Author Topic: Whats the best combo?  (Read 3407 times)

Offline fire_man_boyzie

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Whats the best combo?
« on: October 12, 2004, 04:38:16 PM »
Seems like i have the great honor of kicking off the first thread in this area :) I thought i would post something interesting.

The older men in the field keep standing by applets and html.
University graduates and all the people who are 'important' swear by java.
Then there are the microsoft men who love the old school ASP solutions.
Youths are blinging PHP code now.

whats the best combo for programming on the web? ive seen and worked with the ASP. NET vb flavor and it has been fun and painless but i personally have become attached to flash(/w AS2.0)/mysql/PHP. So who's gonna diss that combo? Can anything match that? are there any inadequacies in the combo?

lets hear your thoughts people...

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Whats the best combo?
« on: October 12, 2004, 04:38:16 PM »

Offline Nitrate

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 10:20:35 PM »
Nothing cud match that mad combo...!!,  but u forgot clean about coldfusion mx(java business) pretty worthwhile, haven't touch that stuff yet becaue it's a seriousily enterpise product.                    

Offline Rampage

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2004, 12:17:22 AM »
yeah das a serious combo dey.
php, mysql
or asp and mysql
or even better php and asp (can give problems) :(

czar into asp strong, he will most likely stand up for asp :)                    

Offline fire_man_boyzie

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2004, 12:49:13 AM »
true pops -- i remember that asp discussion. let him come fight. my sword is sharp and swift ;)

nitrate cold fusion is a very powerful tool -- in fact i think cold fusion, javascript + coffee can try to touch my combo but it lacks in the animation department ;)

AS2.0 replaces JS1.1+ nicely and now flash have a DOM and can deal with XML data and can pull data using webservices like stuff from vb .NET and stuff. flash+vb.NET+MSSQL may also prove to be a winner but the $$$ is stress!!! think about that :)

daz why czar need more shurikens to step into the ring lol                    
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Offline Czar

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2004, 09:24:03 AM »
LOL! My name gettin call all over dey oui...ways... :)

Yeah, I'm a strong proponent of ASP, but that's because that's what I know...I suppose if I knew PHP more, I might be a PHP fanboy...but as far as I'm concerned...use what you most comfortable with, any combination can produce the same result just how proficient you are with the combo.

I would have to say that the weakest of the lot tho is most definitely the ColdFusion...don't get me wrong, when CF was first introduced, it had some things goin for it...but now, Macromedia has taken over the reigns (they bought Allaire, the previous CF owner, back in the day) and they've moved CF atop a Java platform, which sort of complicates things...not quite sure how to explain it really, but Anandtech had a really interesting article on their site when they launched the current new look. They moved from a CF solution to ASP.NET and had some very interesting insight on development and whatnot between the two.

Right now, I use ASP + MSSQL/MySQL + Flash and that works out pretty good for me.

Technically speaking, I'm not a Flash person, I gave up on Flash since v4, however, I do help out tons with the ActionScript side of things, which is very very close to my favourite web scripting language....JavaScript :)

In the end, use what you know best....that's the winning combination imo.                    


Whats the best combo?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2004, 09:24:03 AM »

Offline fire_man_boyzie

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2004, 03:03:46 PM »
i'll have to bow in humility to the vetran :)
good point -- menz does have to use what they comfortable with and i personally wouldnt have learned so much languages if i didnt have so much spare time. in fact coincidentally i would be a ASP (vb) champion by now and bussing style on czar :)

asp+my/mssql+flash i will give 99points :) i am biased. no? lol

but czar, doesnt createobject annoy you?

i didnt even know that snippet of CF history...

hooray to JS -- dhtml was running things for a while :)

what about the open source argument czar?

what if i were to say that a combo that includes php is better than a combo that inbludes ASP because php is free?

advantages of ASP -- (to me)
1) i learned QB then i learned object oriented QB ie vb (LOL) then i learned ASP and the dreaded createobject (ive been meaning to see a shrink about that). so i have more experience overall with the ASP side of things.
2) vb can be a bit loose with definitions which is good for a lazy coder like me

advantages of PHP -- (to me)
1) php packages are cheaper (am i talking out of my a$$ ?)
2) php is open source so we are supporting the concept ;)
3) php is VERY loose -- very good for the lazy man
4) i can do alot of shell stuff using php -- can be insecure at times but helpful for ratches

i can conclude that -- czar is a hardworking coder who has clients that dont mind raking out extra dough for ASP servers and that he and mr gates probably meet up and drinks some beers on a friday evening :P                    
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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2004, 05:40:03 PM »

Nice one fire man :D

but czar, doesnt createobject annoy you?
Can't say that it particularly annoys me in any one way or other...something specific you wanna point me at?

what about the open source argument czar?
I'm neither here nor there on open-source...MS has paid the bills for me thus far and will for a while, so I've no qualms about that. Don't get me wrong tho, I do work with MySQL, and it's been my biggest foray into open-source thus far, and has been a very nice experience. Can't say that I prefer either between My/MSSQL...both store the data and dish it back out when I need it....hell...even MS Access does wuk sometimes :D

what if i were to say that a combo that includes php is better than a combo that inbludes ASP because php is free?
I would have to ask you to clarify to me how ASP is not free...then I can take a poke at that one.

czar is a hardworking coder who has clients that dont mind raking out extra dough for ASP servers
To be honest, it wouldn't cost anything less to our clients if we gave them a php solution, since the php solution would be run on the same servers that we house our asp reduction in cost to can we then pass on a reduction to the client? :)

and that he and mr gates probably meet up and drinks some beers on a friday evening :P's every other Sunday evening....for the wine club meetings :P :D                    

Offline fire_man_boyzie

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2004, 10:19:44 AM »
czar parried all 5 hits of my amazing combo!!!

for real @ MS has paid the bills -- i wouldnt of had a start in computing if not for Mr Gates.

as for cost -- you all have your own managed servers or what?

conclusion of this thread?

my combo works for me and czar combo works for him. lets see who has the benz, mansion on the hill and 2.5 kids first.

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Offline Czar

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Whats the best combo?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 09:25:59 AM »
lol @ benz, mansion & 2.5 kids :P

As the French say... Touché :)                    


Whats the best combo?
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 09:25:59 AM »


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