Author Topic: {GATT} Print and Pass to Parents  (Read 845 times)


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{GATT} Print and Pass to Parents
« on: May 26, 2004, 05:28:47 PM »
ESRB Game Ratings & Content Descriptors

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings are designed to provide information about video and computer game content, so you can make informed purchase decisions. ESRB ratings have two parts: rating symbols suggest age appropriateness for the game, and content descriptors indicate elements in a game that may have triggered a particular rating and/or may be of interest or concern.

To take full advantage of the ESRB rating system, it's important to check both the rating symbol (on the front of the game box) and the content descriptors (on the back of the game box).


      Titles rated EC - Early Childhood have content that may be suitable for persons ages 3 and older. Titles in this category contain no material that parents would find inappropriate.

      Titles rated E - Everyone have content that may be suitable for persons ages 6 and older. Titles in this category may contain minimal violence, some comic mischief and/or mild language.

      Titles rated T - Teen have content that may be suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violent content, mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes.

      Titles rated M - Mature have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain mature sexual themes, more intense violence and/or strong language.

      Titles rated AO - Adults Only have content suitable only for adults. Titles in this category may include graphic depictions of sex and/or violence. Adults Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18.

      Titles listed as RP - Rating Pending have been submitted to the ESRB and are awaiting final rating.

ESRB Content Descriptors
  a.. Alcohol Reference - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages
  b.. Animated Blood - Cartoon or pixilated depictions of blood.
  c.. Blood - Depictions of blood.
  d.. Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts.
  e.. Cartoon Violence - Violent actions involving cartoon-like characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted.
  f.. Comic Mischief - Scenes depicting slapstick or gross vulgar humor.
  g.. Crude Humor - Moderately vulgar antics, including bathroom humor.
  h.. Drug Reference - Reference to and/or images of illegal drugs
  i.. Edutainment - Content of product provides user with specific skills development or reinforcement learning within an entertainment setting. Skill development is an integral part of product.
  j.. Fantasy Violence - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life.
  k.. Gambling - Betting like behavior.
  l.. Informational - Overall content of product contains data, facts, resource information, reference materials or instructional text.
  m.. Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons, and depictions of human injury and death.
  n.. Mature Humor - Vulgar and/or crude jokes and antics including "bathroom" humor
  o.. Mature Sexual Themes - Provocative material, possibly including partial nudity.
  p.. Mild Language - Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol, or drug use.
  q.. Mild Lyrics - Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol, or drug use in music.
  r.. Mild Violence - Mild scenes depicting characters in unsafe and/or violent situations.
  s.. Nudity - Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity.
  t.. Partial Nudity - Brief and mild depictions of nudity.
  u.. Sexual Violence - Depictions of rape or other sexual acts.
  v.. Some Adult Assistance May Be Needed - Early Childhood Descriptor only.
  w.. Strong Language - Profanity and explicit references to sexuality, violence, alcohol, or drug use.
  x.. Strong Lyrics - Profanity and explicit references to sex, violence, alcohol, or drug use in music.
  y.. Strong Sexual Content - Graphic depiction of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity.
  z.. Suggestive Themes - Mild provocative references or materials.
  aa.. Tobacco Reference - Reference to and/or images of tobacco products
  ab.. Use of Drugs - The consumption or use of illegal drugs
  ac.. Use of Alcohol - The consumption of alcoholic beverages
  ad.. Use of Tobacco - The consumption of tobacco products
  ae.. Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict.
Additionally, online games that include user-generated content (e.g., chat, maps, skins) carry the notice "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" to warn consumers that content created by players of the game has not been rated by the ESRB.

ESRB Helps Parents Choose the Right Games for Their Families

The ESRB rating system is designed to give parents the information they need to evaluate a computer or video game before making a purchasing decision. The ratings are not meant to recommend which games consumers should buy or rent or to serve as the only basis for choosing a product. Rather, parents s hould use the ESRB ratings in conjunction with their own tastes and standards and their individual knowledge about what's best for their kids.

ESRB recommends that parents learn about games before making a purchasing decision. Game reviews printed in newspapers and publisher web sites can be excellent sources of information. To search for games that are appropriate based on age categories and content, use our online ratings search feature.

ESRB also urges parents to talk with their children about their favorite games. Playing the games with your children helps stimulate those discussions, and playing games as a family can also be a fun way to spend time together.                    


{GATT} Print and Pass to Parents
« on: May 26, 2004, 05:28:47 PM »


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  • TriniXjin: Watch Black Clover Everyone!
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  • Crimson609: lol
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  • Crimson609: :ph34r:
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  • Crimson609: Big up ya whole slef
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  • protomanex: Gyul like XJin
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  • protomanex: Shout out to man like Crimson
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  • Crimson609: shout out to gyal like Corbie Gonta
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  • cold_187: Why allur don't make a discord or something?
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  • Red Paradox: everyday from 6:00pm
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  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
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  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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