i will have to say BIOWARE, year after year they push out brilliant RPGs that keep getting better year after year.id soft ware? those guys suck, their only strength is the Doom3 engine, as a game developer they are really lacking right now, those guys who did the Riddick game, Tigon studios i think, stole alot of d3's thunder.Bunjie has alot of potential, but they banking too much on HALO.SCEA has really come about recently and are playing the field much like nintendo used to in the old days.EA sports do a nice job, but how much better, if they are at all, are they than sega sports?EA BIG, now this is a sports developer, they managed to reinvent the wheel with games like NBA STREET etc.
ramp, the cold over ther getting to you or what? we talking about game developers, not the engine developers, come nah man i know you smarter than that.the game developer, more often than not , is never the same company that did the engine. thas common sense man.and baego doh tell me you and all making that mistake...
who still plays Hexen?man so it seems as if you finally realise that this debate is indeed about the game developer and not the engine designer, it took long enough.so with respect to Doom 3.....It's not a bad game but the question begs to be asked: what did it offer us that was truly new to the genre of FPS, what did it show us that we have not yet seen, and in what way was the gameplay any different from all other FPS? maybe some people liked the graphics, but hey, both Farcry and Riddick offered cutting edge graphic detail innovative gameplay without any of the Hype that followed D3.just for the record, what was the last game developed by Id prior to D3?
Ramp you keep evading the obvious, how much of an impact did Doom 3 make? a scary FPS, ever heard about undying?and i'll ask you again, what was the last game developed by Id prior to D3?and ask anyone with an active braincell what is the main issue when making a decent game, i'll bet that they would say gameplay. in fact lets ask a quake3 fan why they like it over unreal, i bet they would also say gameplay....