sure the fastest single core processor on the planet, but it doesn't deserve the price ! The geforce 7800gtx has a much bigger core , and yet a whole graphics card that includes a circuit board and RAM costs less than an athlon FX !
AMD and intel really piss me off when they decide to sell their processors at high prices just because they are the newest/ fasest out .
Otherwise, ownage in intel mc ! , one of these may be able to reach 4.5ghz/ 5ghz with some sub zero cooling ,DDR 600 and serious voltage , alot of 130nm athlon FX's could make it to 4ghz , the advances in silicon technology and the 90nm process should push it to 4.6ghz at least on the better chips .
but a poor man like me can only afford to overclock an athlon 64 3000 on air....