Just an update, and some surpising news too (the whole R600 being an AMD Radeon X2xxx.....)
DAAMIT acquisition final by Octoberfesttime
End of it
By Fuad Abazovic in the Bosnian wilds: Thursday 07 September 2006, 21:24
WE LEARNED that AMD should finish the acquisition of ATI technologies by the end of October 2006.
There won't be ATI as a different company - there will only be AMD from that day on. AMD will keep the Radeon and many other productions and add it to its veritable slew of products. AMD will keep the ATI brand for a while but its future is far from being solid and certain.
The two companies and their management are in constant talks and chit chats and the first talks of ATI Europe and AMD took place a few weeks back. The two companies want to keep the best people from both companies and we can bet that the employees - especially on ATI’s side - are getting jitters about its future.
RD600, RV570 and RV560 might be the last products that ATI plans to launch on its own and the big mighty R600 graphic chip will be introduced by AMD but I can assure you even with AMD behind the wheel - things won’t change drastically as most people will stay in their chairs. And thrones. µ