Aussie tried to flog Homer Simpson’s beerDuff internet conBy Nick Farrell: Wednesday 02 February 2005, 07:56AN AUSTRALIAN woman who made $2000 by selling the beer drunk by Homer Simpson in an Internet scam has been put on probation for 18 months.Student Tara Woodford, 28, pleaded guilty in the Mackay Magistrates Court to selling three cartons of Duff beer on eBay.You would think that the problem with the scam is that the Simpsons is a cartoon and Duff should not really exist.However in the mid-1990s, two breweries released their own \"Duff Beer\" in Australia until legal action by the creators of \"The Simpsons\" and the Twentieth Century Fox Film pulled the foamy stuff off the market.As a result, if anyone has any, the booze is now a collector's item and cases can sell for as much as $774 on eBay.However, in this situation Woodford did not even have imaginary, fake beer. She was ordered to reimburse the money, to undergo counselling and psychological assessment. She would not be the first Australian to see fake beer, it is a hot place, but she must be the first to try and sell it rather than drink it.