cross game voice chat, now we're talking.I'd appreciate a faster and more intuitive way to join your friends game from the xmb moreso than launching home.Its cool but just a bit too slow.
Next up...abolish this Home foolishness and integrate the social aspects of that right intothe XMB (kinda like XBL nah )
LOL.... wtf is that blu_vice, don't stay "screw valve"
L4D not good as a sp game, my cuz hav it an he doh hav xbl. game is rubbish playing by urself and AI. its a 4 player mp game not a sp 1. and yes screw valve mainly gabe newell and his ps3 too hard bs.
* sigh * Blu_Vice...Sony needs to start paying you for all the PR that you do for them.When I say something about the PS3, or PSN, its because I too would like to seeprogress. Home, in my opinion is not progress. It is totally unnecessary, and a pain to use....and whats wrong with trinis wanting to play with other trinis online? To me that's very social.Just another avenue to extend the T&T 'liming' culture.You keep bitching incessantly about 'trinis who doh like to play online'. I know a lot who do...regularly.Did you ever consider that they might prefer not to play online with you?Maybe when you finally get your Xbox 360, and join the thriving XBL online community, your attitude might change.
I pray for the day when you're singing praises to your online gaming brethren. I pray that day comes soon.
PS3 hardware sales rise 30% following price cutSony finally announced the 120GB "PS3 Slim" last week at GamesCom for $299, but also announced an immediate price drop for the current 80GB PS3 model to the same price point. As expected, sales have increased this week but it is clear that many consumers are waiting for the new model before making the jump.We have compiled our latest Americas hardware data for the week ending 22nd August and in the three days following the price cut, daily PS3 hardware saw around a 30% increase. Overall, sales are up a modest 12% week on week (and sales have been down significantly the last few weeks) - so maybe not as large a boost as many had expected. The reasons for this are twofold: 1. Consumers are waiting for the new model PS3 which launches on September 1st 2. Stocks of the existing model are starting to become quite low in the US - indeed the entire reason for the price cut is to get rid of the last of the stock to make way for the new model.In those same three days, preorders for the slimline PS3 were actually greater than sales for the current PS3, with each day larger than the previous. If this pattern continues, preorders could top 60,000 in America alone by this time next week - suggesting a week one of around 100,000. The same week, Microsoft lowers the Elite price to $299 to match the slimline PS3. Recent Xbox 360 sales in the Americas have been around 60,000 so we expect PS3 to be ahead of 360 for a couple of weeks but it will be interesting to see where both consoles settle.Similar increases have been seen across Europe, Japan and Other regions, but far bigger increases are expected in September when the new model arrives. We project that September sales worldwide will be around double that of August - around 600,000 units. This will be the first time in 2009 that Sony posts a year on year increase.
Ah boy...Sony goin an make a MONEY. Its about time too. They take plenty lix for almost pricingthemselves out of the market.I hope some of the ridiculous local prices will see a drop too. (Especially from certain, *ahem* 'Power Sellers')