Coledraft and butterknife. HAHAHA. LOL LOl LOL. your names speak for themselves. especially butterknife. mommy give u that name. what games are u 2 good at. Rugrats for ps. or maybe freecell for pc. LOL LOL.Coledraft a crad collector. u better keep collecting cards, because anytime u play and we meet, you'll feel like them cards really coming to life. but here what though, allyuh soundin big in the business, i small still right, my clan small still right (sarcasm, just in case one of u are stupid enough to take that seriously). i challenge any of u to a game of yugioh, soul calibur 2, Smackdown 5, marvel vs Capcom 2 or ex 3, 2 or 1. thas a nice long list for you to chooose your game of cutass, sorry i mean play. HHHAAAHH. u guys are sooooo lame, that's it's sad.