GG... well thankfully I own a 360 and crisis should be on the console so I not too troubled with a need to run new games since i'll just buy it on the console. I will be looking to go with a X2 4400 or 4600+ soon though when the AMD price cuts come into play.
OUT-F@#KING-STANDING!!!, and that is the UNFINISHED product.I smell 'upgrade'.
its really nice...not OUTstanding thoughenvironments dont react in real time like for explosions, colision physics with the envitonment are preset meaning you dont see bullets go through leaves. And when trees get mowed down they get hit in the same place all the time, they fall diferent but that is ok.Like i said nitpicking. Looks pretty though.
Nah man, yuh aint need no Extreme. Hopefully we might be gettin GeForce 9900 GX4 video cards in quad-SLI by then.Yuh never know. (a man can dream, can't he?)