Author Topic: You think ur smart?  (Read 6054 times)

Offline Synth

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2005, 12:21:04 PM »
#1 Intelligence isn't everything. Wisdom is. And no, intelligence does not equate to wisdom. But wisdom does infer intelligence.

Wisdom isn't everything.....good table manners is everything....just ask your mother.

]] I don't know what your definition of wisdom is, but mines infers this ability; The ability to act "properly" based on situation.

#2 Intelligence comes in many different forms. You can't directly compare comp field to say medical or music...or psychology, etc.

Very true....Prof Hoawrd Gardner who gave a lecture at UWI recently said as much and went on to describe at least 9 types of intelligence. Prof H Gardner is

a world reknown authority on the intelligence theories of Social and Developmental psychology. Plus he's a snazzy dresser.

]] It doesn't take a genius to realise this....bwahahaaaaa.

...Each generation seems to produce even more voracious learners than the previous. So you can "force" perceived genius if you really wanted. That said the

14 year old in medical school CAN'T be forced...something like that takes true genius. Have to be careful to distinguish. True geniuses can mantain that

level throughout their lives

I disagree with the saying the 14 year old Med student cannot be forced. If you are stating that one type of intelligence can be forced then why not the


FYI i happen to know of at least 2 case studies conducted by UCLA where 5 groups of twin infants in a longitudinal study were exposed to different academic

settings under specially constructed environments. The researches found that the infants in control group A who were "forced" geniuses performed effectively

in alternate and unrelated areas of intelligence. data retrival centred, bodily-kinetic, mathematic, grammatical and digital-linear. (your med student would

fall under DRC). This meaning they can more aptly remember vast amounts of information. So you can indeed cultivate the mental capacity known as "genius" in

the DRC field.

]] ]] I never said intelligence can be forced...just PERCEIVED intelligence. True intelligence CANNOT be forced. There is more to intelligence than just data

absorbtion. While intelligence is mostly about data storage...ones mind still must be able to know where to store information and most importantly be able to

retrieve this information efficiently. I believe its here where the true differentiation is made between intelleginece effectively a person can

retrieve the information. While medical field is mostly data absorbtion the true test is about making choices based on the information. That ability CANNOT

be forced. The reason I state why medical student can't be forced is because apart from the fact there is only so much you can push a (non genius) child at

that age to be a medical student you would have to keep up the rate consistently and even so when it comes to actual decision making not based on

fixed rules...aka situations in which only time and experience can truly help...In other words to become a effective you would need a certain level of

maturity. A true genius can accelerate maturity (aided by his/her natural increased rate of gaining intelligence) as well.

A person's natural intelligence is often hidden because of life situations...because the optimal environment for developement of ones true potential is not

present or not present consistently. You cannot cultivate genius. But you can help bring it out from an otherwise dormant state.

#4 The benefits of having a normal childhood is too underestimated. I agree with ramp and SPK totally on this point.

Please define what normal's so hard to tell in this millenium. But if you equate normal to NON-growin up to be michael jackson, then i agree


I could write a whole essay on normality by heres an attempt at a few lines version.

Normal as in having enough opportunity to develop naturally. Time, resources and conduciveness of enviroment being keywords. But specifically refferring to

MJ case...not "rushed" or affected by fame and glory childhood...Nor "forced" accelerated learning; Course the line can be thin at times between push child

to attain true potential and trying to push to child to level not naturally inclined.

#5 Ever wonder what happens to the tons of child genius' noted every year? How come we never see them in news for some great breakthrough? The answer is

Creativity. Thats what truly differentiates intelligent beings and sparks progress. Its creativity that allows us so many choices today.
And you don't have to be intelligent to be creative; actually more often than not its the below average or average thats the ones.

While you bring up a good point, i believe what you are bringing is mostly hearsay. Can you give us some examples of studies that have been centred on

measuring the capacity of genius in relation to it's creaitivty? And for that matter, why can't genius be viewed as a measurment of creativity? do you

suggest that they are separate and distinct entities?

]] My point was on a practical level; What happens to you modern day Genius. It wan't meant to be representative of all Genius'

I should have said PERCEIVED creativity from the start but say what...
Genius and Creativity are not distinct entities. And yes I would also agree it is a form of measurement of creativity. However creativity on what level?

Creativity to whos benefit? For example, what use is there of being able to make brilliant original musical pieces when no one can hear? Similiarly with

ideas...unless they come to fruition..or can benefit the world what good are they? You can have someone whos deemed insane and he/she still be a True Genius

by those standards.

Its just that had I to choose, I would pick to be perceived as creative (and thus more real-world benefit) than being deemed a Genius.

That said, its not hearsay. Its based on natural observation. For example tell me how many genius' has one the noble prize. Next example, Take common and

popular grocery products and tell me what percentage the original concept or patent came from genius'. Where is the impact of all these "superior beings"?
If natural observation of the real-world isn't good enough I can easily counter and ask you to prove my points are wrong.

Which all explains why I said Wisdom is everything. Having ability is one thing, Knowing how, when and where to use is another.


You think ur smart?
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2005, 12:21:04 PM »

Offline W1nTry

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2005, 08:46:23 AM »
True wisdom is knowning that you know nothing
I have heard this recently and many times before but I can't rem where exactly its taken from...just thought to mention that to state my point which is wisdom is not everything (at least I think so)  as far as genius goes, I think all ppl are genius in some form or fashion, it just society's instills the value system that we human beings witlessly(perhaps not in all cases) adopt as our own. We measure genius (at least some of us do)  eg:
That said, its not hearsay. Its based on natural observation. For example tell me how many genius' has one the noble prize. Next example, Take common and popular grocery products and tell me what percentage the original concept or patent came from genius'. Where is the impact of all these \"superior beings\"?
On experience perhaps, but it in many cases it didn't take genius to make or conceptualize many of the things (true) we see and use on a daily basis, on the other hand there are examples, take for instance the light bulb? the phone, electricity (or the many ways in which is is harnessed) there are many egs of the impact of 'these superior beings' (though personally I don't believe in one being more superior than another persay). Wisdom, intelligence, simplicity all these things have their place, I don't agree that wisdom is everything, they all make up part of a greater whole.

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2005, 05:30:39 PM »
whey, that was a long cut and paste post. I won't add to it. please effectively separate the lines of text next time. But i do appreciate the intellectual discourse. It's refreshing to have it in the midst of GATT's picong.

I don't have the time & energy at this point in time for refutations. Please accept and expect one in a day or so. Sorry if i kept you waiting.                    
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Offline Synth

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2005, 12:40:31 AM »
Sorry I posted a bit in haste. I will clean up formatting soon.

Yes I can understand the time and energy bit ,thats why its a bit messy, but I just had to get it out. SOme times the passion overwhelms.                    

Offline Synth

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2005, 12:45:29 AM »
I will reply to w1ntry post in more detail but I shall give him some food for thought by saying this:

My definition of Wisdom is derived from all the qualities you've mentioned before...and more. Which is why I can say its "everything".

@ all: Try to stay focussed on what points exactly we are arguing and not bring in more "facts".                    


You think ur smart?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2005, 12:45:29 AM »

Offline W1nTry

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You think ur smart?
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2005, 09:22:16 AM »
That is true synth.. pplz I posted this with reference to a pretty smart kid... if this has gone into a battles of wisdom or what u perceive it is wasn't really the point. But hey whats a forum for right?  Let me try to get back to the point, I think this kid is damn smart, smarter than I was at that age for sure (most ppl I know for that matter including schol winners)... but anyways pplz post ur views about the kid, his work and maybe ur views in repect to urself and him... synth and smurf, feel free to battle on but please at some point direct ur interest towards the kid.                    


You think ur smart?
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2005, 09:22:16 AM »


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