So exactly how much does TSTT plan to increase the domestic rates by?
I mean, thank God and everything for the halved overseas rates, seeing as I
and so many other people spend hours everyday speaking to people in foreign
countries, but how much of the "cost recovery" will fall on my shoulders?
In fact, shit...if TSTT had cut rates as far back as three years ago it
could have cut my overseas bill by 50%!
Over the last three years I would have saved 50% of $0!!!! Oh
Father...imagine what I'll be saving now!
Btw...why doesn't TSTT introduce plans like those foreign companies?
For instance, I only spend significant time on the phone with one person who
lives in Barataria, and she only spends time on the phone with me. I'd
gladly sign up for one of those "frequently-called" plans even if it meant
paying a flat rate or paying extra on normal calls.
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