Author Topic: RE: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the  (Read 976 times)


  • Guest
Baego, did you read those stories? It's amazing how you jump to these
conclusions with logical information presented to you.

But I'm glad you understand the rationale behind media shock and awe. Bush
used it to great effect to start this war in the first place.

And now, a year later, his administration is admitting that they were wrong
about the WMDs. And therefore lacunching a war based on a lie.

His peeps in intelligence have been reduced to sodomising civilians with
light bulbs for info on terrorists...and still not getting any.

If he didn't know all of these things all along, he's tremendously
incompetent for letting them happen under his watch. Either way, there
really is no defense.

This kinda pointless though. You talking way more than you reading. WAY

And you forming opinions based not on information, but a lack thereof, and
the preconceived notion that the President is a "good person" because he's a
fundamentalist Christian.

But small only a matter of time before the hidden news becomes

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:09 AM
Subject: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the real

Bush Said.

"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories
concerning the attacks of September the 11th;
malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away
from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty."

hoss, in a country of 250 million plus, fighting wars in places you can't
even spell, against enemies who's names you can't pronouce with targets
changing faster than you can get a memo in your inbox about their existence,
you think the president could do anything BUT give lip service?

Maybe 2000 years ago the pope and the president used to be in the front line
draggin blade on people back, watching the enemy in his eye, conspiring
against him, torturin prisoners and championing propaganda. Nowadays they
are too far from the issue to do anything but shake hands, sign treaties,
visit orphanages and make statements as advised by their advisors.

lol, da.

In our small 1000 man company, like British Gas, the president does be
complaining about issues long after we created them and solved them.
Everyone still holds him responsible though, poor fellah, even if he doesn't
know jack about microwave links and the feasible distance for a fibre run to
a platform on the north coast. Serves him right, cause he get's paid a mint.

Calling Bush name is just a buzz word to get people to read an article and
induce shock and awe.

Understand THAT.

"Attack them with full force" -Arthur A.N.R Robinson
Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, 1990

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Kayode James
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:04 PM
Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse officially sanctioned?

You not getting it, are you?

Bush is paying lip service.

Read the story I posted a while back. Read...just read anything. Jah.

The torture thing goes right to the very top. The torture of civilians for
information was an initiative that Bush either pushed for personally, or was
totally aware of.

I cyar believe you actually taking the man's words seriously.

"Good thing we have Bush. The price of justice is eternal vigilance."


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:25 PM
Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse officially sanctioned?

Reminds me of a show starring Samuel L Jackson where some terrorists
disguised as iraqi civillians, (that is to say that they were not dressed
in their standard issue bright red army fatigues) opened fire on an
unsuspecting ambassador and his kids.

Damn them for being so clever!!

Good thing we have Bush. The price of justice is eternal vigilance.

With great power comes great responsibility.

> Bush was once quoted as saying:
> "The U.S. is committed to the worldwide elimination of torture and we are
> leading this fight by example. I call on all governments to join with the
> U.S. and the community of law abiding nations in prohibiting,
> investigating
> and prosecuting all acts of torture."
> — George W. Bush, U.N. Torture Victims Recognition Day, June 26, 2003
> HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah George. God go really hadda bless America when you done
> with it.
> This link : is really
> interesting.
> The funny thing about the list is that if it had been hardcore terrorists,
> I
> woulda be a bit more willing to look the other way.
> But that SAME Major General Taguba found in his report that upwards of 60%
> of the detainees in that prison are innocent Iraqi civilians pulled off
> the
> street for questioning.
> I sure is the same ones who was greeting them same soldiers with grins and
> cheers.
> But say only Arabs.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> [X]-Baego
> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:50 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse officially sanctioned?
> I like the end of that article the best....
> It reads...
> That's unfair: what Saddam did at Abu Ghraib during his regime was more
> horrible, and on a much vaster scale, than anything seen in those images
> on
> Capitol Hill. But if America is going to live up to its promise to bring
> justice and democracy to Iraq, it needs to get to the bottom of what
> happened at Abu Ghraib.
> indeed
> Bush was once quoted as saying "God Bless America"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Kayode James
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 10:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse officially sanctioned?
> Look even more Newsweek has uncovered officially that the
> torture was sanctioned and promoted by the Administration.
> Note: It's part 1 of 3. Heh.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Kayode James
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse Pictures Fake?
> In fact, what investigators have found is that aside from sanctioned abuse
> of prisoners, Abu Ghraib prison had a lively sex ring going on, with live
> sex shows and orgies.
> New York Post story -
> May 14, 2004 -- Iraq's feared Abu Ghraib jail was one big sex romp -
> sometimes by candlelight with an audience watching, U.S. troops said
> yesterday.
> Sex and alcohol were commonplace, and soldiers frequently set up candlelit
> rooms for voyeuristic sex shows, said a soldier who served at the
> notorious
> prison.
> "There were lots of affairs. There was all kinds of adultery and
> alcoholism
> and all kinds of crap going on," said Dave Bischel, a National Guardsman
> with the 870th Military Police unit, who returned home from Abu Ghraib
> last
> month.
> "There was a bed found in one of the abandoned buildings. There was a
> mattress on the ground. They had chairs all circled around it and candles
> all over the place," said Bischel, adding the chairs were "obviously for
> an
> audience."
> The soldier said the X-rated liaisons at the prison were made easier by
> its
> maze-like layout and that other troops frequently turned a blind eye to
> what
> their pals were up to.
> "One of the female soldiers supposedly had sex in a gang bang," said Terry
> Stowe, an MP from California. "From time to time, things like this would
> happen."
> News of the shocking sexcapades in the controversial lockup come as a
> friend
> of disgraced reservist Lynndie England lashed out in her defense
> yesterday,
> saying tapes of her having sex in the prison were personal to her and the
> boyfriend with whom she is "in love."
> Congress members, who viewed shocking new pictures of abuse in the Iraqi
> jail, said England appeared in a sicko video having sex in front of
> prisoners at Abu Ghraib and that she was snapped in graphic sex acts with
> other U.S. soldiers.
> But one family friend insisted the racy reservist had sex only with her
> boyfriend, Spc. Charles Graner - one of six others from the 372nd Military
> Police Company facing charges for the abuse - and that the pair are "madly
> in love."
> He said the X-rated tapes had been taken from their foot lockers.
> "We are all amazed by this. She only had sex with him," said Kenny
> Flanagan,
> who has known England since childhood.
> The pregnant England, who is now stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., met
> Graner,
> 35, a divorced father of two, shortly before the pair's Maryland-based
> unit
> was posted to Iraq.
> Graner is charged with overseeing numerous abuses of Iraqi prisoners, and
> appears in several photos with the young private, leering at humiliated
> Iraqi captives.
> Another soldier involved in the scandal, Spc. Jeremy Sivits, told Army
> investigators Graner would mock the detainees and brutalize them, The Los
> Angeles Times reported last night.
> In one incident, he allegedly punched a detainee so hard, he knocked him
> unconscious. "His eyes were closed and he was not moving," Sivits was
> quoted
> as saying. Afterward, Graner shook his fist and said, "Damn, that hurt,"
> the
> report says.
> Sivits, who the paper said is expected to plead guilty at a court-martial
> proceeding next week, also disputed England's claims that she was ordered
> to
> pose for the snapshots that shocked the world.
> One picture showed her holding a naked Iraqi man on a dog leash, and in
> others, she is shown making thumbs-up signs in front of a pyramid of naked
> Iraqi men and pointing at the genitals of a naked prisoner.
> Sivits said England was "laughing at the different stuff that they were
> having the detainees do."
> He also shot down her claim that the soldiers were ordered to abuse the
> prisoners, and said Graner warned him not to tell higher-ups about how
> they
> were being treated.
> "Our command would have slammed us," Sivits said.
> New photos and videos revealed by the Pentagon to lawmakers in a private
> viewing Wednesday showed attack dogs snarling at cowing prisoners, Iraqi
> women forced to expose their breasts, and naked prisoners forced to have
> sex
> with each other, the lawmakers revealed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Kayode James
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 7:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse Pictures Fake?
> You realise that those pictures in question are just a few black and white
> photos that were always under question right?
> The pictures with the naked pyramids, the man on the leash, the woman
> pointing and smiling, the dogs biting the bleeding man and more than a
> 1000
> others, along with videos of soldiers having sex and sodomising young boys
> and women are Grade A genuine, released and viewed by the Pentagon itself
> with soldiers going to trial starting this week.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> Bellamy, Nigel
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 4:55 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: {GATT} OT: Iraqi POW abuse Pictures Fake?
> The Daily Mirror, publisher of photos showing abusive acts ot Iraqi POWs
> has
> made a frontpage declaration that the pictures were fake, a hoax and
> issued
> an apology.
> the editor, Piers Morgan, who defended the integrity of the images, has
> since resigned.
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