yes i agree. us having our own personal server would be the ultimate.
no chanes of being banned for some random crap.
no company hasseling you for monthly fees.
monthly events, the player of lineage 2 us have never had a single fun event and have never experienced the true fun that lineage has because the support is to lazy to get off their asses and make 1.
people on 56k will be able to play without lag.
you wont have any stupid idiots harassing and doing shit to you.
eveyr 1 will be eitehr trini or a friend of a trini.
only downside i can see is working out the bandwith which can easily be fixed if every 1 donated to the cause.
i estimat to have a few hundred people well we would need around a 1 mb connection or 1.5 which would be around 3000 tt a month and i mena if we have 200 people dat can easily be paid for in full + have money left over to maby upgrade and otehr stuff