Author Topic: phear intel? conroe rips FX60 to shreds. then feeds shreds to intel's dogs  (Read 7430 times)

Offline Crixx_Creww

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steups @ de underhanded intel bashing from trini

but wayyy @ de 4 megs l2 cache! on a chip like that omg that is ownage.

So again, to yonah or not to yonah!

de yonah kicks brass but the lack of 64 bit support is sticking out liike a sour thumb.

After seeing the price point on the conroe though, omg i think iam completely sold!


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Crixx you sold out A LONG TIME AGO :p but that asideI have the Core Duo and its going well so far. The laptop does get HOTT though, but I can't complain about the performance, at 1.6GHz its within seconds of my 3500+ which is 600mhz faster Super PI score... i'll put it up for comparison:

Offline Crixx_Creww

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well the heat shouldnt be attributed to the processor but most likely due to poor engineering of the laptop.

Have you tried ocing it on air? its supposed to be super kick ass at ocing on air!!!

So you have a yonah, do yu feel slighted by the lack of 64 bit support or does it not bother yu?

CAuse if it isnt that much of a bother to you, i may get a yonah and forget the conroe till my next next machine build.

What kinda lappy is it btw?

Iam comparing my lappy with a dothan core, cpuz to the conroe here and its interesting that the voltage difference is kinda significant
from 1.308 to 1.18 on the conroe, and such a vast improvement in performance. I mean, its no wonder intel is daddy ^_^.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 01:31:19 PM by Crixx_Creww »

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Wow at those scores and price points.

Intel really trying to make a come back boy.

most impressive.

Good find as usual trini.

As for the laptop consideration, I won't spend my own money on one at all.

I'll take it as a company machine to do work, no problem...and it will run DOTA and other less demanding type games just fine but as a primary gaming rig, hell no.

I can give you 4 reasons why not.

Spellforce 2, FEAR, BattleField 2 and Oblivion. lol

Not to mention the HD performance. Typical laptop HDs are SLOOWWW.

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Crixx: The 64-bit doesn't bother me as Vista is supposed to have a 320bit version and chances are i'll be using XP on the things I work on for AT LEAST another 2 yrs, so its safe. The heating is prolly due to other things I agree. Conroe is the desktop part, if you're looking to go Laptop, you'll be looking for Meron. And that is a bit away, at least June. I think you'd be safe with Yonah. It's an Acer laptop.

Baego: Meh laptop specs are
Centrino Duo ala Core duo 1.6Ghz, intel wireless and chipset, etc
15.4" Screen (quite bright and VERY clean and clear)
100GB SATA 5400RPM HD (it not that slow I assure you)
Bluetooth, IR, Firewire, 4xUSB2, (SVGA, S-video, DVI) out
DL DVD-RAM/RW/R/etc drive 8X
1BG (512MBx2) DDR2 533MHz supports up to 2BG (1GBx2)
8 Cell battery
Radeon X1400 128MB dedicated, up to 512MB using Hypermemory
It will MORE than play DoTA, in fact I can play NFSMW on medium settings @ 800x600. That medium includes AA and AN btw.
Oh and it cost 1300USD + Shipping


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X1400 ? or do you mean X1300 ?

Nice specs tho...looks like a good buy.

Offline Crixx_Creww

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good buy indeed except for de x whatever ati mcallit card

dem acer laptops jus dyingg to be bought!

I real thinking of one my self , simply cause of the sucess of ocing people have with them

buttt lack of nvidia cards on de machines gonna be an instant no no to me.

.. I mean, when yu could have a lappy with a 7800gtx go in it, why would yu settle for ati mediocrity

Offline W1nTry

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*sighs* @ crixx... well crixx even though your beloved Intel sleeping with ATI lately you seem to still discredit them... anyways there are other models you can buy, there may even be a Nvidia video solution one.... otherwise there are some Asus barebones laptop kits you can purchase. Kinda like a PC build it urself kinda thing. I can' OC meh cpu cause of the very simple bios tha comes with the laptop, but I will investigate this later on.. maybe a bios flash.

PS Czar, nope its a Radeon X1400
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 02:23:04 PM by W1nTry »

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Ahhh...interesting...I don't often keep up on all the mobile offerings...didn't realise they did a mobility 1400...I just assumed they'd only have mobility parts to match their desktop counterparts.

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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   one of these days... someone should sneak into crixx house and replace his precious geforce with an ATI .. :) .

Core 2 duo E6600
Asus mobo
Radeon HD 4770
2 gigs DDR2 667 + 2 gigs DDR 800 OCZ

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I'm sure he won't notice Trini, he'd prolly say "Hmm damn those new Nvidia drivers have done WONDERS (pun intended) for my picture quality" LMAO

Offline Crixx_Creww

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well first off, my case is perpetually open so i can gaze upon the glorious blue glow of my 6800

its my comfort when iam actually home

i often sit an stare an ponder the mysteries of life, whilst looking into that aura of uberness.

Besides, my machine would reject that stupid ati card like  a foreign cell, it would beat it down an spit it out
no room for mediocrity.
ikky nasty red cards bleh

Offline W1nTry

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Actually my card is dark purple... but umm thats just me with my uber X800XT AIW :p umm that aside... doesn't your case get extra unnceccessary dust crixx? keeping ur case open? what n00bness is that? or is your dahlin Northwood behaving like a PrescHOTt??? and you need extra cooling? :p well anyways it's not like I totally against intel, I mean I do have a Yonah lappy!

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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 More Conroe news.. someone is disowning inte'ls claims at performance superiority.. 
  He claims that the only reason the conroe performs better than the A64 is its large cache , and that once a program uses more than 4mb for a thread , the A64s superior bus will dominate.... 
   this story is confusing..  still have to wait and see... fanboys on all sides trying to protect their company .

Core 2 duo E6600
Asus mobo
Radeon HD 4770
2 gigs DDR2 667 + 2 gigs DDR 800 OCZ

Offline Crixx_Creww

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I have a house fan litterally pointed into the case of the machine,
the purpose is to drop the ambient of the whole machine, and not any one part in particular, although its pointed at the ram and 6800 mostly.

I use cans of air to spray out my machine frequently, its quiet clean

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although its pointed at the ram and 6800 mostly
Lemme see if I get this have a house fan pointed at "the ram and 6800 mostly"?? How d arsedo you a house fan at those 2 components "mostly"?? :D Boy....jes say yuh proessor givin off some steam and done d talk :D

Offline W1nTry

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although its pointed at the ram and 6800 mostly
Lemme see if I get this have a house fan pointed at "the ram and 6800 mostly"?? How d arsedo you a house fan at those 2 components "mostly"?? :D Boy....jes say yuh proessor givin off some steam and done d talk :D

Offline Crixx_Creww

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ill take a pic and show yall

on these dells not liek i could point the fan at the processor if i wanted to

there is an air duct above the heatsink for an extractor fan to remove heat off of it, so i dont bother trying to cool it.

the fan points mainly at the card and the ram cause well, they get hot. simple

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i probably should let yall know that it has come to my attention that GOD owns an Alienware system that boasts of an Intel chip...... lol dude intel strated the whole thing an although when amd came out they had to pick up their pants n release some power into their chips they still wtfpwn in performance....even you wintry compare your amd chip by an intel

and i quote" my4800+ means that it runs comparable to a 4.8gig (intel <-- the part that was "understood")
The world of the gods lies unburied in our minds.
There are no Pacts between Lions & Men...

Offline W1nTry

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SHAME on you jdcrys, the 4800+ was derived from AMD NOT intel. SHAMEFUL.... when they originally started using the numbering convention (albeit cause their Megahurts couldn't match intel but their performance could) the convention was what is the ESTIMATED Frequency that the ORIGINAL Athlon (T-bird) would have to be clocked at to achieve the same level of performance... TSK TSK TSK that you DON'T know that. Hence a 2600+ is the expected performance of a 2.6GHz Athlon NOT and 2.6GHz Intel. What you could say is that AMD would say their performance at the same frequency is equal if not greater than that of an Intel processor, hence a 1.9GHz 2600+ would be compared to a 2.6GHz P4 which is a 700MHz deficit (note that at 2.6GHz the Athlon would BLOW the P4 away). In reality its about right, a 2600+ would perform close to or better (in some and less in others) than a 2.6Ghz P4. These days however the naming convention no longer works as even at 4.8GHz the original althon would NOT perform as strongly as the 4800+ (being dual core and all that other 64-bit goodness). They just kept the naming scheme as its' what they worked REALLY HARD for ppl to appreciate over YEARS. So just for the record jd, I doh compare meh system to intel by the name i.e. 3500+ I compare my rig vs performance and it doesn't HAVE to be against intel as 3500+ is a comparison of AMD against its first breakthrough tech.



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