Author Topic: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge  (Read 39318 times)

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2006, 08:03:35 AM »

It's not even new. People have been doing it since 1992, pretty much.

Back in the early days, what would happen is that player groups from all over the place would post their particular strats in newsgroups (mainly Sometimes they agreed, but most of the time they didn't. There were lots of arguments and flame wars, most of which were only settled when the groups finally played face-to-face. Then it was proven the superiority of one group's tactics over another. Multiply this process over the course of several years, and you get several years worth of useful info, already taken as common knowledge. Also, because several of these groups were fiercely competitive, both with each other and within themselves, they rose to a higher level much, much faster than they would have otherwise. Thus, they would learn more in a few days that a regular player would learn in months or even years.

Players who came into this later on (like me) would read the group, and get the distilled knowledge of other, better players. These players would take these advanced strats that only the people reading the newsgroup (which prior to 2000 couldn't have been more than a couple hundred) and use them to dominate their local competition. The effect of bringing these advanced tactics into their environments would either result in one player crushing everybody and/or forcing the entire community to get better to compete with the new local god player (which one happened really depended on the player community). The new group of good players who rose from this would eventually move on to attend tournaments, and some would even migrate to the top or near the top of the food chain.

This is pretty much the only way that players who didn't live in SF "hotspots" have gotten good at the games over the past 15 years. NO ONE ever got good at a game in isolation. Akira kid does not exist. If you didn't live in an area where players played constantly and challenged each other constantly and strove to improve constantly, you eventually reached a point where one player would just crush everyone naturally and people would stop playing or stagnate. That, or new games would come in that players didn't take interest in, eventually causing the whole scene to eventually die out or become stagnant.

Up until recently, I would have said that this is what happened to Trinidad. As recently as 2003, I had been seeing the same tactics everywhere that I went (assuming I saw tactics at all, in any game post-SF2) that I had been seeing since 1997. Not that there weren't any good players around, just that they weren't using tactics and/or characters in ways that I knew that they could have been used. Even when I demonstrated a few things (those within my ability to demontrate), no one seemed to pick up on them. I'm glad that Trinis have finally started using the technology at their disposal. They didn't have to go digging for info like I did nearly 10 years ago. Sites like SRK have made it pretty damn easy to find high level info on just about game out there.

Gah. I'm rambling. I'll stop now. -_-
Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2006, 08:03:35 AM »

Offline Prez

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2006, 04:39:32 PM »
heh...  u really have to see chaguanas style of play  I won mnay HF tourneyz in TnT when I came out here I learned cvs1 and WON march madness in philly.. J wong sanford arturo all were there.. only player to use ryu + ken also they were all freaked out by it... TnT players I know I play SF with back in the day ALL PATIENT players..every 1 scared to make a mistake  just so you dont lose ya coin... I came here with that attidude and it worked for me.. and only reason I dominated em in Trini is cuz of shit they never seen.. lol I took a groove they all thought it was shit hahaha   but they all  know Im down to represent trini to tha fullest and I know they got my back.. yuh don know!  laterz   check this out

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2006, 08:29:50 PM »
Hah. Just yesterday I was talking to some real old school guy who claims that, at one time, he was the second best player in Trinidad (second to Kitt I imagine, though Kitt is LOOOOOONG since retired) who was talking about the old days, of Corlsort Mall/Town vs. Arima. Nothing about Chaguanus. ;)

when I came out here I learned cvs1 and WON march madness in philly

Emphasis mine. You learned CvS and any follow up games up there, which is pretty much my point. You're lucky in that you obvious had some good players to play against. Most of us are not so fortunate. Had you remained here, you might have been top dog at newer games here, and you would have been meat to anyone who was good from away.

I thought no one took CvS1 seriously.

HF is the one game that Trinis as a whole are decent to good at. Though to be honest, I don't know Trinis at their peak compares to the HF players at their peak, since I've never seen the US folks at their peak. They stopped playing that years ago. I have a feeling their best players (Jeff Schafer, Mike Watson, and the legendary Tomo Ohira) woud have stomped our best. The prevailing attitude of "no kick n' throw" would definitely have been a drawback, I think. I can't prove it though.

TnT players I know I play SF with back in the day ALL PATIENT players..every 1 scared to make a mistake  just so you dont lose ya coin... I came here with that attidude and it worked for me..

I don't see how that's different to most good players I've come across. Well, some really offensive bastards can overwhelm you with force, like Alex Valle, but it depends on the game (even Valle had to run away in 2I with Akuma when facing Eddie Lee's Ibuki).

and only reason I dominated em in Trini is cuz of shit they never seen..

Is this before or after you left? I'm thinking afterwards. Anyway, the same applies here, for the most part. That, and the fact that, prior to doing research on the net, Trinis learn stuff slooooowly.

By the way, is that link supposed to prove anything? In one of the pictures it refers to you as "Leader of Empire Arcadia Canada". That's pretty telling right there, and very much proves what I've been saying. You were good here, one of the best. Then you went away, and honed your skills in a suitable place and became even better. By doing do, so, you became a product of that environment, not this one. Had you not gone away, and had you not bothered to do research on the newer games, you would have been just been another target to anyone who came back from away with more knowledge/experience. Though I don't doubt you would have adapted, eventually, given sufficient time. But realise that your current level of dominance is due to being a product of your current non-Trini environment, and probably has very little to do with where you came from (not just because none of the games that are played now were not around back then, but even on games that were, Trinis either didn't have access to high level knowledge or didn't go looking for it at the time; this is definitely only a recent phenomenon).
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2006, 09:09:26 PM »
BTW Prez, does this sound familiar?

Quote from: Arturo on SRK, circa May 2003
2nd of all, Prez, you shouldn't be even TALKING about winning ECC7, trying to portray yourself as "sportsmanlike." cuz IIRC, all you did was bang the buttons, break the button TWICE against Justin and myself when we were both OWNING you for FREE, and then while the buttons are being repaired you go over to your crew and start getting coached (or whatever you were doing,) and then proceed to beat us.

You should also know that Phi implemented a rule just cuz of that situation last year, if you bang the buttons like that you will be disqualified.

Don't mind me, just LOLing at old drama. I seem to vaguely, vaguely remember reading about this, but I was so out of the loop at this point, I didn't even know who the people involved were (nor did I especially care). Well, I know Arturo - hell, I know Arturo back from when he used to suck (relatively), but I didn't know these other folks.

I think I saw you at March Madness 2002.  Were you there along with that contingent of Canadians?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2006, 07:58:46 AM by Ultima »
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2006, 09:46:41 PM »
i actually remember that thread O_O


Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2006, 09:46:41 PM »

Offline Imperial_X

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #45 on: April 20, 2006, 11:36:04 PM »
That quote brought me back to my dark ages with SRK so to speak.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2006, 08:56:02 AM »
I see that my challenge post got re-posted elsewhere (got a call on my phone on Wednesday about it):
« Last Edit: April 21, 2006, 12:39:54 PM by UberMod »
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2006, 04:50:16 PM »
well this is somewhat off topic but on srk's front page they inform the public that they are offering the EVO 2005 dvds for download FREE of charge. They do ask however if you enjoy it that you donate 10$ US to them to cover the production costs. Presently only the 3rd Strike DVD is up as it was the most popular game @ EVO last year.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2006, 07:56:05 AM »
I don't have a pay pal account.

So is anyone down for this Saturday? I need to get a hair cut, but I should be able to swing by Tech for a while. Definitely have to be out of there by 6:00 pm, though, or the mrs. will get mad.

RB, I need to get my hands on Slash, even though I hear the home version is a bit buggy. I also need to get my hands on Tenka. How much does it cost to get a PS2 modded?
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #49 on: April 25, 2006, 11:29:04 AM »
once your ps2 isn't in the version 1 - 3 bracket (has 10 screws at the bottom) it can be modded. We charge $700 and give 4 games + one months warranty on the modification.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2006, 10:04:43 AM »
Hmm. Not sure what version my PS2 is. I got it back in late 2001 (won it in a raffle! I paid ONE DOLLAR (US) for it! MWA HA HA HA). You need to tell me where your work place is.

So... anybody showing up at Tech tomorrow? Someone give me a call if they're interested. I'll try to be there by 2:00 pm or so with my stuff. I won't be able to stay past 6:30 PM or so, though. NOw that the future Mrs. is back, I can't be out until nearly 10:00 PM like last time. :p

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2006, 11:21:32 AM »
Well you could check behind the ps2 to see if you see 30001 anywhere, also check the underneath of the system to see how many screws it has (its covered up by the square things).

My work place is on the main road in Montrose, Chaguanas.  671-9644/ 9327 if you need better directions.
If you wanna ask for me ask for Riyadh.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #52 on: May 05, 2006, 12:54:47 PM »
Hmmm. I still need to check my PS2. I've had it in my bag for 3 weeks now. :p

New_Era_Outlaw and I are supposed to be meeting tomorrow by Tech for a rematch. I should be there from noon(?) to 6:00 pm or so, so if anyone else wants to show up and face me, feel free. N.E.O. get first dibs in MvC2 though, so if you come early you may have to wait. :p
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #53 on: May 05, 2006, 01:20:11 PM »
only straight street fighter or are yall gonna sweat hybrids as well....

ne cap vs snk 2 in that mix?

i dont play mvc2 <-- 2 lame / no structure / more for button smashing  lol

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #54 on: May 05, 2006, 03:34:38 PM »
"Street Fighter" generally refers to SF2 (Hyper SF2), Third Strike, CvS2, MvC2, etc. Anything with Street FIghter characters in it really, though I do play the Marvel games. But not the EX games.

And only scrubs still call MvC2 "lame". MvC2 is not without its problems, but it's vastly superior to its predecessors. The only other Marvel game that is any good is Marvel Superheroes.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #55 on: May 05, 2006, 04:11:39 PM »
Oh yeah: I play Guilty Gear XX as well. I'd play #R and Slash as well, but I don't have those games myself (yet).

I would actually like to play some Samurai Shodown Tenka as well.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #56 on: May 06, 2006, 12:12:31 AM »
I should be in for the activities most likely but I have a tournament to attend first that'll finish sometime after who the hell knows.

I owe my friend Ultima some Anniversary Edition matches.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #57 on: May 06, 2006, 09:42:22 AM »
Samurai Tenka sounds good to me.

Do you have it on PS2?

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #58 on: May 07, 2006, 02:33:55 AM »
I don't have Tenka. Looking to pick that up and GGXXSlash soon.

I got stood up by N.E.O. yesterday. What gives? :(

I played Imperial and some guys and CvS2 and HSF mostly. NOthing to note, except that I'm embarassingly bad at CvS2, as proven by an off-kilter Imperial still waxing me with little effort. I wanted to play MvC2 and GGXX,  and got to play neither. :(

Note to rb:

I finally checked: My PS2 is a 30001 model.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #59 on: May 07, 2006, 06:41:27 AM »
Yesterday, I had to see about some business concerning my tournament (namely, inviting like a million people and confirming things with my suppliers and whatnot), and it occupied my time like WOW. Sorry about that, Ultima.


Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #59 on: May 07, 2006, 06:41:27 AM »


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