Author Topic: If only 'walking' protest action worked in T&T as it does in Ireland  (Read 1630 times)

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Imagine the residents of chatam+ other concerned individuals walked from chatam to POS and the government is still sticking its fingers in its ears and spinning round in mud whilst patting itself over the back for all of OUR hard earned money being spent on stadiums and putting their kids thru college abroad. BUt the MERE IDEA of a man walking to protest poor customer service from apple insighted Apple to give him a better replacement for his old iMac than was originally requested by said protestor. I think our government and SERVICE INDUSTRY (or lack thereof) in T&T should take eg. :
Walking Irishman beats Apple

Outfit turns pastel pink with embarrassment

By Steve Nosejob: Wednesday 23 August 2006, 14:47

 APPLE'S IRELAND office has finally said sorry to a bloke who had threatened to walk across Ireland to protest about the Cappuccino outfit’s shocking customer service.
Karl Hayden’s ten month-old iMac crashed on July 14 and after several botched attempts to fix it, Apple agreed to replace the computer on 14 August.

Then it failed to pick it up.

Hayden threatened to carry out a "walk of shame" from Dublin to Cork, which is the location of his nearest Apple repair centre and a sodding long way. His big idea was that if he told the media about the walk, it would embarrass Apple as well as gain attention for his plight.

It looks like Apple saw a PR nightmare coming and decided to do something to head it off at the pass.

According to Macworld, Hayden received an apology, a replacement 2GHz iMac Intel Core Duo with 512MB and additional memory to match the broken iMac, which had 2GB installed. µ


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Re: If only 'walking' protest action worked in T&T as it does in Ireland
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 11:47:44 AM »
O.o i would walk from here to mc ireland to get a free core 2 duo imac pro :(

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Re: If only 'walking' protest action worked in T&T as it does in Ireland
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 10:46:43 PM »
That is the kind of customer service response we NEED so desperately.... not that we should have to resort to placard protests to get  good customer service.

But this socitey is so fickle. something happen... you go to the papers... a big hoorah for a week and then nothing after that.

The 'defedant' can literally aford to say, " Steups!! let him go on TV and de papers. In 2 or 3 days everybody go forget about he!!"

The gov't say stores cannot display "No Refund"  signs instore yet I see it all the time. If you have a dispute you quite literally have to go to Consumer Affairs and then an attorney for redress. And even then like bad customer service ent fraid dat.

I remember personally how a T$TT so-called customer service rep SHOUT at me over the phone while i politely asking her to clarify an issue I had while paying to get my land line installed.  I in the middle of quoting a line form a TSTT flyer I didn't understand and she just shouted, "YOUR BILL!!" It took a call to a personal friend inside to get the info I wanted. I sorry I didn't ask for her supervisor and demand she be fired.

I really dunno if the customer service attitude will change in TT.... just look at Greendot as another example of poor CSR.

I just glad that proper customer service (even too much of it) is the foundation of my work. I just hope my clients appreciate it!
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Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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Re: If only 'walking' protest action worked in T&T as it does in Ireland
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 02:13:04 AM »
  Yea trinidad sucks , we know that... If the judicial system actually worked we could be suing TSTT and government mc all now and putting them in their place , but  it doesn't , man have to wait 5 years to reach court and pay endless bills , only to loose when TSTT pay off somebody.

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Re: If only 'walking' protest action worked in T&T as it does in Ireland
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 02:13:04 AM »


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