Sorry to burst your bubble, Q, but MK Secrets already beat you to about 2 years.Also.....hate to nitpick, but when doing a video....I'm really sorry, but that wall of text is annoying. It was like a minute of reading somebody's life story and 30 seconds of gameplay. you should really abridge your text to a bare minimum (five seconds should do, and if you must use text in between, overlap the text at the bottom of the screen during gameplay, like you did during the Reptile part.)One last thing.....change that music. The Samurai Shodown theme at the beginning of every one of your vids is getting repetitive, and it's extremely grating on the ears....ow.Once again, sorry.
Awesome stuff as always, rb.Okay, guys remember 'Captain Planet', right?Well, somebody uploaded the first episode right here. ....however, that's not the reason I'm putting this up.You see, I found something....very interesting about this particular episode.But, rather than kill it for you now, I'll give you guys a little test.Ready?1) Load that video.2) Hit the Play button.3) At 4:10, hit 'Pause'.Tell me what you see. If you'd like a hint, it's NSFW, so be warned!EDIT: Just to clear things up, NO, it's not a screamer.