It is a beta so those issues will hopefully be ironed out. Did not get a chance to download the beta again, has it changed significantly from the last time?
MAG is sweet. It really required teamwork. I love MW2 but this is a welcome change. Hopefully I can find some people who willing to adjust to the game. GET YOUR MICS PEOPLE! I find sniping very difficult though. Guess I have to aim for the head more cuz body shots dont do much.
I want to give it a chance eh Blu_Vice...I really do, because I am a Zipper fan from long time with the SOCOM games on PS2,but this beta needs to give ME a chance to play it so that I can give IT a chance to impress me. I dunno what kinda superconnection you have there, but how come I didn't get these connection issues and/or lag, with Bad Company 2?Its baffling, to say the least.I'm sorry, but Bad Company 2 set the bar VERY high. The only thing this game has going for it now is the numbers.I know you want this game to succeed. I do too, but I feel Zipper just aint quite there yet.I got into exactly TWO games, and I must say that graphically...BIG improvement over the closed beta.I can actually hit what I shoot at now. I still need to get accustomed to the ballistics of this game,so more time is necessary...that is...WHEN I could actually get into a game. Still, I see lots of improvement.Deploying via parachute is a nice touch. I guess some of the bigger maps will include helicopters, right?I'll try again a little later, but while I do have a lot of is finite.
A Michael Jackson PS3 yes.Well we reach.* cues Iwer *
Here’s what we have:Before the end of the beta on January 10, there were well over a million downloads (860,000 in North America alone) of the MAG beta client worldwide.Of the 619,000+ people who gained at least one point of experience, 52,846 of them qualified for Squad Leader, 10,249 people qualified for Platoon Leader, 3,181 warriors made it all the way to OIC, and a mere 143 diehard soldiers made it to the level 60 experience cap.The breakdown of PMC preference ended up like this: Valor – 38.7%, Raven – 37.2%, SVER – 24.1%Who won the Beta 5.0 Shadow War? Despite their smaller numbers, SVER took the Sabotage war – barely edging out Raven. Meanwhile, Valor took the Domination title; narrowly escaping a loss to Raven’s flock.More than 225 years worth of battles were played out over the week — with an average of 3.2 hours played per person.For the third beta period in a row, of all PSN users who participated in our testing phase, chennault2424 was the most prolific – he earned nearly 110,000 XP; making his grand total for the last three testing periods in excess of 360,000 experience points.Though chennault was the top guy, the remaining Top 5 list of players included My_Digital_Enemy, gomi-bukuro (jp), basquasher (jp), and Behike (jp).