
Views on upgradin to vista.

Most definately!MS ownz my soul!
10 (20%)
Hmm, if its a technically smart option.
11 (22%)
If i get it free...
8 (16%)
Not even if i get it free.
9 (18%)
12 (24%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Author Topic: Microsoft VISTA  (Read 61033 times)

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2006, 06:21:26 PM »

Sure DX10 is integrates the desktop into a 3D (OS X) type interface... but what they don't tell you is that OpenGL will no longer be natively supported and it will be run ON TOP OF DX10. Which as we all know will slow things down...

Eli asked about OpenGL, Direct Draw, and WPF,  and how they work with Desktop composition...

OpenGL can go through one of three paths in Windows Vista depending on how your computer is configured.

   1. MSOGL - this is an implementation of OpenGL 1.4 that uses Direct3D under the covers to hardware accellerate the application.
   2. Legacy ICD's - These are the ICD's that are available today for use on Windows XP. These will continue to work on Windows Vista, but will disable the DWM when they are loaded in to the process of the application that's using OpenGL. The reason for this is that Legacy ICD's operate directly on the GPU without going through Windows at all, and we have no way of redirecting application's output in a stable, predictable manner.
   3. Windows Vista ICD's - this is a new path for 3rd party ICD's introduced for Windows Vista that will work in a way that is compatible with desktop composition. Essentially allowing direct access to the GPU for hardware accellaration, but then having the final surface that appears to be the front buffer to the application actually be a shared surface that gets composed by the DWM


like they change they mind again.. LOL
they NOT using a DX10 wrapper.. it gonna be native again..
sigh.. the whole vista roadmap just drippin white-out, yes

winFS one minute, next min it gone
EFI support, no EFI support ( i suppose they took that out to shaft the people who wanted to run XP on they macs, for whatever reason.. actually i know why.. so if you want to do it legal, you hadda buy a copy of virtualPC.. wait.. who owns tha? oh yeah.. MS!)
opengl native, then opengl implemented on top dx10 , then back native


Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2006, 06:21:26 PM »

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2006, 07:55:10 AM »
All we have to hope for is they make the right decisions for their customers and NOT their wallets. The whole DC wrapper thing is for THEIR benefit to promote DX over OGL effectively killing off the competition, which is BAD for the consumer.  The EFI thing... well I suppose the whole apple thing has something to do with that... WORLD + DOG knows ppl would rush out to put Vista on their Mac cause of the engineering behind the hardware. But anyways, bottom line, whats best for us the customer is all we can hope for.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2006, 10:19:24 AM »
Wouldn't they sell more Windows if it ran on Macs though. Apple's more the barrier than m$. There doesn't seem to drivers in Windows for anything on the Macs.
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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2006, 10:38:25 AM »
Well look at it this way, it's still a Mac you're buying isn't it? and it comes with OS X still? so the possibility exists ppl will just use OS X instead... so its more MS than Apple. Because either way you look at it Apple will make more money becuase of it, thats the bottom line.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2006, 09:13:25 PM »
Microsoft Corp. said on Tuesday it plans to delay the consumer launch of its much-anticipated Windows Vista until after this year's holiday shopping season, sending its shares down nearly 3 percent.

The world's largest software maker pushed back the consumer version of Vista until January 2007 from an earlier target for the second half of 2006 and pledged to ship the next version of its operating system to business customers in November


hmm.. till next year huh..  wonder if they gonna use this time to include some of the features they cut out ( like winfs) ?


Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2006, 09:13:25 PM »

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2006, 09:41:48 PM »
I doubt they'll integrate WinFS...seems too far along the development cycle to include such a big feature...improbable, but not impossible.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2006, 11:01:36 PM »
true, but they bought themselves a few more months into 2007..

( then again, the business version of vista will still be rollin out in november...and i can see winfs fittin more into a managed environment, than a home setting...)

i really think they shootin themselves in the foot with this multiple version thing.. sure it looks nice as a revenue model, but all it gonna due is frustrate the customer even more, and push them closer towards an alternative os)

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2006, 12:11:38 PM »
Thing about an alternative OS is... well to MS there really ain't one. Linux has its body parts spread too wide, too many versions, too many different interfaces which ain't ALL that and its too tedious for the avg secretary who wants to install msn messenger. Then there OS X which would be a GREAT alternative.. but then you'd have to buy an Apple which doh come cheap and wouldn't be available in the quantities required to fill the PC market. And well then you got UNIX and other variants.... and theres always solaris... but yuh get meh drift. As far as most ppl are concerned there is NO alternative. So unlike say AMD or Intel who when they shoot themselves in the foot lose up to 5+% market share. MS pretty much doh have that concern yet. Now if OS X were publicly available as a Standalone OS for X86... THEN they'd have cause for concern.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2006, 02:30:33 PM »
Yeah @ disciple:
Microsoft delays Vista again

You probably were expecting this

By Nick Farrell: Wednesday 22 March 2006, 06:36

THE ON again off again release date of Microsoft’s Vista is off again.
The outfit, which has been promising a release of a replacement to the old and now slightly smelly Windows XP for five years, is claiming that the beast is still not ready.

Microsoft promised on its mother’s grave that the operating system would be ready by November for everyone.

Now according to Jim Allchin, co-president of the company's Platforms & Services Division Vista will be released for Vole's corporate customers in November, but needed an additional couple of months to get the consumer version out.

He said that Microsoft still has not got the security right for the product. However he also hints that Vole might be bowing to the will of its software vendors. Obviously the security is right because Microsoft’s corporate customers will be getting it in November as planned.

But Allchin said that Microsoft’s vendor partners do not want a November release because it will kill off all their pre-Christmas sales.

He says they do not want to release software which might "create instability" and cause their back catalogue sales to fail and stuff up their busiest sales period.

This is a strange excuse as it was not a problem when Microsoft released 95 during the same period to huge acclaim and applause.

Shareholders are not buying it either. The price of VoleStock fell three per cent in after hour trading.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2006, 10:11:52 PM »
nice heads up.

Either way, I'm in no rush,

let 'em take their time getting Vista out the door.

XP still cuttin the mustard for the moment.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2006, 10:58:25 AM »
If gaming in Vista is anything like what the article i'm about to put up is... you're gonna need ONE HELLUVA GOSU rig to play games in Vista:
Vista eats memory like jenna jameson eat.....

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2006, 04:13:22 PM »
Thing about an alternative OS is... well to MS there really ain't one. Linux has its body parts spread too wide, too many versions, too many different interfaces which ain't ALL that and its too tedious for the avg secretary who wants to install msn messenger. Then there OS X which would be a GREAT alternative.. but then you'd have to buy an Apple which doh come cheap and wouldn't be available in the quantities required to fill the PC market. And well then you got UNIX and other variants.... and theres always solaris... but yuh get meh drift. As far as most ppl are concerned there is NO alternative. So unlike say AMD or Intel who when they shoot themselves in the foot lose up to 5+% market share. MS pretty much doh have that concern yet. Now if OS X were publicly available as a Standalone OS for X86... THEN they'd have cause for concern.

Counterpoint. There are only about 6 or so Linux distros that really are worth mentioning for general use. Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSuSE, Mandriva, Mepis, PCLinuxOS. 4 of these use Gnome as a default desktop environment and they all work pretty similarly.
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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2006, 11:10:09 PM »
with XGL  and Compiz ( new X server, and window manager.. think of it as analgous to directX , or aero  etc, but not exactly) coming onstream soon, we seeing the 'eye-candy' and cool factor goin up a notch.....  perhaps more mainstream games in a couple years..
wifi support is improving, along with the fact that the majority of hardware is being detected these days
ACPI support as well for the laptop crew, although it's still 'not ready for primetime ' just yet, imo

all linux systems are the same, at the core.. they follow the same conventions, if you really look at it..the difference is the administration tools that are provided, choice of gui ( desktop environment...KDE or gnome), application mix  and your installer, built around the linux kernel

you can even break that popular 6 down into 2 categories:       debian based using .DEB packages(ubuntu, mepis), and redhat based, using .RPMs(mandriva, fedora,pclinuxOS, Suse)

we say it's hard to install something under linux, and easy to do it under windows..   but i must contend, it's only 'hard' cuz we not accustomed to it..

with linux package management systems, you don't need to scour the web for your programs.. chances are , its listed in your package manager, once you have the 'repository' in your list of sources ( the repository is just that.. a server where all the packages are)
the only downside to this is that you may not be getting the bleeding edge version..  perhaps something a couple months old, or maybe more..
you still have the option to compile your own version tho..this is where headache is lol

but apart from that, and a couple other idiosyncrasies.. linux aint no different to win, once you usin a gui.. same pointin an clickin goin on..  just your troubleshooting skills have to adapt to a different model, thas all..

ubuntu has really made serious headway into making linux noob friendly, and has a vibrant, helpful community forum ( in addition to the aforementioned improvements in hardware recognition).. with its momentum  , and the upcoming release of its new 6.0x version ( Dapper Drake)  i think its gonna win some ground.. it's not the vista-killer.. but  more of a vista-weakener.. perhaps in 2-3 years, commercial 3rd party support ( hardware and software) will be at an acceptable level, and KDE4 should be out as well, and it'll be a different ball game.. the same way we learnt to use windows, ( by fiddling around, and askin a padna who 'know bout it' if we run into trouble), people gonna learn about linux.. all you need is the grassroots

we'll see then..   Rome wasn't built in a day, and it didn't fall in a day either.....

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2006, 08:53:15 AM »
It's is my belief that if there were say 2 versions of Linux they'd have a fighting chance. Too much diversity causes headaches in support. If the linux comm came together (ALTOGETHER) and worked towards 1 product they'd be a lot more sucessful inho. Sure at the core they're similar or the same but imagine a large corporation  (>>100000users) buying 1 flavour for a hundred different propreitary apps... is the security support, updates, new programs, troubleshooting etc going to be sufficient to deal with that many users? who is trained to support that size user base in a 24hr period? the whole world+dog can do basic troubleshooting on windows. What about certifications? how many ppl have linux certifications vs. MS certifications? true certifications in reality mean only so much, but to the rest of the world and business at large its the defining requirement. I've dabbled with Linux a few times and each time i've been turned off. Most ppl don't want to read throught forums and look up questions on how to do x y z. They just want find file, execute file, done. Uninstall something, click click done, upgrade xyz. Ppl have been weened on MS and the way they do it, last time I dabbled with Linux (other than on the prompt) it was clicking away at anything to get ANYTHING to work. The damn CD player game me trouble once. And let's not even talk about recompiling stuff. Most ppl doh know how to install or uninstall something far less to recompile a program for it to work. Then not too long ago I read an article about how bloated Linux was becoming from trying to make an interface like Aqua and Aero. I can't believe i'm gonna say thins, the good thing about MS is that they're working altogether to perfect a particular OS (with variants) but utlimately the same things with different lipstick. Linux has several different teams working on several different products that look similar but are all distributed to compete with one another. What sense does it make to compete against urself when trying to gain popularity?

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2006, 08:55:27 AM »
Back to Vista however:
Microsoft employees in Vista revolt

Bring me the head of Monkey Boy

By Nick Farrell: Thursday 23 March 2006, 07:22

WHILE THE markets and the IT press are castigating Microsoft for releasing Vista late, it appears that Vole is suffering from an attack from its own staff over the decision.
According to an insider bog, the staff are up in arms about the move.

The blog is fuming that Microsoft will not only miss the back to school market, but will also now lose the Christmas sales period.

"Vista's deployment is going to come from people buying CPUs with the OS pre-installed, not dancing down the CompUSA aisle as they clutch that boxed version of Vista to their loving chest," the bog says.

The bog, which is backed by hundreds of similar comments from Microsoft employees, says that managers should be offering their resignations for the delay. Other comments called for the head of "Monkey Boy" while others said that it is time for a shareholder revolt.

"Vista is the biggest software development failure of all time, IBM's office vision was the previous record holder, with $900 million spent… Vista has cost five or six billion," the poster moaned.

However, one person, who claimed to work in the Windows department said that Vista simply was not ready to ship.

"If you had spent the last five years of your life grinding away to get this thing out the door, you would have realized the only thing worse than slipping the date, would have been to lay a turd in August. Those of us in the trenches (front-line L61 PM here, on a real feature set, not one of those useless COSD bureaucrats) see exactly what bugs are between us and shipping."

thats interesting... and how about:
More than half of Microsoft Vista needs re-writing

Panic at the Volehill

By Nick Farrell: Friday 24 March 2006, 06:56

[Blocked Ads]MICROSOFT appears to be in a state of panic, ordering 60 per cent of its new operating system to be re-written amidst a major shake-up of its troubled Windows division.
The news follows another delay with reports of a staff revolt over the way that management has handled the development of the operating system.

According to a Volish denizen speaking to smarthouse.com, orders have come down from on high to rewrite more than 60 per cent of the consumer version of Vista in a bid to get it ready for the 2007 CES show in Las Vegas.

Vole has shifted programmers from its Xbox team to help resolve many problems associated with entertainment and media centre functionality inside the OS. They are also working with Intel's Viiv team engineers and it is believed that Viiv could also be stalled to line up with Vista’s launch.

At the centre of the problem appears to be the Media Centre code which will not be optional. Apparently they cannot get it to work properly in its current format and will have to make a lot of changes to the code to jack it in.

Meanwhile Vole has moved to sort out management problems in its Windows division and restructured the lot.

Steven Sinofsky has been promoted to senior vice president of the Windows and Windows Live Group to take control of the division. He is one of the Volish "rising stars" and is famous for getting a team to work properly.

Smarthouse has dug up an internal memo on the changes from Co-President, Platforms Products & Services Division Kevin Johnson to his executive staff. He said that he had made a lot of the changes after talking to staff. One of the people who seems to have had his job changed is Johnson’s other Co-President, Platforms Products & Services Division Jim Allchin. Although his role in Vole has not changed, apparently he will have to report to Johnson from now on.

Although there are some musical chairs, no one appears to have been fired or demoted for a cock-up which has effectively cost Vole 40 per cent of five billion dollars.

doesn't sound good, but to reference meh post from before... MS pulled Xbox programmers to get their problem fixed. They have a massive team just focusing on 1 product. I doh know how big the team is in the linux world, but I am sure it ain't as large as what MS has to sort out a problem.

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2006, 11:50:23 AM »
It's is my belief that if there were say 2 versions of Linux they'd have a fighting chance. Too much diversity causes headaches in support. If the linux comm came together (ALTOGETHER) and worked towards 1 product they'd be a lot more sucessful inho.

with regards to desktop environments, you're either KDE or gnome based... ( have a few inbetween, but those are the main ones that get most of the support/publicity/development money ). .so there's your focus..   if you need to run something that was designed for gnome, under KDE, is not a problem, it just install the libraries.. if you talkin support, as in support for a business, the business itself would have decided what goin on the desktop, just as they do when they rollin out windows PCs

Sure at the core they're similar or the same but imagine a large corporation  (>>100000users) buying 1 flavour for a hundred different propreitary apps... is the security support, updates, new programs, troubleshooting etc going to be sufficient to deal with that many users? who is trained to support that size user base in a 24hr period? the whole world+dog can do basic troubleshooting on windows

Red Hat ,Mandriva and  few others offer support with for their business customers...  linux is built from the ground up as a network OS, with secure remote login for admins, backup tools, distributed storage, etc.. of course, this requres that you set it up, but so does windows active directory.. is not like out of the box, you can just tell Xp to network itself..    if you doin a large deployment, you need to plan it, as with any IT project   .. if you doin somethin >>100000 users, you need to have trained personnel...  also, bug fixes are done quicker than MS, and in a more transparent way. if you need a feature in a program, you can write it in.( this is not a far stretch of the imagination.. many companies, large and small do this, every day )   
another thing, don't assume that all that 100000 knows their way around windows, or even around a computer. i worked in tech support  for a company, around 400 users at one location, ( runnin mostly windows) and i can tell you , we take computer literacy and common sense for granted..

What about certifications? how many ppl have linux certifications vs. MS certifications? true certifications in reality mean only so much, but to the rest of the world and business at large its the defining requirement. I've dabbled with Linux a few times and each time i've been turned off.

with regards to the personnel, you can outsource your support, hire trained staff, or train them yourself..  same as with a windows admin position..yes, i admit, there are many more certified windows people, but this is changing.. also, you've got many 'paper MCSEs' floating around too.

initially, my linux experience was frustrating too.. but it got better, as the hardware support got better....   until recently, most linux drivers were reverse engineered stuff, since manufacturers didnt want to release trade secrets by open sourcing, or didn't cater for linux so they never released closed source drivers

Most ppl don't want to read throught forums and look up questions on how to do x y z. They just want find file, execute file, done. Uninstall something, click click done, upgrade xyz. Ppl have been weened on MS and the way they do it, last time I dabbled with Linux (other than on the prompt) it was clicking away at anything to get ANYTHING to work. The damn CD player game me trouble once. And let's not even talk about recompiling stuff. Most ppl doh know how to install or uninstall something far less to recompile a program for it to work.

yes, i agree.. most people don't want to go through the tedious task of forum huntin.. as mentioned before tho, linux distros have progressed to a much better state with regards to program uninstallation/installation...  you can use a package manager to do this.. think of it as control panel's add/remove on steroids. almost every program you need, is there and available for download/installation.. you also uninstall from there ( and it's a clean uninstall)..

compiling you own stuff is an option, not a requirement ( unless you want to be on the bleeding edge)

Then not too long ago I read an article about how bloated Linux was becoming from trying to make an interface like Aqua and Aero.

 i assume they were they talking about the desktop environment(KDE, gnome)  but  not the kernel(which is linux)  itself.      again, as stated before, the distribution itself makes the choice of what application mix you get.. some like  mandrake and redhat required 3-4 cds for an install, and installed redundant apps, i must admit. but then you have ubuntu, mepis, and knoppix etc, where an initial choice is made, to fit on one cd, and you have the option to change your apps afterwards..  even the word 'bloat' itself is subjective.. bloat, from my understanding is unneccessary , redundant sloppy code....  now, if you say something has too many features, i'll say yeah..    but it is still subjective, cuz features you want may not be features i want....   but this is intrinsic with all projects, as they mature...     
i think gnome caters towards a simpler,sane,  yet more efficient desktop experience  while kde is geared towards a more highly tweakable one.

I can't believe i'm gonna say thins, the good thing about MS is that they're working altogether to perfect a particular OS (with variants) but utlimately the same things with different lipstick. Linux has several different teams working on several different products that look similar but are all distributed to compete with one another. What sense does it make to compete against urself when trying to gain popularity?

okay, well, here's the thing.. the kernel itself is finalized by a core group ( including linus himself), so that is not really subject to much deviation/forking ( when people decide to do they own thing) and is being developed continuously... as we said earlier, you have two main camps for the desktop environment: KDE and Gnome..   being open source, whatever you do, it's public, so whatever work i do, is made available to everyone..  case in point, the new graphics components, compiz and xgl..   they're both available for kde and gnome, to build on, and apps that work on one, can work on the other..
competition breeds innovation, in any event.
of course, it's not a perfect world, and there may be a few glitches, but thas just how software is, whether is written by Bill Himself, or by someone down the road.

linux isn't for everything yet, but it is still a viable option for many many situations, and in the interim, waiting for Vista, many people will give it a try.. some may switch back to vista or xp, but some may stay

if vista gets delayed even further, it may spell the end for MS.. losing customer and shareholder confidence , not to mention that huge bill you mentioned there, wintry..6 billion SO FAR? yowsers!

PS. in the linux world the team IS the linux world..

lol. okay, not everyone in development .. but there are lots of companies who have coders focussed on linux ( i.e. sun, ibm, novell , etc)
not to mention very capable progammers who work in groups , or alone
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 11:53:38 AM by disciple »

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2006, 01:29:23 PM »
Well it would be silly to ask the entire linux community to mobilise behind one configuration/distro. The whole point is that people have the freedom to pick and hack on the exact setup that they feel passionate about, that's how they don't turn into chaos, because there's no obligation to be stuck with something that you don't like. People work on what makes them happy.

As for installing, I'd recommend looking out for the emerging packaging systems, autopackage and klik. Klik allows you to try out a program in a selfextracting file that operates self contained from the system, and autopackage is a crossplatform package manager that is supposed to provide a windows experience of just downloading a .package file and double-clicking. it's young but stuff like inkscape installed just fine.

There's linux+, rhcp, lcpi, ncp. Linux has certs too.

As for the user experience, head for shipit.ubuntu.com and get the livecd and try it out. Works marvelously.

As for bloat, I'm not sure what that article was talking about. Gnome 2.14 has actually reduced load times. And kde 4 promises to finally fix the windows style of plethora of dialog, gat the interface right and there have been reports that kde 4 has gotten load faster than the light windows manager xfce. As for xgl, it's new. They're in the process of streamlining the legacy X.org code to get the components meshing together well to get it ready for primetime. Xgl, compiz and aiglx are all young but the possibilities are endless. And you can be sure I won't need a gig minimum to use it. The only problem it faces is the proprietary graphics card drivers which can't be shipped with non-commercial distros. But that's another thing.

As for some of the redundancies in the distros, for the most part it doesn't change the user experience. Gnome is basically gnome. Historically that may not have been the case and the distros had significant differences, but this change shows that linux really is maturing.

This has only happened because of the competition. Without kde, gnome still would have sucked. The fact is that is relies on a different paradigm to computing where an OS is not a mononlithic blob. But small components that can be worked on to perfection and can be useful since they are meant to openly interoperate. Vista is taking so long to perfect because it's been precisely the opposite. This is exactly why linux distros have had the momentum they've had and why all the competitors have been able to benefit.
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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #57 on: April 11, 2006, 10:30:17 AM »
quite an interestin convo yall got going there i was almost sure that i was in a tech support forum lol good info fellas.....
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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2006, 01:41:40 PM »
Well here's what should be going on more often (along meh lines of a unified Linux OS), you make the point disciple that, that would defeat the idea of open development. I beg to differ, I believe that working towards 1 goal by all would benefit of course each developer and each section has to be entitled to express their ideas and meat out the best plans. Its not like we saying develop THIS and NOTHING else... yuh feel is Intel oh wha?
Anyways here's where I planned to start off:
Red Hat aims for open-source stack

Column Linux distro buys JBoss, sparks M&A action

By Martin Veitch: Tuesday 11 April 2006, 11:56

COULD A THOUSAND predictions that Oracle would buy JBoss be wrong? You betcha.
When JBoss founder Marc Fleury signed on the dotted line a few minutes before midnight on Friday, it put a stop to what was becoming a tediously protracted parlour game of predicting who would buy the hot open-source application server firm.

Red Hat’s acquisition agreement with JBoss promises to be one of the most interesting deals of a year likely to be heavy with merger and acquisition activity.

First of all, these are companies with personality. JBoss founder Marc Fleury is a hoot of course, a younger version of Philippe Kahn with bags of attitude. His story is also a good one. Five years ago he was forced to move in with the parents in law after running out of money and now he is selling his company for up to $420m with a good chunk of it in cash. His blog is often hilarious and the recent entry about his Business Week interview is well worth checking out. As is his surreal take on combining with Red Hat:

"Today is the beginning of 'Red'; we are going to wonderland and the rabbit hole keeps on going. Just like the Matrix protagonist wakes up to find 'the real battle', JBoss, Inc. today is stepping up to a bigger challenge by merging with RedHat."

Oh, OK then.

Red Hat chief Matthew Szulik is also good value with a likeable taste for corny jokes – nothing wrong with that. They should webcast the board meetings and sell subscriptions.

Second, Red Hat is clearly building a stack here and the companies that stand to be affected are some of the biggest in the business. HP’s malfunctioning efforts to build a middleware business means that it is largely unaffected but IBM and Sun will be looking at this deal with a little trepidation. JBoss is certainly going to be a lot more credible with big accounts now that it has Red Hat’s capital behind it.

Third, the deal is probably going to cause a domino effect. BEA might look more attractive than ever to Oracle and others but open-source middleware firms will too. If not now, then when?

Fourth, Red Hat might be glad that business is not a popularity contest. Neither firm has much respect from the open-source militant tendency and lashing them together won’t change matters. Don’t expect any penguins to get hugged.

By the way, anybody who thinks that this business of prognosticating the future of technology is easy should look at the InfoWorld link here. There but for the grace of God… µ

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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2006, 10:21:00 AM »
food for thought.........i wonder if ms would ever consider a merger..........yea right..........
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Re: Who upgradin to VISTA???
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2006, 10:21:00 AM »


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