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Topic: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat (Read 57494 times)
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #160 on:
June 03, 2005, 07:12:25 AM »
chakra ihmc for that.
Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #160 on:
June 03, 2005, 07:12:25 AM »
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #161 on:
June 06, 2005, 07:08:02 AM »
Fellas i tend to dissagree, this little DISCUSSION with fault is helping me explore and exploit some more areas in the game so i continuing. Fault you talking serious BS. Imperial didn't even bother to defend saggats moves because he knows that they are overpowered. All he bothered to say was that saggat is a favourite character. Shin Akuma kkk Demon, well, I'm an amatuer at the game and has even caught you with it and in the event wipe out the last ummm 80% of your freakin life. Try jumping while i'm playing him with a level 3 built up and see how much dodging you can do with a roll. Ohh yes, lets not touch on blanka, I saw Shinkuu beat imperial using blanka and no offense to you shin, but we both no that we aren't that good at the game. An amatuer can pick up that game practise blanka for a day and come out and do some serious damage, thas a fact. My main arguement though is that the game encourages holding. That is the way you confuse your opponent in that game. You keep rushing them while they're blocking and while they least expect it you hold them. There is no mix up to it, no Hight attack, then low, then high, then mid. I know the moves are there but that is not how you guys play the game. Your big move to get someone to stop blocking is to hold them. Why don't you come and play me in marvel and we'll see how long you can block wolverine. I gaurandamntee that you'll be taking some serious combos and i won't have to hold you to get you to stop blocking either. Yes the game has infinites, thas a fact, but great players like ourselves don't ever bother to use any. Kajun has gambits infinte down pcked, but as he says, why use it if you're playing for the competition and fun. We believe that only esperate players resort to such tactics, and to us, an infinite in marvel, counts as a hold in CVS2, a desperation move for shittongs. I not knocking the game or anything cause it's a good game, but you looking at all you doing is knocking marvel right through when you can't even play it. When you get good then maybe you can consider saying something bout the game, apart from that don't speak of what you know nothing about please. Infinites, hah, you have any idea how hard it is to pull of marrigan or wolverine infite combo, or Jin, Even though is a cheap desperation act it still requires great skill to pull off. My propositionis this, come and catch me or NEO, Shinkuu, Kajun or Rio in an infinite with any of the people that i just listed and then I'lltake your word for it, i'm sure i can catch you with a hold, hahahahah. No wait you can't catch me with an infinte, cause you can't do one, Ohh well, just resort to your next best thing, hold me, i guess, shit that won't work either this is marvel vs capcom, if you try to hold me, you might end up losing close to half your life or more, well, try playing someone who's d fp, has amazing range and does devastating damage, shit we don't have any of those in marvel either ohhh well, guess you'll just have to beat me using skill...................ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahalolololololololoololol. That was very funny, i needed to laugh before i left for work. (wipes tear of joy from my eye).
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #162 on:
June 06, 2005, 02:06:21 PM »
You know I would probably have agreed with you but that part with you talking about grabs not being part of mix ups discredits your case. Simple example.
If I use for simplicity sake, somebody like Ken against a skilled player and I do:
d lk x 2
everytime I jump in, the opponent will usually find it as a pattern. If I switch that d lk x2 with
d lk into grab,
the opponent will in most cases not be able to tech out in time if he's not alert. But usually skilled enough people make mental notes when these things happen. Next time I jump in successfully, I do
d lk walk forward pause for a split second (where they usually would expect a grab) I follow up with d lk which if my opponent has reacted to thinking I'm going to grab again will connect on counter hit. Counter hit increases the hit stun and damage of any move by 25% I believe. So not only do I hit a d lk with a bit of extra damge (usually not much) but I get more time to add on another d lk, which would link normally into another d lik which can be cancelled into a level 2 or 3 for some hefty damage.
That is a what you call a mixup. I'll keep saying, grabs were put in the game for a reason. There is no guaranteed or fool proof method to remain safe 100% of the time. Blocking is NOT a fortress of solitude nor was it ever meant to be. The same way Sagat's regular moves are not absolute. You can use them to their fullest and STILL lose. I mean some characters just suck, like Kyosuke and King but almost anybody can take down a good Sagat/Blanka player if they know how.
Half the time I try these mix ups on the local players, they keep taking the grabs. And they usually say that's all I focus on not knowing that from the time they wise up and start escaping or trying to escape them, I have a whole world of headaches waiting for them. Kinda sad really how stagnant some potentially good players become with that mindset.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #163 on:
June 06, 2005, 02:36:16 PM »
Oh yea, as for that whole thing where Shinkuu beat me with blanka, I admit that he played well but that really wasn't going to happen if I was going all out. I told you already about my beefs with the lag on that screen and I honestly wasn't trying. Link combos are near IMPOSSIBLE to do off sight so half the combos I normally employ were obviously not helping.
Things like the mixup I mentioned in the above would be very hard to put to good use as well.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #164 on:
June 06, 2005, 04:12:40 PM »
scrubs honor pwnz doesnt it
Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #164 on:
June 06, 2005, 04:12:40 PM »
New Era Outlaw
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #165 on:
June 06, 2005, 06:36:58 PM »
It looks like some people simply just won't learn.
Even though we have said COUNTLESS times to keep the talk down to Marvel vs. Capcom, it has drifted not once, not twice, but THREE times back to Capcom vs. SNK2, even though we have said, time and again: (inhales)
Really, fellas.
Is it really THAT hard to click on the 'New Thread' button and take off from there?
Please do so starting TODAY, because I swear to God if this pointless ping-pong argument continues I am going to annihilate this thread.
Now, back to Marvel business.
This past Saturday for me could be summed up in six nifty little words:
"I came. I saw. I CONQUERED."
Simply unbelievable experience, as I practically wiped the floor with anybody who came to challenge me. JD, I was looking all over for you, but I think one of your fellow employees at Virtual Zone said you wouldn't have been able to make it from town that day.
At first, it was a bunch of 'Easy Mode' players challenging me.
And, for those of you who know me well, you already know how I feel and what I do to people who play 'CHeasy mode'. Then, some others came, and these guys impressed me. Even though they weren't all that good, they refused to play 'Easy', and for that, props from me.
As I became worn out and wanted to go home, though, some real challenges stepped up to the plate, namely Chaotic and Kajun.
The last time Kajun and I faced off, he had bested me with Jin, and the day was his.
This day, however, he was up against a REALLY seasoned outlaw with nothing to lose.
I took out Jin after remembering just what the most effective strategy with him was, and let Mega Man take him down a few pegs.
However, this was not before Chaotic knocked me out of my 8 win streak, prompting a 'WHY??!' from me. No worries, though. One token later I was back in the game, and netted a good 4 wins more.
There was this one guy who insisted that he must go before me, even though I had a token in first.
Well, I let him in, and then I curb stomped his ass into the floor with the Blue Bomber Squad, and taught him first hand that you MUST ALWAYS WAIT YOUR TURN LIKE A GOOD BOY. Manners ihmc.
It's really a shame that I didn't get a chance to show off my wins to Imperial X and Balki, though.
Since entering the arcade at 3:00 PM that day, I had entered my initials for several streaks.
Here are my results for that day:
1st: 8 wins (now you see why Balki made me bawl).
2nd: 7 wins
3rd: 6 wins
4th: 5 wins
5th: 4 wins
In all, I had netted a grand total of 30 wins in the space of 6 and a half hours.
That day was a good day for cutarse, guaranteed.
I know that in the near future, Chaotic and Kajun will return to school me (I swear, it's like a game of paddleball...one day, victory is mine, the next, Chaos Legion dominates), but I won't ever let myself get rusty. JD, I hope that if I'm on a roll like this again, that you'll be there to try to stop me.
The battle of the mechas of war (MegaMan & Roll vs. Double War Machine) has begun....
Until then, this day belongs to the New Era Outlaw, and the ball's in my opponents' court.
Be seeing you guys.
Last Edit: June 06, 2005, 06:38:56 PM by New_Era_Outlaw
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #166 on:
June 06, 2005, 09:40:31 PM »
kick ass report!
and lol @ anti thread hijacking counter measures.
The outlaw has spoken.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #167 on:
June 06, 2005, 10:10:48 PM »
chaotic makes some good points indeed, but I think that u all are comparing the wrong things.
Comparing infinites to holds is ridiculous.
Both games has its goods and bads. Its basically comes down to which one u like more.
To me at first when I now started to play games I loved mvc due to the fact that it was a real fun game. At that time I never liked cvs2 reason being I fined that it was a difficult game to learn and get into.
Now as I am into games now I began to love cvs2 because I realised that it is difficult but fun game to play. I am basically saying that I love both games but the feeling I get when I play marvel is fun and when I play cvs2 I only feel to compete (simply due to the fact thatits probably a lil more difficult than mvc)
anyhow thats just my opinion. To me both games are difficult but even though I prefer mvc I would have to say that cvs2 is a lil more difficult to play.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #168 on:
June 07, 2005, 02:44:19 PM »
doesn't neone comprehend the english language!!!! MARVEL VS CAPCOM ONLY
SWEAT REPORTS ONLY <----- jeezzzz
u would swear some one with even a Zangief sized brain could understand these simple rules.
i guess thats not true to some gatt members...
neway as for u neo hoss i would try i would admit to not getting to play as often as before n i have become rusty but remember that a rusty blade would still be lethal...
u have started a war with my Warmachines, hope u have a backup plan cause u seek war with no survival... i would be in constant training now my friend, i have some new tricks up my sleeve.... to rio, balki, kajun... fellas i would trin with you guys whenever u drop in.. but remember that neo is mine!!!
no one who plays with "kids" should have a victory over the Technologically advanced...!!! lol
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #169 on:
June 09, 2005, 07:46:01 AM »
Congrats on that day NEO. We'll be blazing again this saturday most likely.
New Era Outlaw
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #170 on:
June 09, 2005, 08:42:02 PM »
Awesome. I'm there.
(...just as long as it's after 3:00)
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #171 on:
June 11, 2005, 02:38:05 PM »
5-6pm i getting over d cold so dont expect peak performance....
The world of the gods lies unburied in our minds.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #172 on:
June 15, 2005, 12:23:54 AM »
23 wins straight. Neo eat your heart out. Shinkuu witnessed it himself. Wolverine was on fire. Then came in double war machines to throw salt on his game. I really ripped today fellas. I mean 23 straight wins, thas like damn, i mean like damn. Thas like $39.50c i take from men within 1 hour. Representing Chaos Legeon again, what can i say, i know......myuah hahahahah.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #173 on:
June 15, 2005, 03:21:48 PM »
contrary to everyones beliefs, i witnessed only two wins.... from nineteen to twenty one...then i kinda took over, search your self chaotic, The Shinachi Effect is Strong with this one...
i left with less than you yesterday but all were against either you or that other guy who thought he could beat me with his Cap America. i mean really, Cap is a good player an all but against Warmachines he had little chance... oh well, until 5-6pm today or tomorrow, i be there awaiting yall laters
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New Era Outlaw
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #174 on:
June 15, 2005, 10:46:06 PM »
Man, I wish I was that lucky this weekend.
I only had like a handful of wins this time around, accompanied by a string of losses.
Ah, well...what can I say?
You've got your good days, and you've got your bad.
Kajun, that day was truly yours.
Rest assured, though, the New Era Outlaw will be back, and he'll return with a VENGEANCE.
Chaotic, one day, you and me will have an all out BRAWL in that game. Just you, me and that machine, until it explode, just to see who can top who. JD, kudos on your performance this weekend, despite your illness. You really pulled through this time.
My congrats go out to an old friend of mine, Plugs, who really took me to school this past weekend.
Hope to meet up with you again, buddy.
Well, folks, looks like the New Era Outlaw's been outgunned this time, but rest assured, he will return and prove that when it comes to Marvel vs. Capcom, that he IS the fastest gun in the West. You can take that one to the bank.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #175 on:
June 16, 2005, 02:27:11 PM »
your children will have alot of trouble outrunning wolverines speed, as well as those new turbo rockets i added to warmachine combos, as well as stryders moves, i mean dude, you really need to let the kids go... lol let them enjoy their childhood n stuff u kno!
nonetheless your kids are a danger to all but the warmachines. lol
cheers man you have to get back on top of ur game i am on my there wanna spar?
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #176 on:
June 17, 2005, 07:33:19 PM »
so after a lil war with chaotic, i think i am getting back my touch
the shinachi effect...
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #177 on:
June 17, 2005, 08:24:20 PM »
i cant play too good
i could barely play on easy
the silent stalker showed me how to get air combos but i still dont hav the hang of it
im probably worse than an amatuer
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #178 on:
June 17, 2005, 09:26:21 PM »
lol.... dais no cene if you can come to the trincity mall on a saturday between 5-6pm you can be schooled by the greats.... btw u can invite ur "master" if u wish lets see if he can play...
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #179 on:
June 18, 2005, 08:34:45 PM »
i have no master
i used to play SF2 for snes and well that is about 7 years ago so i am very rusty
sig made by greyfox.thx.
Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
Reply #179 on:
June 18, 2005, 08:34:45 PM »
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