Author Topic: Video card lifespans  (Read 1412 times)

Offline W1nTry

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Video card lifespans
« on: February 21, 2006, 08:52:01 AM »
Well these days ATI and Nvidia are going at eat other like 2 prize cocks in a ring. A product revision is eminant every 3-5 months these days and when you think you got the best, along comes the competing brand with something that blows your card into the proverbial stone age. Now the 7xxx series has been around for a lil while, in particular the 78xx series is the oldest of that generation. With the dawn of teh X18xx and X19xx series the 78xx series has taken a slight backseat (YES CRIXX THEY GETTING LIHIXX) and your 7800GT/X/X512 are no longer the kings of the hill. But does this mean they need to can an item? there are still 68xx series around over a year after their release, not to mention the revisions like the 6800GS and the ilk. That aside, apparently the 78xx has reached its proverbial EOL or End Of Life... you heard right, end of the road for those GTetc. Now all that will be left is whats in the channel... this brings up the question of how feasible is SLI really as an upgrade option? ppl buying their 7800GTs thinking maybe in a year or more I can get a new one and WHAM, more performance without a LARGE scale overhaul. But with this kinda thing, it really makes you wonder about it. Take a read:
Geforce 7800 GTX, GT reaches end of life

Partners confirmed

By Fuad Abazovic: Monday 20 February 2006, 13:04

[Blocked Ads]NVIDIA partners made their last G70 orders and have had their last chunk of Geforce 7800 GTX 512, 256 and 7800 GT cards. Those cards will be available in retail as long as supplies last and it is clear that Nvidia and its partners want to clear the inventory. This certainly means that Nvidia is about to start shipping its faster G71 based products.
It has Geforce 7900 GTX as the flagship card and it also has less expensive 7900 GT card and there is no space for the mutual coexistence with the 7800 GTX and GT. The new cards ought to be faster than the previous one and, more than likely, even cheaper.

Geforce 7800 GTX 256 and certainly Geforce 7800 GT are great cards, available, priced more or less reasonably and made quite a good reputation very quickly, so we have to say good bye to them.


Video card lifespans
« on: February 21, 2006, 08:52:01 AM »


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