indeed from everyones comments its pretty much a matter of whether yu need a system rehaul if simply upgrading yur card.For me, my 1337 dell is more than cutting it, even my 5900xt is great.But i believe i owe myself something that is hot on the market for once.Not waiting years down the line to get a 9600xt kinda thing. Upgradability is definately what yud have in mind if yu go pcie.And honestly, going pcie without going dual 16x is silly.Cause in the end, yur moving to pcie because it has a great upgrade path ahead of it self.And with sli on the market, it would be sensible to get a sli board now, get a 6600gt and when yu think yu need another upgrade, instead of getting a new rig, simply slap in another 6600gt and yur cooking with ramco gas