Author Topic: The Outlaw's Hitch-Hiking Guide to the Galaxy! (a.k.a. Aliens are your friends!)  (Read 1641 times)

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Greetings, fellow Earthlings!

This is your friendly neighbourhood cowboy here, with a new article that nobody gives a rat's bare a shot in the arm for the terminally ill Duelist Central section (and boy, does it need it.)

So, I'm going to seize about two minutes of your time and talk a bit about a deck that I personally believe has a lot of potential (despite the fact that Machines and Dark World out class it by a good bit), the Aliens.

First of all, you may ask, "What exactly are the Aliens all about, anyway?"
Well, just like Gravekeepers, Toons and Dark World monsters, Aliens are another monster genre in Yu-Gi-Oh! that revolve around a particular theme. Toons, for example, focus on direct attacks on your opponent's LP. Gravekeepers, focus on swarming and keeping your opponent's mitts off of his Graveyard. So, what do Aliens have, exactly?

Quite a few things, actually, but, most of all, the A-Counters.

Now, for those of you that don't know what these are, A-Counters basically drop your opponent's monster's ATK and DEF by 300 when an Alien monster battles with it after Damage Calculation. In other words, get enough on a monster and beat them down with a fully powered Alien, while their attack drops like a stone.
However, A-Counters have other nifty effects as well, namely:

- Allows Alien Hunter to attack again once he destroys said monster. Believe you me, get several of these on your hapless opponent's monsters, and Hunter's going to go all "BANZAAAAAAI!!" on their a**es. Think Black Luster Soldier, here.

-Allows Alien Mother to pummel and seize A-Counter infected monsters. Jinzo? Mine. Moby? Mine. Cyber Dragon? Got 5 of them already, but I always have room for one more.....YOURS. Mwee, hee, hee. :wacko:

-Allows Brainwashing Beam to act as a Snatch Steal, at least for a turn.

-Negates infected Monster Card effects when used as a combo with Alien Mars (NO, not a foreign candy bar, you morons.)

-Spirit Reaper, meet thine doom! (A-Counters target, nyah, nyah, nyah.)

Nifty, eh?
Now, you're probably wondering, "Well, gorsh golly GEE! Where can I gets me some of them thar fancy-shmancy Alien counter thingamabobs?"

Well, first off, I'd most likely pistol whip you for talking like that. But I digress.
Secondly, you can get Alien counters from the effects of several different cards that run with the theme, (Alien Warrior, Alien Grey and Corruption Cell "A", just to name a few.)

Thirdly, if you're talking about actual, real-life counters, I'd suggest you'd do what I did and fish out your old Pokemon Gift Box and use the Damage Counters they include. Otherwise, you can use what you can come up with....bottle caps, paper bits, severed fingers....whatever.

So, ready to delve into the world of the Aliens?
Here's your personal hitch-hiking guide to the galaxy as to what you should (and probably should not) look at when going Alien hunting:


Alien Warrior- Definitely a staple for this deck. Not only does it have a pretty decent 1800 ATK, but it also plants 2 A-Counters on whatever beats it down in battle, which practically sets it up for another Alien Warrior or an Alien Hunter to slap the taste from its mouth. On top of that, it combos well with Crop Circles should it be targeted, or you want to extend the beatdown (I'll explain more on this card further down.) Include 3 in your deck, it's a MUST-HAVE.

Alien Grey - Draw power, tosses an A-Counter on a hapless monster when flipped, and fodder for cards like Orbital Bombardment and Crop Circles (when used in tandem with another Level 4 monster in the case of the latter, that is.) Sure, there is the downside that you have to flip it AND send it to the Graveyard as a result of battle to draw, but that can happen quite a few times, if not often. Run 3, since you will need worthwhile Aliens to serve as bait for Orbital Bombardment.

Cosmic Horror Gangi'el - The big boss of the deck, boasting a very decent 2600 ATK, and the ability to plant A-Counters each turn on the fly (Spirit Reaper, I'm looking at you.) What really makes this card awesome is the fact that if you use an opponent's monster on your side of the field (just a heads up for those of you wanting to go "SOUL EXCHANGE MWA HA HAAAAAA!!!", it doesn't work that way.), you only need ONE tribute. Or, you can go one better, and just dump it in the Graveyard to play Premature Burial on it. Either way, this card works well with the theme, despite the fact that it's not really an Alien (No 'Alien' in its name.) Run 2, or 1, depending on how many Tributes you want running amuck in your deck.

Alien Hunter- Not as poweful as Alien Warrior, and probably just so-so without A-Counters to work with. However, its real potential lies with just how many A-Counters you managed to plant on your opponent's monsters. Once it destroys an infected monster, it can attack again. And if that next monster's also infected, it can attack yet again. It's like an Energizer keeps going and going and going....


I'd suggest you run 2 at most, though. 1's too little to take advantage of A-Counters and the trap cards, and 3's too many, since you're obviously going to want room for 3 Alien Warriors over it.

Alien Mother- Anything she kills with an A-Counter becomes yours at the end of the Battle Phase. Basically, a big Red Moon Baby. Use this effect wisely, though, because once she's gone, her captives FLEE. I'd suggest you run just one, to make room for a Monarch or a Jinzo. 2300's not going to survive long against either.

Crop Circles- YES. Staple, and then some for this deck. The card basically allows you to dump any number of monsters from your side of the field to the Graveyard, and summon any Alien with the same number of Level Stars as the total number of Level Stars you threw out. To make things simple, if I throw out a Lvl 3 monster and a Lvl 1 monster (Lily and Treeborn for those of you who want me to be more specific,) I get to summon an Lvl 4 Alien monster, since 1+3=4. Simple maths. By this logic, you can practically swap a Lvl 4 for another Lvl 4, also, which is where the combo potential comes in. To get down to the nitty gritty, Crop Circles:

1) Encourages deck thinning, perfect fuel for cards like Pot of Avarice.

2) Prevents target effects from getting off. Brain Control my Breaker? Crop Circles, and substitute for an Alien Warrior. Since you targeted Breaker, all you get is NOTHING. Nobleman of Crossout on my Alien Grey? Crop Circles and substitute it for another. Once again, you get NOTHING. As long as you have Aliens in your deck, and this on the field, your opponent will be wasting those cards, because he clearly expected to wipe your defenses out with those moves.

3) Combo potential. Let's say that I attack with a face-up Alien Hunter and Alien Warrior directly. What's this? You're not stopping it? Say I've run out of monsters to attack? Fine, fine..... Crop Circles. I'll toss that Alien Hunter that just chopped 1600 LP off of you, and summon Alien Warrior (the first of which shaved 1800 earlier). Since I haven't ended my Battle Phase, he can attack you just fine. Take 1800. What, what, what? You say, "FAH, I've seen worse. Yuh end?", and I will say "Balderdash, old bean!" and play Crop Circles, tossing the Alien Warrior that just attacked you and summoning another yet AGAIN. "HAVE AT YOU!", I will say, as he probes you for another 1800. Now, I see you're getting rather annoyed. Oh, my friend. You haven't SEEN annoyance YET. I'll play my last Crop Circles, switch out the very first Alien Warrior I put on the field, and summon my next Alien Hunter, and strike you for 1600! For those of you keeping score at home, that's 1800+1600+1800+1800+1600=8600 damage! I take a solemn bow for a game well played, and then....oh, my. Extending your finger like that at me is certainly not gentlemanly behaviour, my good man. Oh well. =P

However, that's really wishful thinking on my part, but that's to show you the pure damage potential this card can do. At most, however, you can eke out about 3600 LP worth of damage with this combo in mind when you have a clear shot at your opponent, which is a little below half, and more damage than a Lily could inflict in one turn (sans the cost. Yowch.) Also, if you attack and get hit by a Magic Cylinder, just swap the monster for an Alien in your deck, and you can carry on, because Magic Cylinder's target is gone, hence, no damage done to you.

I personally run 2, but you are free to run 3 if you want. Excellent card, for many reasons.

Orbital Bombardment- Combos just like Crop Circles to a lesser extent, but you get to nuke one Spell or Trap card on the field at the cost of your Alien. To me, it's like this....once your opponent decides to play sassy and tribute your Alien for Mobius, just do like Rayden and go "ALI BAH BAH YAY!!" and sacrifice your Alien to nuke one of his Traps. No Tribute for your opponent, and one of his resources on the field is gone. Run about 2.


Alien Mars- Basically, a Skill Drain on any A-Counter infected monster, in monster form. Could be useful for killing a Sangan or a D.D. Warrior Lady that's been bothering you. To me knowledge, though, the most dangerous monsters are those that are face down. Still, pretty interesting...if it had a higher attack, I might have considered it.

Brainwashing Beam - Yeah, yeah, I know. Uses A-Counters, acts like a Snatch Steal....why don't I consider it? Because of several things. The biggest achilles heel of this card is the fact that it's a continuous Trap Card. Not only does it nerf Treeborn Frog when you might really, REALLY need it, but it's WAY too vulnerable to Jinzo/Mobius/MST/Breaker. On top of that, you'll have to remove A-Counters after each turn the monster is yours, and, knowing how this game runs, you'd most likely have just 1. However, in its defense, I will say that it's a very good surprise Snatch Steal on your opponent's turn. Definitely not going to expect that, is he? Still....

Flying Saucer Muusik'i - And, just what are aliens without a spaceship, eh? Though, to be honest, this batch might just be better off. True, it does come with a Freed-like effect of fetching Aliens, but that stats for this card are really bad for a level 5. 1000 ATK and 2000 DEF doesn't warrant you summoning this card face-up, and by the time you get around to putting it face-up, it's probably not going to be around long enough for you to get true advantage out of this card. If only, ONLY it was a level 4. As is, I really don't recommend it.


Alien Infiltrator- Interesting card, yes, but way too technical for my liking. It involves your opponent having a blank monster card space and an adjacent Spell/Trap card space behind it, and you moving the monster to that spot opposite it to.....attack directly. You know, that would be dandy if it was about 1600 ATK at least, but 800? Why don't I just use a Rainbow Flower instead? >=(

Alien Skull- Ick, NO. Chances are, that Lvl 3 you'll be Tributing is either Spirit Reaper or Sangan. Either way, you'll only make things worse, because you'll be giving up your summon for the turn AND giving them a monster. I think there are better ways to put A-Counters on monsters, don't you? Run ZEROOOO.

Corruption Cell "A" - If this was a Quick-Play Spell Card, it could work with Aliens since you're dropping attacks on the fly, but as is, way too slow to be effective. PASS.


Brain Control: For Cosmic Horror Gangi'el, you can't go wrong with just 1 Tribute.

Pot of Avarice: With all of the dumping you'll be doing with this deck, this can be easily pulled off, and net you back some resources.

Last Will: If you don't know why this is here, go play Pac-Man or something. Did you forget Crop Circles and Orbital Bombardment? HEL-LOOOOO, Staple?

So, for now, that's it.
I'll put up a deck later, but if you've ever decided to venture into the unknown reaches of the galaxy, then you have a first hand guide to some good old Alien hunting!
Happy trails, folks, and.....wait.

What's that?


« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 07:19:00 PM by New_Era_Outlaw »


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Re: The Outlaw's Guide to the Stars Above (a.k.a. Aliens are your friends!)
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 05:22:05 PM »

and here i thought that the vast amount of cards present was diluting the game and making it not only too hard to keep on top of, but also depreciating the worth and usefullness of any deck yu have, i.e no deck is worth its salt for more than a month or 2, but these aliens seem fun.

Lol, interesting story, i picked up my second box, i have a blue one and a gold one, and i thought the gold one was empty, i had originally got it to store my side deck, lol only to find a perfectly good spell caster deck there, i was wda! when did i buy these cards?? lol

still dont get to duel in the west though :(

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i propose we get a few ppl to write deck articles at least twice a month, and eventually once a week kinda like metagame, i think thats the only way to get duelist central out of the grave, this is a start but we should all discuss a writing team, my e-mail is
I'm miserable without you, its almost as if you were here...



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