Removed some old arcade games that was giving trouble and replaced them with new ones. Here is the list of troublesome ones that were removed:
5 Miles to Go : Problems keeping scores after 8-9 races finish, goes back to starting screen
Astroid Belt : "Invisible rocks", that makes it difficult to play for any length of time
Cannon : Game ends abruptly whenever coming close to beating it
Fire Storm : Game ends at random points in time, sometime playing for 1min+, sometimes finishing in 30 seconds.
Hungry Hungry Mario : Freezes once score passes over a certain value
Metal Slug S : Game allows enemies to respawn whenever they go off the screen in focus.
Pedestrian Killer : Game is dependant upon individual PCs, on some it plays well, some it doesn't.
Planet War 2 : Game has cheat that allows scores to skyrocket beyond the boundaries of meaningfulness.
Super Mario Rampage : Sometimes gives SQL errors in score saves.
Virus : Game occasionally does more damage than normal when hit (in some cases 5 times normal damage for no apparent reason).
War On Iraq : Game High Score refreshes anytime ANYONE plays it.
Over 10 new games were added to the arcade. Check out the "Newest Games" section of the arcade (located on the left)