I put on the high texture option in BF2 and it was stutterfest 2005. Even with the 6600 256mb
Not sure why, poor coding I'd bet. The original Battlefield was a total and utter resource hog and this one looks no different.
512mb ram? Don't even think about it. HD thrashing like mad.
but yeah, I love the idea of EAX 2 positional audio in games like Ravenshield and SWAT 4. Slower pace gives more credence to the feature.
For anything fast paced, stereo works just fine.
As for THX quality sound at home, that is hard core audiophile territory. Lucas level appreciation of sound. Just gimme my mp3s with some serious bass. Good to go. lol
Movies is another story. Anything worthy of being heard in THX, I'll go movietowne,
for everything else, there's mastercard.