Author Topic: New Naruto anime episodes  (Read 13003 times)

Offline (HTK) Cedulai

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New Naruto anime episodes
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2005, 10:28:53 PM »
Hoss i seriosuly fine the animation in the rock lee vs gaara waz better.  The way the rotated the camera and stuff, u've never seen that happen in n e otehr fights.  and although 124 waz humorous, 48-50 (rock lee vs gaara) had a lot more emotion in it, like when u saw the flashbacks when lee waz young and when lee stand back up after losin even though he waz unconscious.  that iz what makes it stand out 4 me.

And yeh the manga rite now REEELLLL bad!!! cyah wait 2 see how lee turns out.  Dun know thaz meh boi! lol.                    
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Haliom Delania Vinata


New Naruto anime episodes
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2005, 10:28:53 PM »


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