Author Topic: Playing the MATRIX ONLINE-Taking the Red Pill  (Read 1710 times)

Offline shivadee

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Playing the MATRIX ONLINE-Taking the Red Pill
« on: July 06, 2006, 12:45:08 PM »
So i got a free copy with a 30 day free subscription (of course you need a credit card to activate it) from E3 this year. I decided to finally tear myself away from WoW to try this game out. Being a HUGE matrix fan, and ignoring all the talk about the game being lame i decided to try it out.

First thing is this game very confusing, the interface isnt intuitive so it will take you sometime to figure out what does what, how to setup your characters classes and so on. Although MO makes you completely customize your character, their abilities, attributes and so on, you will find that realizing how to do this becomes an issue. Digging into the games interface takes time, and a little trial an error before you go " we cooking"

This game feels a little like City of Villains/Heros and given the much larger groups of people on COV/COH i recomend that game over this. Matrix online is all about leveling up, as any MMORPG is but it becomes very repetitive. You start of as level 1 killing level 1 thugs as expected to get items for NPC's scattered around the map. Then at level 10 you are still doing the exact same or similar quests, but this time with harder characters.....kinda boring, and repetitive.

I would have hoped that Matrix online would sort of put you back into the Matrix itself and really feel like you are there. Truth is it DOES, but you really have to work at it. I mean when you cross level 20 and so on its only then you start to appreciate the game. But that is if you care to go that far.

Since their are such few people playing this game online the servers are pretty much sparse. I think i counted about 10 people int he area i was in for the whole 4 hours i started playing....i saw like 3 other n00bs come in, and a couple level 50 people hanging around wanting to know if you want to p/l or such

Another thing, because so much people have not signed onto this game, it doesnt work the way it is supposed to, so its pretty empty and because of that SOE has lost money and closed down SIX of thier NINE map areas that they used in the game. So essentially there are only 3 districts left.....lame i know.
They are pretty big but not nearly the size of WoW.

Although chracter development is fun, the fighting in this game is AWESOME. Nice attacks, change weapons etc etc. But the game itself feels like an MMO with Matrix tacked on to it, not really a unique feel. Its alright. Ill have to play more to see how the story develops, although i dont see it going anywhere. You do quests and every few months you are treated to a FMV with the original casts doing their voices for the game. its nice if you are a fan, but even I am not such a die hard Matrix fan. Allot of us want answers to questions from the movie, I would assume later on this month when i level a little more i can find out who some of these characters REALLY are (Merv and Persephone supposing to be the first NEO and Trinity...etc etc....there are theories galore in Matrix) - well although many people know not to buy this isnt worth it as of yet. It hasnt pulled me into an MMO like WoW has..mostly because of lack of people online...and they dont really talk much, boy the dialogue windows have NO ONE  :/
In all honesty you might have as much fun playing this game offline as online...its pretty sparse and really designed for PvE combat..and with no large number of ppl sadly falls short :(
oh well. At least you have anothers opinion
« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 02:20:25 PM by shivadee »


Playing the MATRIX ONLINE-Taking the Red Pill
« on: July 06, 2006, 12:45:08 PM »


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