Author Topic: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii  (Read 136859 times)

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2006, 12:02:24 AM »
that setup looks great if your playing CoD 3: Duck Hunt edition.

I'd like to see either of those guys do a circle strafe and shoot. lol


Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2006, 12:02:24 AM »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2006, 08:26:22 AM »
Well Baego the way I see it, you use the remote to control where you look and the analog attachment to move. Now if you think of it that way, then pushing up on the analog will move you forward, down==back, left==left strafe, right==right strafe. It's pretty much like a keyboard and mouse, save you can aim that much better (if yu have nice big screen of course). Strafing and aiming would be all too easy in fact. With any luck, if yuh duck you'll crouch on the screen too, and if yuh go prone fuh real, well yuh get the idea. I think this methodology would work well... not to mention be a blast to play, although you'll look like an idiot if someone eh know what yuh doing LOL. Maybe the Wii will revolutionise the FPS.

As for the no PC thing... that just down right SUCKS B@LL$ and @$$!!!! but I think I know where they coming from. It's MUCH harder to crack a game on a console. Well it's near impossible, what you do is crack the console to run burnt games. So if yuh think about it, they stand to lose less money in pirating on the consoles. Couple that with the fact that the consoles are running on IBM tech aka PowerPC derivatives and the cell (also has PowerPC tech inside). So it's not X86 and thus not a simple port from PC to console as it was in the past. THey are probably looking at the big picture, which is sales. Now I know ppl will argue that the PC has it's loyal fan base etc. True, and ppl might argue that all they have to do is use something like Steam...YUCK.... but true, but then just the same, yuh could prolly dowload COD3 direct 2 drive using Xbox live so really and truly, unfortunately... there is little reason (yet) to release the PC version. Maybe after a few months. Also they prolly have some agreement with MS, Sony and Nintendo to release the game on the consoles to boost their sales. It's not like the PC needs THAT much boost (though it's on the decline).

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2006, 08:40:41 AM »
ANalog stick to move yes. Worked with everything from Zelda to Mario to Metroid. Will work for this.

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2006, 10:08:38 AM »
if they want to prevent piracy on the PC, they can use starforce 4.  Haven't seen that cracked yet.

As for the circle strafing with those wii controllers, seeing/playing is believing.

Will get one (for [X]-Jin of course) and try that out.

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2006, 12:01:14 PM »
Didn't Shiv play it at E3??? what more proof of concept do you want?


Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2006, 12:01:14 PM »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2006, 12:51:17 PM »
ummmmm i read the article thingy

and umm. i see no reason why the mc game isnt on pc

they revamp the multiplayer and then DONT BRING IT TO PC????? WTF???

and cod mp is amongst our favy!!! why would they do this to us!! sooo stupid!!

omg did i say last? i meant ONLYYY!!!! FPS BELONGS ON PC!!

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2006, 01:12:50 PM »
ummmmm i read the article thingy

and umm. i see no reason why the mc game isnt on pc

they revamp the multiplayer and then DONT BRING IT TO PC????? WTF???

and cod mp is amongst our favy!!! why would they do this to us!! sooo stupid!!

omg did i say last? i meant ONLYYY!!!! FPS BELONGS ON PC!!
True bout PC, complete and utter @ss about Goldeneye64 being the only...just because it OLD people think it better. Because it is the doesnt mean its the best.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 01:14:22 PM by shivadee »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2006, 11:49:03 PM »
All of those are much more comfortably played with keyboard and mouse on the PC imo.

Without need for noob controller compensation.

So where as you could get a better COD experience on the PC easily with 8 PCs on a LAN and everyone sporting keyboard and could only sweat Golden Eye on your N64 console, with split screen to boot (yet still loved it....even though doom/quake was available on your PC)

That is what makes the game stand out!

I'm a big Halo2 fan (xbox exclusive) but would still quickly concede that the keyboard and mouse is better. Play it using a converter to boot.

Now that said, people like Xen Spartan have achieved AMAZING proficiency at FPS on the console with the controllers. So I'm not gonna say the thing isn't workable. It sure as hell is.

So don't get the wrong idea. I hope that Nintendo / the COD developers find a way to make those crazy controllers kick ass at FPS just that I can't see how.

The acid test is when it is in our grubby little hands.

W1ntry, I don't think Shivadee tested COD3 at E3 but correct me if wrong. no scene.

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2006, 12:13:56 AM »
Nope didnt play it. They had it for testing but you had to sign up for the LAN game which meant waiting, which i didnt have time for. I did test Red Steel though, and alyuh men have nothing to worry about from the demo i played. The control is tight and sensitive, not laggy atall. VERY responsive.
I would not say i dont think, i am saying it is certain that HALO 2 is NOT designed for PC. They release HALO on PC for money (is Microsoft)..same reason for HALO 2. And it is quite clear that HALO and HALO 2 will not be the most played games on PC. The game is too slow for PC mouse/kb standards, h3ll even FPS PC standards. The game was specifically made with the XBOX controler and only the XBOX controler in mind. BXR and BXB mele attack is quite simply made for the controler. All FPS games now that come out for that platform are compared to the HALO 2 control scheme. I would go even FURTHER and say that fans of HALO 2 have problem playing and sometimes even CARING about a game that f*cks up their rhythm of how they play on LIVE with HALO 2, because of the controler. now HOW you going to convince all these people on LIVE that love HALO 2 just as it is? with words? dread that not goin to work. It is set is stone, that game meant for XBOX. Is like PC getting the works fine, looks better....but is not the same atall. A different experience. and because of that said different experience, that game will never be noticed on the PC.

Now we had this controler argument many times before. the mouse/kb IS THE ultimate combo for FPS SAVE HALO 2, and for the sake of this thread I cannot understand why COD 3 is console only...but hold strain with HALO 2. I may not be as good as Xen atall, but i guarantee it have men out there far better in the MLG league that have perfected that controler better than any man on a keyboard can, but ONLY for HALO 2, nothing else. One of the guys in my class is in the league, has full sponsorship to HALO 2 tourneys in the US, rakes in 25 grand a year....he changes his name regular....but usually on LIVE he goes by Retro. MLG rules for HALO 2, most Elites (melon heads), no mouse/kb.

Personally i welcome the inovation. I love consoles, i love PC's..but for me the inovation lies in the Wii and the PC. The PS3 and 360 are satisfying the general gamer market, out to make money with generic games. LAN parties on PC's are the best actually. However, personally speaking, i could never go to a cafe and LAN all night and enjoy myself like i could at home with 4 TV's, 4XBOX"s and 16 padnas. A PC LAN, PROPERLY set up at someone's house is the absolute bomb, and i only had the pleasure of that happening in Trini ONCE.

1. Not everyone has the money to build a gaming PC

2. It is just much easier to organise a console sweat, anywhere actually, it doesnt have to be in a gaming cafe. Everybody have a TV, and it much easier to get an XBOX controler borrow or even a console than a whole gaming PC (if you dont have one)...again, personally i hate playing in gaming cafe's.

Bottom line.....its the price you pay for Ultimate FPS gaming...and most people cannot afford it. Its true... high level (not just regular) PC gamers are l33t. However i dont consider someone's opinion on anything with game inovation (like this COD3 on the Wii) when they restrict themselves to one console or platform. They restrict and end up stagnating themselves to that platform. Its fine for someone who just likes to play games, of course...its all about preference and fun. But i simply cannot care to listen to someone who is attempting to lecture me on a console or games inovation in such a restricted state....atall, worse yet if they under the delusion that their single preference is better BECAUSE simply put when it comes to inovation there is no BETTER platform..its just better games, and we not only talking about the Wii. I am not an RPG fan , but you see me blazing WoW tail. When a game good it just good, wah you go do? i dont restrict myself to anything...if a game good i playing it. That is game;s and i love pleasant surprises.
I am sure the COD 3 on the Wii will not match the graphics of the 360 or the PS3, but i am sure it is going to be hella more entertaining.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:43:29 AM by shivadee »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2006, 01:10:40 AM »
whoa....what a rant.

I hope that was not directed at me Shiv because you know I own all the consoles (previous generation and those before that) as well as a gaming PC.

My opinion comes with a real appreciation of both sides of the fence. Take it from a man who plays street fighter on a PS2 with a Sega Genesis controller! (seriously)

Well let me not run off topic too much here.....glad to hear that the Wii controller was very responsive because that was the #1 concern.

From the exposure, do you think it would match the xbox controller in terms of competitive FPS action? Or is it only gonna accomodate a Duck Hunt type, moms and pops FPS play style?

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2006, 09:48:31 AM »
Na not at u B. On one side you killing Titan Quest, then Naruto Gekito 4 then is HALO 2 then Tekken. And I do notice that any game that is out, whatever the genre, if you hear it good, well yuh hadda check it out. There are people on the forum who prefer a certain genre, play competitively (or want to) and that is fine. However for myself I am always open to ideas, from anyone, the casual gamer to the hardcore. However, I simply cant take someone seriously who tries to say "i want to make a game for everyone to play" or "in my game you can do anything" - what....a crock....of sh!t. You do tend to hear these statements from those that play certain styles of games (TEND to..not always). However i have NEVER really heard a stupid statement from someone who says "to #ss with fanboyism" i go play everything, and i think maybee........ . Those people i tend to listen to more. Ignorance is simply stagnation of inovation.

The Wii is specifically directed to the crowd of veteran gamers and the people that dont play games. In all the Wii advertisments the chracacteristics of the gamer you see are not of the "hardcore" type. so no, it isnt for hardcore gamers. Honestly i think its a brilliant move. Competitive.....i am not certain offhand that nintendo even has or ever HAD pro competitiveness in mind....with any of their games. In every single Miyamoto interview he says "I want it to be fun", same with some of the other producers at Nintendo Takashi Tezuka (who helped in Sunshine and Zelda as producer) , Ryoichi Kitanishi who helped produce 1000 year old door. All this is inovation, However we do know that gamers MAKE the game competitive, even though its not. Its like a secondary function of a game that is targeted to a certain crowd.

How much ppl you know play Konga Beat competitively....but there are some out there. But more than likely people who like that game just love it because it is.....FUN TO PLAY....again what the boss himself said.

HOWEVER, Ubisoft and Red Steel, Activision and COD3, well these are 3rd party companies. Of course Nintendo would like their 3rd party support, but we all know....they dont NEED it, it is nice to have though of course. If their aim is for competition or not, well can only guess. I would imagine so though. COD is a competion level game, and Activision has more experience than ALL of us put together to know what the h3ll it is they are doing.

Personally i think its competition only in a loose sense, like a sweat. But you know gamers today.......they make competition out of rolling roti if they could.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 09:55:40 AM by shivadee »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2006, 10:05:41 AM »
lol @ rolling roti.

perfect answer.

So we not expecting any major league CoD 3 Wii tournaments anytime soon with big cash prizes. That verocity will remain on the PC / XBOX side of the fence.

Nothing wrong with that.

Nintendo has, as you said, always taken the fun route. Respect 'em for it.

They do manage to slip out a few fiercely competitive titles once in a while (kart racing, tennis, etc...) but still more on the fun side.

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2006, 12:56:01 PM »
-Each person wants to believe they are a hardcore gamer, or ultimate gamer...or a wtf ever gamer. A harcore gamer could consider themselves from someone who plays plenty games, to someone who playes only one genre of game. You can be someone who runs a game like Tekken into the ground and loves it, learning combos, attack styles and such. then you can be considered to be hardcore by others as someone who just plays alot of games. However, usually those that consider them hardcore gamers, usually dont play much games themselves and so would obviously think you are hardcore. Of course you can also play games of any kind day and night or whenever you can and be hardcore...any genre....once the game good. Its a broad spectrum. Thats why games have target niches all the time, so do platforms.

-Nope the platform of choice does not mattter. You can be a hardcore Zelda or mario fan as MANY people are, and be hardcore.

-Not necessarily picking up and playing. Someone can pickup and play a game like Tekken and have fun, and not learn half the moves in the game, same for HALO 2 in a LAN party, same for a game like Mario Kart.

-Right now they may be. But the Wii is something that has everyones attention and this is simply because its inovative. Inovation always redifines something, a genre, a game and this case the kind of gamer.

You can also go into detail....describing the games you find people gaming for 10 years and comparing it to the people playing 10+ years....Usually the "vetteran" gamers who have started on the NES and some before tend to spot a game being generic a mile away. Others who started in the mid SNES and PSOne days....they have plenty to learn. What they seing is glitzy rehashed games, and we all know this....some of them work, others dont.  After meeting quite a few ppl in the industry, it is very clear vetteran gamers themselves know more about games than most of them.

Playing Lost Planet i spoke to the developer about its similarities to THE THING that came out early in the PS2/XBOX/GCN era. HE dindt even know what the hell i was talking that game, although it seems great....does have remnants of THE THING. Especially the susceptibility  to cold. That is one example....there were others...some of these people, fellas we better off in their place. They dont even want to be liek is a job they just get.

on a side note (ADD kicking in) OMG.....i just watched the Knight Rider vs KARR episode.....yes yes i am getting it and yes Laertes yuh getting a copy. and yes anyone else that want one can get a copy when i come home later next month LOL

COD from E3
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 03:58:54 PM by shivadee »

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2006, 12:24:30 PM »
update on hardware:
Wii console specs unveiled

Wii leaks trickle out

By Dean Pullen: Tuesday 01 August 2006, 09:43

 THE NINTENDO WII has always appeared to be a souped-up Gamecube, and the latest alleged specs from a Wii developer seem to support this further.
Leaked specs via Max Console and further discussion from Spong give us a very good understanding of what's going to appear in our Wii. Below is a synopsis of the information given to the news sites by the various industry insiders.

CPU (Broadway)

Superscalar microprocessor with six execution units (floating-point unit, branching unit, system register unit, load/store unit, two integer units)
Operating speed of 729 MHz
Bus to main memory: 243 MHz, 64 bits (maximum bandwidth: 1.9 gigabytes/sec)
32-kilobyte 8-way set-associative L1 data cache (can set up 16-kilobyte data scratch pad)
Onboard 256-kilobyte 2-way set-associative L2 integrated cache
Supports three L2 cache fetch modes: 32, 64, and 128-Byte
DMA unit (15-entry DMA request queue) used by 16-kilobyte data scratch pad
Write-gather buffer for writing graphics command lists to the graphics chip

GPU (Hollywood )
Operating speed of 243 MHz
3 megabytes of embedded graphics memory
24 megabytes of internal main memory
Internal main memory operates at 486 MHz
Maximum bandwidth between GPU and main memory: 3.9 gigabytes per second
The GPU of the Wii is identical to the GC's but it is on average 1.5X faster

Other details
64megabytes of GDDR3 external main memory
Internal non-removable 512MB flash memory used as storage for game save data and downloadable content
The following interfaces are included with the Wii: SD card slot, Wireless controller, two USB 2.0 ports, wireless LAN, 4x GC controller ports, 2x GC memory card slots and an AV multi output jack (analogue only)
Two main disc types supported the single sided 12cm single sided 4.7gb and the double sided 8.51 GB. Nintendo GC discs also supported. The maximum read speed is the equivalent of a 6 speed DVD
Interesting stuff, but it only confirms what was originally known - the Wii is a vast under performer compared to the likes of the PS3 and Xbox 360. Nintendo are attempting to differentiate the Wii with its remote-control-esque controllers and unique games, and hoping its expected UK price tag of £149.99 will enamour games kiddies, young and old. µ

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #54 on: August 03, 2006, 10:20:39 AM »
Does anyone know which companies are going to release games for the Virtual Console? So far, I have heard of just Nintendo and Sega officially. Granted, that is already a ton of games but I would like to hear some notables like Square, Konami, Capcom, etc. I wonder also if the experience of playing those games on the Wii will be as good as playing them on the original consoles. I mean, there really is nothing quite like picking up a NES controller and playing Super Mario Bros. or a Genesis controller and playing Sonic. I have an internal debate on whether I should re-purchase an old console just to play those couple games every so often or just download them on the Wii. Ebay doesn't help that situation. Yes, I know about emulation and I have probably every game ever released but it just isn't the same. :mellow:

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #55 on: August 04, 2006, 04:04:41 PM »

Screen Shots here of Ubi Soft Titles coming to Wii. Graphics are subpar for Next Gen in my opinion. But then again, gameplay should be fun.

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #56 on: September 08, 2006, 02:47:08 PM »
First Wii CPUs shipped

Wii lies down on Broadway

By Nick Farrell: Friday 08 September 2006, 15:15

BIGGISH BLUE said that it has sent off the first Broadway CPUs which are to be installed in the Nintendo Wii.
IBM is producing millions of fully tested, Power Architecture-based chips featuring IBM Silicon on Insulator technology at 90 nanometres. This is supposed to give the Wii a 20 per cent reduction in energy consumption and a boost in power over IBM’s previous Gekko chip.

A spokesNintendo has confirmed that the outfit now has the chips and will start sticking them under the bonnet of the Wii right away.

More at Gamasutra. µ

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #57 on: September 08, 2006, 09:03:28 PM »
Exciting news W1nTry, you deserve a point. LOL

btw, what going on with TSTT? Any luck getting connected yet?

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2006, 05:11:21 PM »
Folks the wii is comming out in october!!!

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Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2006, 07:42:40 PM »
Kiya where did u hear that
Guess who's back. Not me. :|


Re: Everything Wii want to know about Nintendo Wii
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2006, 07:42:40 PM »


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