I just got and removed a virus that prevented me from installing, defragmenting etc. by changing my WinXP account from a 'Administrator' to a 'User' . It inspired me to start this thread, post about any virus/trojan/worm that YOU got , and can hurt your gaming.
My expereinces :
Windows kept shutting down telling me 'Error in remote procedure call' and timing down till it shut down.
How i Fixed it :
Dloaded the Winupdate to prevent 'Win32Blaster' from exploiting your system.
How this hurts your gaming :
Shuts down your comp every time you go onto a network with it [LAN, Internet] , =NO MULTIPLAYER
The last virus prevented me from installing, defragmenting and scandisk, it also messed up my startup programs eg. overclock.
How i fixed it:
Norton scan removes it, .. now i have to deal with a damaged registry
how it hurts gaming :
post your own virus experiences!