Well my take on fuel cells is, you're using a bomb.. but thats just me. All the same, 20 hrs battery life is great... I am sure it'll translate to about 8 hrs of gaming, but hey, 8 hrs gaming on a LAPTOP would be EXCELLENT. Have a read:
Notebook PC fuel cell breakthrough promises 20 hour life
Hoorah! If it happens
By INQUIRER staff: Friday 07 April 2006, 10:20
IT'S NOW been quite a few years since Intel got wildly enthusiastic about fuel cell technology extending the battery life of our notebook widgets to hours and hours and hours.
It has been oddly quiet about fuel cells since, despite investing $2 million in Jafko and some of $12 million into Neah Power Systems.
But now it looks as if there might be light at the end of the fuel cell tunnel, because according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Casio has created a component using solid polymer fuel cells which will be a staggering 90 per cent tinier than any of the competition.
The article claims that notebooks using a Casio six second reformer, which extracts hydrogen from methanol, will sample within the year and give up to 20 hours life on a single charge.
Hoorah! If everything goes well.