Author Topic: {GATT-Tech} What is Sheep Dip??  (Read 993 times)


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{GATT-Tech} What is Sheep Dip??
« on: June 11, 2004, 10:00:23 AM »
In computers, a sheepdip (or, variously, sheep dipping or a footbath) is the checking of media, usually diskettes or CD-ROMs, for viruses before they are used in a computer or network. A sheepdip computer is used only for virus-checking. The computer makes use of one or two antivirus programs that are kept current on a daily basis.
Sheep dipping is generally used only for data on external media, not for data directly downloaded from the Internet. However, when files or programs are downloaded from the Internet, an ideal approach for safety's sake is to put them on removable media initially. The removable media can then be run through the sheepdip before transferring the data to the hard disk of a proprietary computer.

In sheep farming, sheepdip is a chemical bath given to sheep to rid them of vermin or sheep scab or to clean their wool before shearing

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                        Garreth Ferguson
                        Information Systems Specialist  Office of the Parliament
                        Red House
                        Abercromby Street
                        Port of Spain
                              fax:  868 627 9603
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                              868 625 4672  
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{GATT-Tech} What is Sheep Dip??
« on: June 11, 2004, 10:00:23 AM »


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