"According to someone on AS[AnimeSuki?], the last pic is Itachi surviving Sasuke's jutsu and preparing his trump card against chakra less Sasuke, so maybe it will last a little while more. (even if the cloak means Itachi will die).And can't wait for a translation of Itachi's lines.""as the far as the images concren, we don't even know for sure what's going...just all pure speculation...but one thing's for sure: Sasuke does have an "exclamation" mark in his quotes, meaning he's shocked by something unexpected..."
ゼツ「天照と同じかわす事が出来ない術?Zetsu: An unavoidable jutsu like Amaterasu?一体どんな術だ?」What in the world is this jutsu?空から雷鳴がなる!Thunder comes forth from the skyゼツ「そうかさっきのサスケの火遁はこの為か!Zetsu: I see. That last Katon of Sasuke was for this!どういう事?What's the meaning of this?あの火遁攻撃の狙いははなからイタチじゃなかったことだ!That Katon attack wasn't ever meant for Itachi in the first place!わざと火遁を空にうちあげて大気を急激に暖めて上昇気流を発生させたのだ!積乱雲、つまり雨雲 を作った!He shot the Katon into the sky on purpose, causing an updraft through the sudden heating of the atmosphere. This created a cumuloninbus cloud, or in layman's terms, a rain cloud!己のチャクラではなく、膨大な大気のエネルギーを利用して らいとんの術を行う気だ!とにかく人間がチャクラから性質変化で作るものとは規模が違うぞ」It's not done with his own chakra. Rather, he uses the energy of the vast atmosphere to perform what would be the Raiton technique! Granted, the scope of this is on a different level than what people create from "nature manipulation".
Sasuke: This jutsu is made of lightnings falling from the sky. I’ll guide em to you.Zetsu: Just as I thought… Off course it can’t be dodged… They’re faster than the speed of sound!Sasuke: This jutsu is called “Kirin”.Sasuke: Get lost with the thunders!Sasuke raises is hand. A dragon shaped lightning hits Itachi. Itachi lies on the ground.Zetsu: Itachi… is dead?Sasuke: It’s over… (he draws back the sharingan).Itachi: So… Wasn’t it meant to be the realization of my death?Sasuke: Sh*t!Itachi is wearing some kind of armour…Itachi: Without this I wouldn’t be in this world anymore…You really grew strong, Sasuke… Time to show you my last technique… It’s called Susanoo…
ohhh ladd this eries going real bad dude but wheeeyy @ incorporating culture and mythology into modern cultrue forms...