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Offline SABREWOLF3001

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2005, 02:33:36 AM »
There you go again with your stupid yugi friend magnet BS.  Hoss you feel after that speech someone would like you or something.  Man you need to grow up.  you starting to talk like that MC yugi from the cartoon.  I have to admit I was like that long time (only care about winning) but I have grown out of it.  But what you need to do it grow out from being yugi.
I do play the game for fun but not all the time.  There is time for fun and play.  You noticed for a while that I haven't reunited with chaos legeon(You said that I left u out for sns,which is not quite true).  The reason for this is that I was becoming to evil and I didn't want you guys to talk me bad so I took in upon myself to leave temporarily to change my once bad ways.
Don't take this the wrong way but the way uh use to act and still acting does really piss meh off and I know u don't care but I just telling uh since I see that Uh rel like meh business(as you said for everyone).I will say this again Don't take it the wrong way, it is nothing personal.
All this time I have been away I had graduated from school and was working and also had classes.  So I had a heck or things to do.
Also in my spear time i have been really practicing fighting games really hard.There are some very talented gamers that helped me train in these games.I mean these men are better than everyone I know in tnt. The only person that might come close or even equal is probably rio.The end.
Now that I told you the reason lets move on:
first of all you didnt let me win the tourny at ETC.Reason being I saw no floor in your skill during the duel.PLz do nor try and fool anyone thanku very much.
Secondly you say the challenge(Situation) with imperial and shinkuu as if it was some kind of to me I want to win but they are no problem to overcome.  I really don't know why you made it sound Like if it was some kind of problem. What ever i say to imperial and shinkuu I had my reaons of saying so and will deal with them according thank u very much.
Thirdly you say something about I not a respected gamer.  Well hoss I not that you are sad and probably jealous to hear this but I am a respected gamer by the people who matter to me.  To me and alot of other people they are the best in ALMOST every fighting game out there.  Of course I am not as good as them as yet But they respeat me for my efforts and that is what makes me happy hoss.  To me I don't care what you or other people thinik of my gaming career.  Know why because the people who really matters to me do so there.
My skills are great now but soon I will be even greater.(Keep in mine I not boasting or anything).
so to close of I just want to say that I didn't leave out chaos legeon I just merely went to improve myself from my past existance(no offence). And to my surprise it worked.The Friends that I have now has really shown me my true potentialas an independent human and gamer.

So there I have given you my life story since I was a current member of chaos legeon.despite what I post in these threads is against my nature but its people like you and a fews others that deserve it.


Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2005, 02:33:36 AM »

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #101 on: May 13, 2005, 08:15:10 AM »
Boy, u writin a cheque for yuh pardners here eh, ah tellin yuh. If they cyar cash it, or dah cheque bounce...... Hummmmm.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #102 on: May 13, 2005, 08:21:07 AM »

Bryan, my tekken master rio claims that he has heard of you and that you are a great tekken player and he would most gladly enjoy playing against you AGAIN. Respect given to Bryan Masters, even if it dosen't matter to him coming from the legeon.
Eh. I played him. Ok who the hell is he. Discription, is he on the boards. Whats his screen name.

On a side note. If we doin this, it have to be earlier than 3. Atleast 12, cause I have things to do from like 5 and it go be real hard to travel back all that distance. I comin from central yuh know.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #103 on: May 13, 2005, 08:37:13 AM »
Thas your problem hoss, all you ever want to do is win, win, win,  and that my friend is what seperates me and you, winning means the world to you, I just want to enjoy the game. I don't play to gain friends SON, i play to gain RESPECT. I'm not like you, spoiled and you calling me stubborn, Johnathan, you never cook, iron, wash wares or clothes in your life, you cyah even fry eggs or boil rice hoss, yes, unlike you i didn't have all the money and people to buy every card i want and drop it in my life, unlike you i never used to steal cards to be on top with all the good cards to try to be the best , and unlike you i'd gladly come second in a tournament and have a good time and walk away with respect from everyone that knows me when i played and a new friend in everyone that dosen't know me. this game is supposed to help us build a mutual respect for eachother, but as your arrogance showed when you made the comment you made, you don't respect any duelists if you don't deem them as good as you and thas bullshit.
There you go again with that arrogance bout me having to prove to everyone that i'm the best, thas not me hoss, thas YOU, every tournament that i played in was to prove to MYSELF that i'm as good as i claim to be and to prove to MYSELF that i'm as good as people claim that i am. You didn't enter the tournaments because you thought that you had proven to people that you were the best already, but someone will always come along and when you think that they are getting to the top of you you show up at another tournament to try to prove that you're the best again. At ETC, i let you win and you know why, but i enjoyed the duel, so you see, i can enjoy the duel even if i can't win, you on the other hand my friend, can't. I even went into the aranguez tournament playing you without my emperor because i was just trying to enjoy the tournament, but you had to take advantage of the situation, thas why when i got back in for the third time and i placed my emperor back into my deck you couldn't even win a round, but that duel wasn't enjoyable for me at all because it was all about power and winning, and i don't look forward to another one like that ever again. Again, unlike you i don't win tournaments and go curl up in a corner saying that i'm the best. The best tries their best to be at every tournament looking for competition at all times, so because i didn't choose to do like you and win a tourny and hide home in my house so i have the excuse of not being at the tournament so thas the reason why i don't have as many tourny wins as someone else, don't call me a suck up, call me a true champion and representative of chaos legeon. I as leader of my clan has represented at every tournament, as kajun represented in everything when he was leader, because that is what leaders do hoss, we lead we don't send warriors to battle and stay at home, i can't expect my clan members to go to tournaments if i don't even make the attempt to go to them myself, and because you don't have this kind of committment in you don't pounce on me. I don't play for friends hoss, just remember that i play for respect, self respect and respect from others. Try it sometime, you'll be amazed at how easy it'll be to win some games, and if we take away the joy of playin for fun, we'll end up like those fellas spranging cards from eachother right through because everyone will be stealing from eachother because they want to win, they want to be the best. So yes i also play for fun, nothing wrong with taking the game serious but you must keep the joy alive, so you're right a major differece is that you don't play for fun and shit like that, but i do and thas what makes the game worth playing for me. maybe some day you should try proving that you're better than me in a duel to yourself instead of everyone else around you and then maybe, just maybe you'll be able to believe it and thas when people will too. Hoss, you are a glory hound, like when legeon couldn't win the tournament at cotton tree because they would take back the prize from us and we told the people from cotton tree that you were not in our clan and that once a legeonairre faced you we would lose on purpose so you could win the prize so WE could keep it (thyas how you beat me and the only reason you beat me at ETC eh hoss, doh ever forget it), when i let you win you didn't even let us open some of the packs you take the entire box of ioc AND WENT HOME WITH IT and open all and keep what you want and gave the clan shit. Everytime i win a tournament, if i win money i does carry the members of my clan who were there for pizza or something because i know that i didn't win alone, it was besause they were their cheering me on and encouraging me to play at my best, they always had my back, marcel, rio, Kajun, sinessa, melissa, winston, gabriel, chiney, even you, chicken, even people outside the clan like mandela, even Neo celebrate with us already in town, if i win packs, i does let whoever there open packs with me and give away cards on the spot to those who need, hoss my nature is just different from your, to me winning with no one to celebrate it truly with, no one who is truly glad to see you come out on top, no one to truly give you courage to play on and hope for the best in times of hardship, the situation you are in to be more particular, is nothing, your wins are empty shells waiting to be filled because you have won nothing. Every tournament i go to i try my best to make a new friend cause thas how we share the joy of the game and spread it far and wide, and i try to gain their friendship through respect, not by winning. at the end of every tournament what have you gained, a new card, what some prize money, a trophy, some boosters, thas the things that make you happy that make the game worth playing for you, well then hell yes we are not very different, we are completely different. It's that same thing that have you in the situation you in now with imperial X, gone bumping your gum and telling the man that he is real shit, same thing with master shinkuu, who are you to judge them, are you some well respected gamer no. It's that same thing that i'm talking about, you don't want to play imperial for the challenge or the fun of it, you just want to prove that you are the best, same reason why you wanna play shinkuu, you need to know your limits hoss.
Ok homie, paragraphs :huh:. This shit took long to read. Anyway u made some valid points but who r u talkin to is Johnathon saberwolf.
Genisis, 1:1 In  the begining, God Created Bryan, Then all other things came into existance.

Offline SABREWOLF3001

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #104 on: May 13, 2005, 09:42:33 AM »
I am telling you bryan this man can be a real idiot sometimes yes.  Yes he is talking about me bryan.  The man even post it in the wrong thread and shit.  You seee the thing bryan we are basically good friends but When I was a current member of cl(I mean use to hang out all the time with the clan) I was becoming to evil (by that I mean I was starting to think like a delinquent) to me that is evil....LOL.  so I decided to leave for a while and balki probably angry or something how I left.

Boy I really can't understand these MC's sometimes yes


Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #104 on: May 13, 2005, 09:42:33 AM »

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #105 on: May 13, 2005, 01:44:07 PM »
man who talks like beyonce "independant woman" has no place in my book...... lol..... do you know the dark hadou young one...?
much to learn ... so  little brain cells....

try n make it on saturday i await ur presence

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #106 on: May 13, 2005, 01:51:27 PM »
^^^That sounds too much like me.  If you aren't in it for the challenge then it won't be fun at all.  That's what games are meant to be anyway.  Same situation here with Saber too Chaotic.  I gave him an inch and he thinks he's a ruler.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Saturday.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #107 on: May 14, 2005, 12:44:18 AM »
Thas exactly what i talking about with the man, is always about the best, he is not the best so the people he TRAINING with are. How come we don't know of these people, haven't seen them at any sweats or tournys. Hoss, vex because you leave legeon, hah hah hah loloololololololol, that was a really good one. Yes you were a good asset but ohhh goosshhh mann you giving yourself too much credit damn it. If Rio leave or Kajun, that'll give me a reason to be upset, but you. That joke was rich hoss, as Bryan said you cashing chaque that most likely going to bounce.  And once again hoss, coming from someone who can't boil eggs or rice and has his mother doing everything from cleaning a broken glass on the ground to washing clothes, hmm who really needs to grow up. You are a stubborn greedy little boy, who believes that he has a silver spoon in his mouth, and believes that everyone around him needs him. I don't understand what is so wrong with friendship. I see nothing wrong with gaining friendship, but how you gain it, you show some GODDAMN RESPECT for people who are better than you and even the ones who aren't. Show your face in the arcade saturday, today at 12:30 and i will beat the hell out of you in Marvel, shinkuu hard luck hoss, this bit** belongs to me, let me put the ho back on curepe junction where he belongs.
the way we act does piss you off, what you mean the fact that we aren't greedy, that we'd rather meet some new people and be nice to them instead of saying that they are shit in this and that and whatnot, that we help out eachother, what that WE'RE NOT LIKE YOU.
ETC, me with emperor in my hands and painful choice and you having 1900 lp, i play painful and pull only magic and trap cards, hoss, get real.
the man talking bout evil and shit, he was turning evil, lol, hahhahahhha, you is ryu or something hahhahahahhahaah lol.

(Secondly you say the challenge(Situation) with imperial and shinkuu as if it was some kind of to me I want to win but they are no problem to overcome)

the above comment you made bout imperial and shinkuu will put you first in line for a serious cut a** from them both saturday, but knowing you, you'll automatically have classes or something.
Of course you don't care what everyone else including myself think of your skills because the people who matter to you (pam and pamela) do, and even they think that you are lame. His hands gets angry whenever he touches a game. Maybe if you had approached shinkuu and said something like " hoss know how long we ain't play, is me the fella who you teach to play warmachine and i start giving you some serious competition" instead of " shinkuu, u is real shit and the only team you could ever beat me with is double war machine, and i retire your warmachines when i beat you with them and all that garbage", then you might have convinced me that you've changed, but umm noooooo. Same old dissrespectful, arrogant, annoying, greedy, power hungry, must be the best or roll with the best johnathan. Some things never change and somethings never grow up, ask yuh nuts hoss, if yuh could find them, and if you do, try bringing them with you saturday, you'll need a fan club seeing as you have no friends because friendship is bullshit to you nah.
Only show your face saturday, i promise you the cut ass of a lifetime, let me see what the so called greats have taught you. 12:30, so don't say you didn't know the time, Trincity mall, so don't say you didn't know the place either.

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #108 on: May 14, 2005, 12:50:13 AM »
Fellas I mightnot bo able to make it this saturdy nah. It might sound fishy but, i sprained my ankel and thumb today, well yesturday (friday) playing basketball. So makin the trip might be a problem and plaing with the thumb too. I'm still not 100% sure. depending on how i feel when i wake up. laters.
Genisis, 1:1 In  the begining, God Created Bryan, Then all other things came into existance.

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #109 on: May 14, 2005, 12:52:17 AM »
As a matter of fact why don't you just walk with you entire so called group of best gamers in the whole of t & t, because i know that brian, beago, Rio, shinkuu, Chaotic, imperial or even fault not in there, not even beago, so now you have me super curious.

Brian, you just reach hoss, imperial find yuh ass down there to deal with this chump and teach him a good lesson please. Shinkuu, guess d scene fix then,  johno is no longer a member of CL, he rolling with the shotters now boy, best of the best and shit. people who beating brian masters in tekken like nothing, beating rio and imperial in street fighters like crap, destroying men like myself, shinkuu and kajun in marvel, no sweat, (Laughs out really loudly in my house sarcastically at 1 in the morning).

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #110 on: May 14, 2005, 12:54:37 AM »
Bryan boy, johnathan have the best players in tekken backing him hoss, what can legeon do, what will bryan and beago do, i know, we'[ll beat them all, what will Imperial do, probably the same thing. Don't even try to play in tekken 5 johno boy, you and your entire group will be destroyed.

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #111 on: May 14, 2005, 12:59:07 AM »
Quote"Brian, you just reach hoss, imperial find yuh ass down there to deal with this chump and teach him a good lesson please. Shinkuu, guess d scene fix then,  johno is no longer a member of CL, he rolling with the shotters now boy, best of the best and shit. people who beating brian masters in tekken like nothing, beating rio and imperial in street fighters like crap, destroying men like myself, shinkuu and kajun in marvel, no sweat, (Laughs out really loudly in my house sarcastically at 1 in the morning). "

I understand evry part of your post except this. Mainly from Here "people who beating brian masters in tekken like nothing, beating rio and imperial in street fighters like crap, destroying men like myself, shinkuu and kajun in marvel, no sweat, (Laughs out really loudly in my house sarcastically at 1 in the morning). "
Genisis, 1:1 In  the begining, God Created Bryan, Then all other things came into existance.

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #112 on: May 14, 2005, 02:25:43 AM »
Its sarcasm man.

  And you know with the way saber was talkin, kill me dead he in the Legeon.  This whole thing turned from CL vs the rest to CL + the rest vs Saber.  I think it's wrong to gang up on one person.  I'll leave him to chaotic....unless he gets talkative again.

Hey man, I had some beasts for friends at CvS2.  I met them at a Judo Exhibition at Queen's Hall a few years back.  Honestly, they were the best people I've ever seen playing CvS2 infront my eyes.  But hey, guess what, none of them are here to prove anything on my behalf.  Your friends are invisible to us whether they're real or not so quit mentioning them, it's meaningless.

If you won't, just bring them too.
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #113 on: May 14, 2005, 08:26:21 AM »
pressura. The man have me and all curious now.

I hope is not a bluff. Nothing short of EmpireArcadia crew could save him now.

Offline SABREWOLF3001

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #114 on: May 14, 2005, 01:05:12 PM »
  Ok I got a lot or thing to say.
 First of all I didn't say that I was rolling with Marvin and them.  I said that They was just basically  teaching me some of there skill.  To me They are the best I have seen.  I mean I have seen almost all the best gamers in t&t play and I have seen them play and they are good.I will take imperial advice and stop mentioning them because they really didn't appreciate it.  They are the kind or people who don't like to be noticed.
  Second of all I realised that its basically  a whole group of gamers.  I.E My former clan Cl along with shinkuu. Well to my surprise Imperial didn't decide to gang up as well so at least someone thinks straight.  Because of this situation I will really have to brush up my skills in A lot of games because Cl is a really tough clan (Men like rio,pressure) pressure immc.  So to be quite honest I really don't thinlk that I can cope with all that pressure from so many good gamers. So If I was to come to trincity mall today despite my skill It would be a psycological effect that wouyld force me not to perform at my best.  To me its utter rape on my part and I don't like  to be raped.
  Thirdly this thing with friendship I really don't know what you talking about really chaotic
 Forthly I didn't leave chaos legeon  I simply took a time out for a while. But you as clan leader if you see it fit to kick me out I have no problem with it, its your choice and its your clan so its cool still.
 Finally i don't like to lie so to be quite honest I don't  feel like coming to the mall today because of this gang up situation.  It will be to many games I would have to concentrate on and that will not work.
 If I trust my instincts correctly the next post by Chaoitc will be that i was scared.  If chaotic knows me as well as he say he does he knows that I fear no one. But i really think that this gang up business is real nonsence and I am not in the mood to entertain any nonsence.

Imperial,Cl,shinkuu,bryan(sorry about the accident,but if you make it) GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL

HE WILL GET PARRY>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOL LIxxxxxx

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #115 on: May 14, 2005, 01:15:48 PM »
aight ummmm... i movin up today to see the situation. I wanna see what plays out. By the by... i'm the fella who moves tournaments for the lime kicks and talk... yea inside the tournament you try to win but thats not the sole purpose for going... if everyone thought like that then there never will be enough ppl to hold a tourny. Alot of fellas know they dont have what it takes to win be it yugioh , Sof , Warcraft or anygame but still enter for the fun of it. and at risk of sounding idealistic and naive , it is a person that values the fun of the game over winning that is the true competitor anyday. Anyway i just gonna cut some @$$ today andhave FUN doing it
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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #116 on: May 14, 2005, 03:04:10 PM »
like d man scurred

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #117 on: May 15, 2005, 12:07:37 AM »
Man. This thread de-evolved from being a Marvel vs. Capcom thread to being an 'I better than you' thread.
Fellas, with all due respect, keep the thread on topic, all right?
Last time I checked, this wasn't a Tekken thread, or a Capcom vs. SNK 2 thread.
It's a MARVEL thread. MAR-VEL.
If you have any challenges to dish out in other games, do it elsewhere. Thanks.

And Sabrewolf, Chaotic, while I have respect for the both of you, I must tell you both to just knock it off with the squabbling. It's really not amounting to anything. If you have differences to settle, please settle them in the gaming arena, where it really counts.

Now, on to business.
Kajun, you and I have some unfinished business with that Jin of yours.
I'm not able to come this Sunday, but next week Sunday, it's ON.
The Blue Bomber Squad will triumph once again!!

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #118 on: May 15, 2005, 12:13:15 AM »
Don't worry new era me and chaotic settle our differences and are cool now.

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Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #119 on: May 15, 2005, 08:04:42 AM »
lol @ who better than who.

competition iwmc.

once it remain cool, is cool. Nothing wrong with a lil ole talk. It has it's purpose.

I like de last part Kajun put down.

Yes, it's good to be competitive, but above all things, play for the fun of it!

Too much of anything is bad, and that goes equally for competing.

lol @ vega gettin parry from a gang of shotos. lihixxxxxxxxxxx indeed.

(and so as not to be offtopic for fear of persecution from N.E.O....i find Jin is a boss character in Marvel vs Capcom 1)


Re: Marvel Vs Capcom 1 Sweat
« Reply #119 on: May 15, 2005, 08:04:42 AM »


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  • Crimson609: yea everything cool how are you?
    August 10, 2022, 07:26:15 AM
  • Pain_Killer: Good day, what's going on with you guys? Is everything Ok?
    February 21, 2021, 05:30:10 PM
  • Crimson609: BOOM covid-19
    August 15, 2020, 01:07:30 PM
  • Shinsoo: bwda 2020 shoutboxing. omg we are in the future and in the past at the same time!
    March 03, 2020, 06:42:47 AM
  • TriniXjin: Watch Black Clover Everyone!
    February 01, 2020, 06:30:00 PM
  • Crimson609: lol
    February 01, 2020, 05:05:53 PM
  • Skitz: So fellas how we go include listing for all dem parts for pc on we profile but doh have any place for motherboard?
    January 24, 2020, 09:11:33 PM
  • Crimson609: :ph34r:
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:28 PM
  • Crimson609: Big up ya whole slef
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:17 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul like Link
    January 20, 2019, 09:23:14 PM
  • protomanex: Man like Kitana
    January 20, 2019, 09:22:39 PM
  • protomanex: Man like Chappy
    January 20, 2019, 09:21:53 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul Like Minato
    January 20, 2019, 09:21:48 PM
  • protomanex: Gyul like XJin
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:53 PM
  • protomanex: Shout out to man like Crimson
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:44 PM
  • Crimson609: shout out to gyal like Corbie Gonta
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:06 PM
  • cold_187: Why allur don't make a discord or something?
    December 03, 2018, 06:17:38 PM
  • Red Paradox: everyday from 6:00pm
    May 29, 2018, 09:40:09 AM
  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
    May 09, 2018, 11:00:52 PM
  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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