Author Topic: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge  (Read 42944 times)

Offline Ultima

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2006, 11:08:03 AM »
Yeah, CvS2 was a wash out for me. I was far from my peak (Christ, what happened to my Rugal???), but I was never that great at that game. I stopped playing it seriously before all the roll-cancelling and higher level A-Groove stuff came out. I'd probably need to practice A-Bison to play that game at a higher level, but I can't paint the fence for shit. My manual dexterity isn't good enough. :(

Still, I probably could have done better if I dredged up more from my memory. I seem to remember doing well with a scrubby K-Groove team once. Either that, or (ugh) play Sagat myself. :|

As for the other 3S players, just direct them here or give them my phone number or something. This weekend is out, but next weekend I should be free. Are there any more in your class or do you stomp on them? :p
Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2006, 11:08:03 AM »

Offline Prez

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2006, 11:36:57 PM »
oO  who is this ultima guy tryin to run things in street fighter in Trinidad? Boy doh even talk bout cvs1 cvs2 3s hyper st Ce any of em games  If is real challenge u want ... gotta play me

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2006, 01:18:57 AM »
You play SF3 now?  I gotta see that myself.  I'll take a shot at you in the Anniversary Edition seeing as how I only played you in CvS2 and Alpha 3.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2006, 03:50:10 PM »
oO  who is this ultima guy tryin to run things in street fighter in Trinidad? Boy doh even talk bout cvs1 cvs2 3s hyper st Ce any of em games  If is real challenge u want ... gotta play me

But... don't you away from Trinidad? I think my days of travelling really far to play SF are over (last time I travelled for a tournament - indeed, my last real tournament, outside of Revival in Rochester in February 2003 - was March Madness in 2002). I'm even hesitant to go as "far" as Sando...

Where do you play when you come down here anyway? Arcades are getting scarcer all the time. There are still a number in town (POS), like Night Raiders, but they're so ghetto and this place is getting so dangerous that I would be extremely hesitant to venture in them even during the day.
Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2006, 12:44:35 AM »
Chaguanas is where all the GOOD SF players are.. nuff said I am living proof of that lol\


Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2006, 12:44:35 AM »

Offline TriniXaeno

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2006, 08:09:05 AM »

Prez is undisputed top dog at the moment.

The man to beat. If you're truly looking for a challenge, he will be more than worth the time and effort.

Remember that tournament in St. Maarten I told you about?

He should be there.

So that may prove to be a good middle ground to get in on the action.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2006, 04:06:28 PM »
Prez re: Chaguanas:

Is this before or after Corlsort mall's arcade moved down there?


Imperial-X told me about Prez. But from what he told me, Prez doesn't count as a real "Trini" player because he moved away early o' clock, and it was away that he learned to play. He counts as a foreign player who happens to be from Trinidad. Huge difference. He certainly didn't become a part of Empire Arcadia by playing people down here who still think Ken is is the best character in every single game he's in, just because Ken was good (not even the best) in Turbo.

Besides, I don't need to go to St. Maarten to face him to get beat up. I can do that here now. ;)

I'm still very iffy on that tournament, BTW. Working full time and getting married and all that. I don't even really play any more, except on outings like the last one. We shall see...
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2006, 10:53:23 PM »
????? What makes u different from me then ultima ?  I learn SF in Trinidad my style comes from trini play.. hence US players are confused YES I learned lot out here but my playing style is from Trinidad..

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2006, 02:03:16 AM »
well you heard it from the man himself Ultima.

What do you have to say for yourself now??


on a more sombre note, it is sad that your blade has been dullened by marriage and work so much so that you may be unable to attend the upcoming tournaments.

From what I've seen you are a strong competitor and would be a great representative on the team. Having both the spirit and the skill.

but I know better than most the rigours of a demanding life (with regards to wife, kids, work, etc...) It can be a real toss up.

Here is hoping you find some way to work some gaming into that hectic schedule.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2006, 10:46:27 AM »
The console battles continued yesterday, with N.E.O, RB, Imperial, Sheppard, Akuma and Ultima waging war.

Pity I missed most of the confrontations but from all reports, it was fierce.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2006, 08:04:38 AM »

Hmm. Imperial told me you moved away when you were 8 or something. If that's not the case, then I've been misinformed.

As for me, I spent the first 5 years playing here (1991-1996), getting my ass washed by better players for years in WW/CE/HF before I finally started become decent at the game and started winning. I didn't become "good" until I went away and saw what actual good players were like and learned from them (were you around for But I got my basics here. Walking from school to Long Circular Mall and then to Green Corner & Fun House and all that. Didn't used to go to Corlsort Mall too much back then (too far).

There is no such thing as a "Trini" style of play. At least not a good one. Don't forget: There are STILL areas here where you're likely to get jacked if you use "kick n' throw" (tick throws) in HF. And now that I've come across some players who are actually decent at the modern games (i.e. anything post-SF2), it's still not a real "Trini" style- it's just stuff that's XCOPYed from the US and/or Japan, because that's the stuff that works. There's nothing wrong with that (and really, it should have happened years ago), but you can't call it "Trini-style" when everyone else is doing it.


I'm not married yet. :p

But yeah, it's a big time committment, this relationship thing (I didn't have to deal with that back when I attending tournaments! Dateless wonder, LOL). I also have studying for certification exams. I can make time to play at places like Tech occasionally, but that's about it. I almost have no time to practice by myself. The only times I've played fighting games in the past year are the two times in the past few weeks I was by Tech and when that guy Chris (Akuma?) challenged me at Town Centre Mall last year... August? :|

Besides, a I said on Saturday, I'm not sure if my spirit/intestinal fortitude is up to the task of playing at such a level constantly any more. That's not due to impending marriage/work, that's just due to age and being out of the loop for so long (then again, if Duc can make a come back after 5 years...). :p

Anyway, we'll see about the upcoming tournaments. Keep me informed...

My report is coming up next.

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2006, 08:25:55 AM »
Here's my report, written Saturday night when I went home:

Quote from: Ultima
Ultima vs. G.A.T.T.

I played against a bunch of folks from the Gamers Association of Trinidad and Tobago today. FOR NINE HOURS. These youngsters are trying to kill me or something. I'm way too old to be playing for long sessions like that. But despite the fact that it left me drained, it was all good.

I initially met up with Ryan "New Era Outlaw" Rodriguez around 12:40 pm. He wanted to play me in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. When we first showed up, it was a ghost town, with only us and maybe one or two other guys playing on PCs. by The time 4:00 PM rolled around, though, a squad of fellas showed up, several of whom wanted to play me at various games. Apparently they were sent by Imperial X, who showed up himself later on. So I got a good variety of games against a good bunch of people. Everyone wanted a piece of me. :p

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: This was the game I spent the most time on. New Era Outlaw and I played this for about three hours straight, and we covered some 60+ matches. I think I won about 65% of those matches. N.E.O. (LOL!) is actually a lot better than I was expecting, and is dangerous with all sorts of random characters like M.Bison and Wolverine, many of whom I had barely seen played in the game. However, he would be much much more dangerous if he played with and stuck to better characters. His favouring Megaman characters didn't help his win ratio. He beat me about 3 times in a row to start off with while my Mags/Sentinel warmed up, but after a while, some shades of my old "fucking annoying Magneto" started to surface, and I began to win more and more. I mostly played a team of Mags/Sentinel/other (other rotating between Psylocke, Tronne, Captain Commando and B.B.Hood; B.B.Hood had a pretty good day, actually), with some occasional Doom/Blackheart/Sentinel and some random shit teams like Psylocke/Captain America/Tronne and Cammy/Psylocke/Tronne. He played a much greater variety of characters, alternating low and mid tiers with top tiers like Doom, Blackheart and Sentinel, showing his greater knowlegde of the game in general. Had he stuck to better characters, his win ratio would probably have been higher, cause he's definitely got the skills. He needs a little more experience on when to call and when to not call assists though. I messed him up a good number of times because he kept calling at the wrong time, and I would punish both his main character and the assist simultaneously.

N.E.O. hates the timer. Can't say I blame him, but unfortunately, that's what MvC2 is about.

Not much of note really happened, though there was one time when Blackheart mysteriously vanished from the fight. I mean, we were just fighting normally, time was running out, and BH had been part of his team, and I was expecting to have to deal with him at the end, only to find that he wa gone! I must have killed him at some point while was an assist, but neither of us remember that happening. Very strange.

This was my first time with the PS2 version of MvC2. It held up pretty well. I did notice some slightly longer load times, and some slowdown at times, though thankfully they seemed to be confined to after the matches themselves were done. There were also a few weird sound glitches, where the sound would get louder for no apparent reason. N.E.O. said those only occurred in the burned versions of MvC2, but it seemed to affect the original copy as well. Even so, it seemed like a very competant translation, and I'm kinda sorry I didn't pick up a copy when I had the chance.

Man, I had forgotten how exhausting MvC2 is. The matches with New Era Outlaw left me drained physically and mentally. There were no easy matches. Every match required a tremendous amount of mental concentration as well as physical exertion. My fingers haven't had to fly that fast in a long time.

As I said, had he played with better characters more often (More Blackheart, less Roll), it would have been a lot closer.

Later on, when I couldn't take it any more, I went to get some food from Kamwah. I can't go for 8 hours playing games without eating any more. While I was gone, N.E.O.  played one of the other guys who had shown up (RB) in MvC2. RbB has potential, what with playing very dangerous teams like Magento/Storm/Psylocke and Mags/Sentinel/Psylocke, and I saw him trying for Mags' infinite and Storm triangle jumping, but N.E.O. beat him down pretty solidly. RB needs more practice. Once he gets that infinite down, he'll be very, very dangerous.

Third Strike: Some of the guys that showed up wanted to play me in 3S. At least two of them (Chris/Akuma and Sheppard) are fellas I have fought and beaten before. In fact, Akuma was a guy who challenged me last year in Town Centre Mall, where he put up a good fight but he wasn't quite ready for me then back then. He was certainly ready now, though, since he's obviously been playing the game steadily, while I have not, and I think he beat me something like 8-3 overall. We didn't play that much for some reason. Nasty Dudley and Ken. He also surprised me by getting out of my Slash Elbow -> Stun gun Headbutt with Hugo, who I could have sworn could not get out of that. He got out of it with both Shootdown Backbreaker (must use the LK version apparently) and Megaton Press (ditto). However, if I change the version of the SGH, apparently I can still snag him, it seems. So it's back to being a mind game instead of something guaranteed. Anyway, I'm glad for him. I don't think he's satisfied yet, though. He probably needs to beat me another 15 or so times before he thinks we're even. :p

I also played RB and N.E.O. in 3S. New Era Outlaw is a bit new to the game, but still fought pretty well. RB had a dangerous Deijin Ryu and Makoto. I think I won most of my matches, sticking to my usual assortment of Hugo, Oro, Alex, Q, Yang, and my embarrassingly bad Urien, but at this point I can't remember. I really didn't play that much 3S today, and I can't say that I'm disappointed. I don't particularly like that game.

Capcom vs. SNK 2: I don't know if I should count this, as it wasn't that serious. One of the guys who I used to play in Town Centre Mall (sorry, don't know this kid's name) begged me to play him in this. He had a rough time at first since the controller he a using wasn't that good, but he did a little better later on when he got a replacement. However, he wasn't that good then, and he's still not that good now. He had some okay ideas with running Guile backhand, but we played under some messed up conditions which were almost entirely in his favour: 3 on 3 instead of ratio mode, and on max speed. He also played a lot of EX2 groove, which had, among other things, C-Groove's super meter, running, chain combos and super cancelling on. Yeah. I lost a couple times, but I don't particularly care.

I also Sheppard, one of the guys I played in Town Centre Mall who apparently is now a boss at Third Strike. Pretty good N-Ryu. He seemed a bit rusty though. I also got the impression he didn't care for the game much. Neither do I, as a matter of fact. Next time, I'll play him (and probably get stomped) in 3S.

During CvS2, both my arms started to cramp up severely, leaving in in intense pain. Wow. I can't remember I had such awful cramps. And in both arms no less! I don't think that's ever happened before. I really am getting too old for this shit.

Guilty Gear XX: I actually ended up playing quite a lot of this. At first I played RB, who didn't do so well, but that's because he plays #R, not plain vanilla XX. So those wins don't really count. Maybe we'll learn GGXX Slash together, though his schedule is pretty incongruous to mine (only free on Tuesdays and Sundays, blah). I also played Sheppard a bit. I think he's still new to the game and is still learning it. It might not make sense to learn XX at this stage, since XX Slash is out now.

Later on, after I got finished with CvS2, Imperial X got tired of beating up people on Tekken 5, and he came over to play me. I would end up playing him for nearly two hours. I did a bit better this time compared to last time. I actually played the game this time and was setting up tactics and counters and hitting my combos, as opposed to just hammering on buttons like last time. I still got whomped on by Sol, but at least I frustrated the hell out of him with Potemkin this time. My Sol and Dizzy didn't do too bad either (I'm still not so good at Sol vs. Sol, but I did better this time), but it was Potemkin who did the most damage. He still got beat on pretty badly, especially by Sol, but he also got some good streaks, especially if he wasn't facing Sol. And even then, I forced Imperial to change his attack patterns a couple times and forced him to think a lot more. I still had to work about three times as hard for my wins though. Sol being able to do random running Hard Slash Volcanic Viper to Dust loop from mid screen for 50%+ damage is total bullshit.

Anyway, by the time all was said and done, it was 9:40 pm, I was exhausted, hungry and thirsty like hell. But oh man, it was worth it. I haven't had a good playing session like this in a LOOOOG time. Last time with Imperial was marred by the fact that my mom and my fiancee were panicking when they couldn't get a hold of me (cell phone got swithed off by accident), and I ended up in the dog house briefly because of it. There was nothing like that this time, since I made sure to call mom about halfway through and told her that everything was alright and that I'd be coming in late. So it was all good. I dunno when next I'll be back though.

N.E.O. wants revenge. I think this weekend might be out, but I'll see about the weekend after that.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2006, 08:53:37 AM »
Awesome report!

now I'm even more pissed that I missed out on the action.


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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2006, 08:28:22 PM »
WTF!??? no Trini style of play.. you sooo dont know what u talking bout.. I left trinidad 6 years ago.. I been winning tourny in chaguanas  and ariima back in the day.... I wish I was in Trini now  if we play in the arcade Ill prob beat you with 1 hand .. when I was living in Trini .. players were lacking information.. didnt have internet cafe and stuff.. so only now trinidad is getting better cuz of vids and what not .. so living out here seeing for myself  Ive soaked up lots and added it to what I know FROM TRINIDAD!

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2006, 09:47:37 PM »
wow the tension is amazing..
ultima plays with q intresting..
anyhow nice to see it went off that day..

and keep your temper down ultim and prez ..leave the joysticks to the fighting ^_^

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2006, 12:24:54 PM »
Hey, I'm not mad.


You're right. You probably would beat me, though perhaps not with one hand (unless you're the "one-handed terror from Tuscon", but I doubt it). If you've been playing steadily all that time, especially if you've been competing, then of course I can't match that. I stopped playing seriously back in 2001 (my last real tournament was March Madness 2002, and I was definintely on my way down at that point), and furthermore, I was hours away from really high level players. I had my crew in Rochester, who were decent, but nothing like CTF level. And I have barely played against anyone since, not counting the last few times at Tech. So yeah, you will probably beat me, and very badly no doubt, though it doesn't prove anything.

What I will say, though, is that there's nothing you'll beat me with that is likely to be new. Beat me down with Ken in 3S. Or Mags/Sentinel/Psylocke in MvC2. Or V-Sakura in A3. Or A-Vega/Bison/Blanka or whatever in CvS2. Whatever it is, you're likely to be using tactics that I've seen already by other good/better players. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can't call it Trini-style. I've seen Trini players. I've seen good Trini players even and, as far as I've seen, the good ones are just using stuff they learned from the 'net. As you said, Trini players were lacking information (so was every else before SRK - I was around for SRK's predecessor,, which I now suspect you've never heard of) before, so many players who thought they were good weren't all that great. I've come across some actual good players now, but they're good because they're using what other good players are doing/did before them. And as I said, there's nothing wrong with this. Hell, it's the only reason why I'm anything appraoching "good" now - my only claim to fame is using and winning with Bison in HF.

You left six years ago, you say? How old ard you, if you don't mind me asking? I may have to rectify my earlier statement about you not being a true Trini player (but again, if you're winning against good competition, it's highly unlikely to be a real "Trini" style - more than likely). But then again, you were winning tournaments in in Chaguanus and Arima back in the day in what, exactly? You certainly didn't learn games like CvS2 here.


Actually, my Q is rubbish. That's why I use him as a litmus test for 3S.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2006, 01:03:09 PM »
darn :(
i taught they was another q lovn guy beside me

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2006, 04:29:49 PM »
Oh no. I like Q, depite hi arsenal of shitty normals, which is why I play him. I just don't have any lofty delusions about my playing him. Or anyone else in 3S, for that matter.
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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2006, 06:26:53 PM »
lol 3s isnt that bad..
still to prove that q is a god >_<
* Kaizen still gettin ass whoped from pc

bleh hope i could make it to one of these things soon
« Last Edit: April 19, 2006, 06:38:09 PM by Kaizen »

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Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2006, 10:23:15 PM »
I've been into news groups and mailing lists for aeons but I must admit, personally frowned on using the net to further my gaming prowess.

Wanted to earn my own hat you it an ego thing.

Way pass that now. I respect a man wanting to play a game for two years to learn it the "hard way" but with the internet, you can get all that info at your finger tips in a week.

Talk about the power of google.

Invest some time in researching online and improve your game over night. Natural talant and skill still count but that research can bring you up to

That's the new strat and like you said....ain't nothing wrong with that.


Re: Street Fighter games (and related) Challenge
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2006, 10:23:15 PM »


* ShoutBox

Refresh History
  • Crimson609: yea everything cool how are you?
    August 10, 2022, 07:26:15 AM
  • Pain_Killer: Good day, what's going on with you guys? Is everything Ok?
    February 21, 2021, 05:30:10 PM
  • Crimson609: BOOM covid-19
    August 15, 2020, 01:07:30 PM
  • Shinsoo: bwda 2020 shoutboxing. omg we are in the future and in the past at the same time!
    March 03, 2020, 06:42:47 AM
  • TriniXjin: Watch Black Clover Everyone!
    February 01, 2020, 06:30:00 PM
  • Crimson609: lol
    February 01, 2020, 05:05:53 PM
  • Skitz: So fellas how we go include listing for all dem parts for pc on we profile but doh have any place for motherboard?
    January 24, 2020, 09:11:33 PM
  • Crimson609: :ph34r:
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:28 PM
  • Crimson609: Big up ya whole slef
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:17 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul like Link
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:14 PM
  • protomanex: Man like Kitana
    January 20, 2019, 09:22:39 PM
  • protomanex: Man like Chappy
    January 20, 2019, 09:21:53 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul Like Minato
    January 20, 2019, 09:21:48 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul like XJin
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:53 PM
  • protomanex: Shout out to man like Crimson
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:44 PM
  • Crimson609: shout out to gyal like Corbie Gonta
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:06 PM
  • cold_187: Why allur don't make a discord or something?
    December 03, 2018, 06:17:38 PM
  • Red Paradox: everyday from 6:00pm
    May 29, 2018, 09:40:09 AM
  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
    May 09, 2018, 11:00:52 PM
  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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