Author Topic: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge  (Read 39320 times)

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2006, 09:25:08 AM »
I got there a bit late myself, around 6:30 PM. Horrible traffic coming out of diego martin, talking about 2 hours+ in grid lock.

Forced me to head over Paramin, into Maraval just to get to Port of Spain.

Some dump trunk turned over on the high way I later came to understand.

Got in a little Tekken but there were too many people and too few controllers. As luck would have it, our PS2 just returned from JK Entertainment and I picked up Tenka as well so next time we will have an extra console and controllers to spread out the beatings.



Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2006, 09:25:08 AM »

Offline Ultima

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2006, 11:01:09 AM »
Ultima vs. Jdcrys_Shinkuu

I played games for several hours on Saturday and Sunday. As a result, it left me drained and dehydrated. I am thus never doing this again (i.e. playing games on consecutive days). I am officially too old for this.


Saturday was an outing by Tech. I got there around 12:45 PM. I was supposed to meet New Era Outlaw for a rematch, but he no-showed. He called me at 8:00 AM (!!!) on Sunday morning to apologise (note to Ryan - WTF horse? No one should even be awake at that hour on a Sunday, far less calling anyone else). Something about some tournament (?) he was organizing. I dunno. I was half-asleep at the time. Anyway, since N.E.O. no showed, I ended up playing a bunch of random shlubs at Third Strike (ugh) and CvS2 (bleh) who were no good at either game for a while. Imperial-X eventually showed up around 3:15 PM or so, and I played him at CvS2 and Hyper SF.

I'm seriously going to have to give up on CvS2, because even though he was off his game, I still couldn't win a single match against Imperial. I'm embarrassingly bad at that game. I don't know move ranges or what gives frame advantage, I can't do links, I don't do RCs, and I can't use CCs. Why am I even playing this game? I have neither the time, the interest, or the will to get better in it. I did better in HSF. Because, y'know, Bison kills things. Especially CE Bison, who is retarded. I did okay with some other characters (Zangief, Vega, CE Sagat), not so okay with others (Balrog, any non-CE Sagat, any shoto, any New Stereotype).

Still, I was kinda disappointed because I wanted to play MvC2 and GGXX, but I don't own MvC2, and Imperial didn't want to play GGXX cause he mashed up his left hand with excessive masturbation or something. ^_^ That's why I left there on the dot of 6:00 pm, which is when I wanted to leave. It's very rare for me to actually leave at a time that I say I'm going to leave at, cause if the sweat is good, I'll stay for as long as it takes.


On Sunday I was to meet Jdcrys_Shinkuu (henceforht JD) at Trinicity Mall to play MvC1. I didn't evben know Trincity's arcade was open on a Sunday. I got there around 2:40 PM. There were quite a few people at Trincity's arcade on Sunday. Not a huge crowd, but a number of people playing random games. I saw nothing but children and scrubs playing MvC1, so I guess JD hadn't showed up yet. I hadn't eaten lunch, so I went by Burger King to get some food, but they blanked me when I tried to get a whopper. Something about how their burners were now turned on and it would take 45 minutes to get a burger. WTF. OKay, fine. I figured I'd go back and play some XSF and practice some infinites or something.

It was when I went to get coins that I got a huge shock: TWO FOAKING DOLLARS FOR A TOKEN??? ARE YOU FOAKING KDDING ME??? Jesus H. Christ, that's highway robbery. The last time I was in there it was $1.50 for a token, which was still too high.

Anyway, after overcoming my initial shock and purchasing 3 coins, my attenion got diverted by a guy playing Super Turbo with Guile. He was doing okay, but when he was about to lose to CPU Ken, I jumped in and saved him. It was then that I learned, much to my astonishment, that this was actually an arcade version of Hyper Street Fighter. I don't how such a thing found it's way down here, but I was grateful.

I wasn't sure whether to use CE Bison of ST Bison. I wavered a bit, then decided to go with CE Bison since he was easier to fight the CPU with, and the guy was going to lose regardless, so it didn't matter if he got raped with stick or raped with a flagpole - he was still going to get raped. CE Bison dished up Guile pretty quickly. He came back with some random characters, like ST Vega, WW Guile and Akuma. CE Bison just steamrolled right over them, even Akuma, which is proof positive that the guy sucked. CE Bison may be incredibly and retardedly powerful, but even he doesn't win against Akuma. I told him to stop playing WW Guile and pick CE Guile, if you want all the retarded priority, recovery, damage and dizzying power of WW Guile minus the handicaps. He actually beat me with CE Guile somehow. I didn't care. I came back with ST Bison for a still-powerful-but-not-retardly-strong Bison, and beat him a couple more times before he gave up. I played the CPU a bit and lost to Fei Long. I kinda forgot how to fight CPU Fei Long. Whatever.

JD still hadn't show as yet. To pass the time, I got into an argument with some guy who was played HSF a little while after I lost to Fei Long. He wa playing Dee Jay. Seemed to know how to handle the CPU pretty well. BUt he made some outrageous claims, much of which seemed to stem from the fact that he was beating the CPU somewhat easily with Dee Jay. Stuff like how the game was "flat" and "had no depth". He also simultaneously praised the EX games, seemingly based on the notion that EX has bigger combos. I had to restrain myself from slapping him for his ignorance. The EX games may be hot shit down here, but in places like Japan or the US where Street Fighter is still taken seriously and big tournaments are still played, NOBODY plays the EX series. You have never and will never see an EX game at an East Coast Championships, Mid-West Championships, March Madness, Evolution, etc. He also claimed that "there was no site for Street Fighter", which meant that he hadn't heard of SRK, which probably meant he was completely clueless about what real high-level Street Fighter is like. He also claimed that his Ken in HSF was "unbeatable", which was really hilarious to anyone who's played me in that game, and that Ken and Ryu were the best in the game, which was even more hilarious. Had JD not shown up a few minutes later, I would have probably taken the time to embarass him with some flavour of Bison in the game. But on the other hand, he probably wasn't worth the effort.

So JD showed up and we went straight to MvC1. I think he started with Striderine, and I picked Captain America and Hulk to feel him out. No point bringing out the good characters just yet. His team was way better than mine, but I rolled right over him. He picked some other characters, but aside from one close match (HUlk was close to death, but I killed one character, and then killed his second character, who had about 40% life left, when he came in by doing dashing c.LK -> c.HP, Gamma Crush. I can't believe that anyone STILL falls for that, but oh well). I handled them pretty easily. Then he brought out War Machine/Gold Warmachine (a.k.a. Double War Machine or DWM), which is apparently "his team". . Five games in, and it's already degenerated into the the worst that the game has to offer. >:|

For those of you who don't know, DWM is hands down the best team in MvC1. I don't care what any of you think you might know about the game, this team CANNOT be beaten. It has NO real counters. The only counter to DWM is DWM, which is no counter at all. Individually, WM and GWM have some weaknesses, but together they pretty much unstoppable. They get a guranteed 40% damage minimum during the Variable Crossover mode (a.k.a. Team Cheating), and can easily inflict 100-180% damage. Sure, there are things you can try and do (use Captain Commando's Captain Sword to kill all the missiles and hit them both during Team Cheating, use Chun-li's Kikkosho to snag them both during Team Cheating, use Captain America's Hyper Charging Star to try and slam into them both), but none of it works reliably, and it's still way WAY in their favour. It takes an enormous amount of work and/or a massive skill imbalance to defeat DWM without DWM. So losing to that team proves nothing. This is also why no one seriously plays MvC1 in tournaments any more. If Eddie Lee couldn't do it, whose is me?

As it is, my record for the day was roughly (roughly, I wasn't really keeping track) as follows:

Against non-DWM team: About 25-8

Against DWM: About 3-20

I had a good few mini-streaks myself. Cap/Hulk, Strider/WM, Strider/GWM, and Strider/Gief all had some runs. The biggest came from Strider/WM, which got me 10 wins. It was mostly a back and forth between JD and myself and some other guy who jumped in He managed to beat us a couple times, and he wasn't bad with Captain Commando, but he usually got rolled right over from either his DWM, my Strider/WM, or just plain Strider with Ouroboros x N. JD got the final streak with DWM, and after throwing away a couple matches (I tried Hyper Venom in vain a number of times, as well as messed up a couple times trying to get Hyper Venom/Gold War Machine, and ended up with plain Spiderman), I decided to give up. I wanted to get out of there by 5:00 PM for the latest cause I had to go home and train, and it was nearing that time. Beating JD's DWM again would have required far too much energy and luck to accomplish, and it really wouldn't have been worth it.

At exactly 5:00 PM, I left the arcade, went by Burgerking to get a whopper that I should have gotten two hours prior, a large orange juice by subway, and left. I don't think I'll be back for a loooong time. Not only is MvC1 barely worth playing, and certainly not worth trying to beat DWM repeatedly, but it's definitely not worth spending TWO DOLLARS A COIN on. >:|
« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 11:13:57 AM by Jdcrys_Shinkuu »
Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2006, 11:28:05 AM »
Dude first of WOW thats a massive read!!!

you have only 12 wins on me n 13 on my friend yea he plays well enough but his combos should be tighter

the DWM combo teams pwned your hulk mostly cause hes too slow n GWM is just a b@d @$$ lol

but seriously there are counters to the team n there are players who have beaten this team on more than one occasion....Chaotic , Kajun , Rio, Neo. these are my main rivals and the only ones who are of serious competition.....we play every week. and compare.......

i thought you were going to be bussing my @$$ so i brought out my main team.... you did very well though
you were able to repel wolv n chunli amongst others <---- kudos to u

and btw my DWM team was not at its best i have not played in about a month n my combos were weak. but yes i do agree that they pack a hell of a punch.!!!

as for my teams i got a 4 wins without DWM on you n average 7 on the other guy
and 28 with DWM on you n 9 more on the other guy

so in all
Jd vs Ultima
32 vs 12

Jd Vs Other Guy
16 vs 4

Ultima Vs Other Guy
13 vs 3

so otherguy got 7 wins for the day
you had 25
i had 48....

good game by all it was fun, you even taught me a really omfg trick very interesting......

i admire your skills now you must FEAR mines....
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2006, 01:21:17 PM »
*reads his own post* and understands...

YOu haven't played in a month? I haven't played in years sir. Last time I even touched GWM was in 2003. And My playing peak was back in 1999, so...

I played the other guy that much? I thought it was mostly just you and me. As I said, I wasn't keeping track. And we really played 73 matches in 2 1/2 hours??? Christ. That doesn't sound right, but I'll take your word for it. o_O

Wait, I just checked: I got coins in groups of 3,3,3,3,5 and 5. The first two were spent on HSF. That leaves 29 coins for MvC2. How did I get 32 losses to you alone? And since my first 4 wins came at the beginning, I can't believe I only managed to get 8 more wins for the rest of the day from you. You played more random teams against me than that, surely. That definitely ain't sounding right. :|

And my statement still stands. Perhaps you have players who are used to you, and hence have gotten used to your playing style, but DWM is an unbeatable team, given players of roughly equal levels of skill. It doesn't matter if you manage to beat the time "occasionally", since almost anyone will ose "occasionally". When stuff is one the line, like under tournament settings, DWM kills everybody. You'd have to scan through old postings on Google news on to find much MvC1 discussion ( virtually started with MvC2, by which time MvC1 was long dead, so there's little MvC discussion on it; any that is there either got wiped out years ago whentheir boards were wiped accidentally, or is impossible to find thanks to the shitty search function). Look up the results to East Coast Championships 4, the last (or second-to-last) major tournament in the US where MvC1 was played before it was dumped. DWM was and is the end all be all team of that game. That team is what the game degenerates to. If you play on Kalliera, that's ALL that you're going to see (or so I've heard; I can't confirm that one personally). It sucks if that happens to be your favourite team, but that's the way it is. DWM is more powerful in MvC1 than any combination of the best characters is in MvC2.

And to be honest, your DWM is average (Your WM, in particular, needs work - learn and master the flying combo that I told you about, and to fly cancel like I was doing to the other guy. When you can suspend someone at the top of the screen for 40+ hits, let me know. Your GWM was impressive though.  :mellow:). I just wasn't in a position to do much about it, though I could have done more. Had I stuck to simply Strider/WM/ Strider/GWM, or (ugh) matched your DWM with my own, it would have been closer. I threw away a lot of games (any game with Hyper Venom, or when I blew the codes.. Christ, I used to know those codes by heart - the others too - and now I've completely forgotten them), stubbornly. I just really didn't want to play with WM or GWM. Even when I was winning, I didn't particularly enjoy it if I had WM or GWM on the team. I felt ill. At this stage, if I'm going to play MvC1, I have more fun dicking around with losers like Cap and Hulk and bother butting my head against the wall that is DWM, or even GWM alone. I did that years ago, and I really don't feel like doing it now. I'll play Strider/X, since Strider is my favourite character in the game, and Strider/Gief is my favourite team (but Gief dies to both WMs for free - you don't even need to jump or fly and do duos, just jump up and down and hit fierce), but that's about it.

If DWM is your favourite team, then hey, that's fine. Don't let me stop you. And I'm not really knocking you for playing that team, even if it sounds like it. But I want you to know that "your team" just happens to be "everybody's team", cause it's the best team in the game. It's like somene saying that Akuma in Super Turbo or Second Impact is "their character" :| It's not that the team is skillless, just that it takes far FAR more effort to beat that team than to play it, and it has no counter except itself. But oh well...

I don't fear Wolvie or Chun, or any of the pixies, especially when I'm with Gief, cause my Gief kills pixies (though Gief DOES fear Chun's ambiguous head stomp air chain). But I only saw you do Wolvie's stomp -> j.HK chain once. What was up with that? Wolvie's entire modus operandi is to do stomp chain x N until it hits. You can optionally go for his near-infinite in the corner (can't remember how it goes, but I've seen someone get 77 hits off of it), but really, you don't need it - just stomp chain x N ending in Fatal Claw or Beserker Barrage X (the latter is safer) will do.

And Hulk sucks. He dies to all sorts of stupid crap. You don't need GWM to beat Hulk. I only play him to see how long I can make him survive. :\
« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 02:27:00 PM by Jdcrys_Shinkuu »
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2006, 02:11:03 PM »
lol all well n cool im sorry but i may have made an error you are right it was 30 (29 + the one with the trick i counted this as well cause we both sacrificed a player) so these are the standings

Jd vs Ultima
30 vs 12

Jd Vs Other Guy
18 vs 4

Ultima Vs Other Guy
13 vs 3

great info on past tourney n all i intentionally did not resolve to using the stomp combo nor the fastball special combo with wolverine, thatwould have been overkill.....same with Chunli air to super combo n infinite....i was not in the mood for showing off against you i just wanted to win so instead of dicking around with an actual challenge (who is and was noted to do some serious damage in his time) i brought the noise (catch phraseif u will lol)

n as for Wol. Chun being pixies bro nesaturday or sunday well change ur mind

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« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 02:24:53 PM by Jdcrys_Shinkuu »
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2006, 02:11:03 PM »

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2006, 04:13:26 PM »
OKay, I have to ask: Is someone editing my posts manually or is there a filter at play? I've been reading phrases in my posts that I did not type. I did not type "*reads his own post* and understands...", I typed "*reads his own posts* W-h-a-t  i-s u-p w-i-t-h  t-h-e  c-u-r-s-e  f-i-l-t-e-r?" It's very annoying.


> i intentionally did not resolve to using the stomp combo nor the fastball special combo with wolverine, thatwould have been overkill.....same with Chunli air to super combo n infinite....

I don't follow. How would these have been "overkill"? That's what you do to win with Wolvie and Chun. :huh:

I understand going for your business team early, but even if you're playing characters who aren't your best, I don't see why you wouldn't try your best to win with them by using everything they had at their disposal.

> n as for Wol. Chun being pixies bro nesaturday or sunday well change ur mind

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to translate this into english. I have no idea what you're saying here. :(

And c'mon. You're counting the one with the 99 hit double KO trick? That doesn't count! I wasn't even trying to win in that game. I just wanted to show you the fun stuff. I just pressed buttons after it was over. Remember I had to leave right after that. :)
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2006, 04:19:38 PM »
Okay, apparently someone IS modifying my posts. Shouldn't I be getting some sort of warning when I have new PM messages? I don't check my mail very often.

Well, I guess sorry about that. BUt still... Very annoying... >:/
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2006, 04:34:00 PM »
Well ya that would be me.....i had to mod ur posts to keep them in line....n if you want a rematch with non DWM teams only that can be arranged for nex sat / sun at ur convenience of course....:P
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2006, 05:02:23 PM »
Nah, don't worry about non-DWM. I wouldn't try and enforce any kind of "rules" like that. It goes against everything that I stand for. That's the way that MvC goes. I can't say you can't play your best team while I can still play mine. That's not fair. Oh well...

As I said, dunno when I'll be back. Definitely have to study next weekend for my exam the week after. And not at $2 a coin.  :angry:
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #69 on: May 08, 2006, 05:28:20 PM »
MY EYES ARE LIKE BLEEDING FROM READING THE TWO OF YU TALK!!! jeeeezz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol iam sure both of yu had like english classes back in de day

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #70 on: May 08, 2006, 05:55:45 PM »
here crixx take some eye drops....

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #71 on: May 08, 2006, 10:00:08 PM »
rofl @ eyes bleeding.

That is pure gaming passion yuh seeing there boy Crixx.

The stuff dreams and tournament winners are made off.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2006, 10:39:52 AM »

Don't blame me because of your short attention span. Or that you failed (in the process of failing? Are about to fail?) english.

Besides, the standard response to an enormous post is "tl;dr" (too long; didn't read).

Oh, and "SUMARISE[sic] AN STUFF NAH!" should be "SUMMARY PLZ". :)
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #73 on: May 09, 2006, 05:34:29 PM »
Crixxx like you want a match?!
I Know it was d best challenge ive had ina while so pardon d "lenghty" posts!!! lol

but no cene doh worry nah ultima i go get more teams
that are just as good....
i have not opened up the bag of goodies just yet....
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #74 on: May 30, 2006, 10:07:26 AM »

Don't blame me because of your short attention span. Or that you failed (in the process of failing? Are about to fail?) english.

Besides, the standard response to an enormous post is "tl;dr" (too long; didn't read).

Oh, and "SUMARISE[sic] AN STUFF NAH!" should be "SUMMARY PLZ". :)

Just to lay something on ya, Ultima....that's just the way Crixx is. Can't go telling the guy how he should and shouldn't post (unless he's breaking the rules blatantly.) Especially since he's a mod around these parts, in which case, you should really watch it.

And JD, what bag of goodies would that be? Is it the one where Megaman and Roll leap out of the bag and start beating your War Machines with enough Snickers and Milky Ways to feed an army?
Candy-no-jutsu iymc. :P

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #75 on: May 31, 2006, 12:30:16 PM »
Actually its a Mega Roll KEBAB lol rotfl

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #76 on: June 13, 2006, 12:51:00 PM »
Okay my Mortal Kombat statement was outta timing but.....seriously what about a Street Fighter Alpha 3 challenge....this was by far in my watch...I welcome any challengers

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #77 on: June 13, 2006, 01:09:50 PM »
On arcade console / PC Emulator??
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2006, 11:21:22 AM »
Okay my Mortal Kombat statement was outta timing but.....seriously what about a Street Fighter Alpha 3 challenge....this was by far in my watch...I welcome any challengers
 OMG where were you when I was kicking ass in A3 /sigh

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #79 on: June 20, 2006, 08:06:40 AM »
Actually its a Mega Roll KEBAB lol rotfl



Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #79 on: June 20, 2006, 08:06:40 AM »


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