot of Averis
Torrential Call of the Haunted Waboku Royal decree Royal decree D.D. Virus
And there you have Balki's perfect Anti graveyard and effect fiend deck structure, whoever can build it will have some serious wins to look forward to in tournament, trust me.