Author Topic: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'  (Read 2508 times)

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Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« on: August 29, 2006, 09:43:53 AM »
Imagine you living in a 1st world country and yuh paying all your taxes and living a lawful life and yuh learn that yuh PM have a microphone in yuh bathroom... not far off from where we're heading but it's the unfortunate truth. WIth the word 'terrorism' becoming as commonplace as the words (you, the, is, it, that, and) it seems they'd like to add a few 'useful' in their eyes devices to make sure if you take a $H1T too long they'll KNOW instantly that you're contributing over the acceptable amount to nitrogenous compound in the air. Have a read fc#king hey!

Big Brother bugs British bins

RFID spying on your trash habits

By Chip Mulligan: Tuesday 29 August 2006, 09:41
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UK RESIDENTS may or may not be surprised to learn that our voyeuristic government has taken on a tactic more commonly used by identity thieves and, without notifying anybody, has installed electronic monitoring equipment on over half a million dustbins (trash cans to our transatlantic chums) to look through our rubbish and report back to base on our habits.

Located in the lids of the now familiar standard issue "wheelie bins", is a German-manufactured RFID serial number tag which communicates with transceivers and sensors installed on the collecting lorry, and allows the reporting back of statistics for how full each property's bin is, how much the rubbish weighs and God only knows what else.

It is rumoured that this is a precursor to some form of additional tax on throwing things away; presumably in addition, that is, to the local "council tax" we pay already for, er, such things as removing our waste. It should be noted for the benefit of foreign readers that waste is collected just once a week, and we are expected to manually sort out the detritus of daily life into categories of paper, glass, plastics, and so on.

The UK is still far behind many EU countries on recycling, however the verdict on how useful or energy efficient recycling actually is, depends on who you talk to. To pave the way for the tax, Ben Bradshaw, minister for the environment, has been talking of think tanks promoting pay-as-you-throw taxes as being taken "very seriously indeed" over the past week.

This is just one of many massive IT-based "monitoring initiatives" the British government have put into practice at huge cost over the past few years, and which many members of the public are beginning to get rather sick of.

Other projects include a vast number of CCTV cameras covering every square inch of our little island, many with facial recognition and tracking, various different speed limit and red light enforcement cameras, collection of Internet and phone data, a tracking system recording the path of every car around the network of major roads using an automatic number plate recognition system, RFID-equipped passports, and are investigating satellite-based tracking and speed limiting of all cars as well as the ever-popular national ID card project.

We're sure somebody's making an awful lot of money out of all of this scary loss of privacy: presumably the IT consulting and outsourcing houses of this world with their teams of ludicrously highly-paid Oxbridge arts graduates who now are theoretically leading technology experts.

Anyway, if you're happy with this, then feel free to carry on just as you were, citizen, or alternatively you could go outside to your dustbin and look for a small cylindrical electronic gadget in the lid, and send it to your member of parliament with a firm letter telling them exactly what you think of this. μ

You can read further on these devices here.

And last but not least a look at the cheaky devices:

And to think they find upskirt shots offensive... at the rate they're going it'll become legal and acceptable under the grounds of 'security'... maybe te word security should be relegated to the shelves and we should all use the word 'insecurity'. Eg. I need an 'insecurity' device for the perimeter of my network. Cause when you think about it.... security requirements come from INsecurity.


Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« on: August 29, 2006, 09:43:53 AM »

Offline Synchronomyst

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Re: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 10:05:03 AM »
As invasive as this is....and sweet jesus is this invasive...they can't really use this to inhibit any of your basic civil liberties. I'm unaraid of where this is...but where this is leading an entirely scary thought.
What can you do to end the hunger?
It's no surprise that many will die with the coming shortage of food
When there is no grain to feed the butchered cows
When there is nothing to feed yourselves...
Then you will see that money can't be eaten.

-The Locust

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Re: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 10:44:40 AM »
England mait... thats where

Offline Synchronomyst

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Re: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 11:09:19 AM »
lol...I know "where" geographically speaking. But socially speaking, I'm unafraid of this development. England has the most survilence per square ft of any country in the world and it has really done more to help than hurt...but it could lead to an Orwellian future c/o his book "1984"...where big brother is not only monitoring but dictating your every move if people don't say at some point that this is far enough and no further. That potential for loss of liberty is the scary thing.
What can you do to end the hunger?
It's no surprise that many will die with the coming shortage of food
When there is no grain to feed the butchered cows
When there is nothing to feed yourselves...
Then you will see that money can't be eaten.

-The Locust

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Re: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 06:30:12 PM »
It is scary but I welcome the surveilance.

If it saves a few hundred lives, then it was worth it.

Cameras in a bank, cameras in a GL, cameras on the streets, cameras pretty much everywhere.

If it weren't for all the criminal activity in the world, I'd think otherwise. As is, we have a damn good right to feel insecure.


Re: Yet another example of losing your liberties to 'big brother'
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 06:30:12 PM »


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