Author Topic: Re: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the  (Read 1090 times)

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Kayode James wrote:

>What was your point again?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On Behalf Of
>Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 4:31 PM
>Subject: Re: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the
>real problem
>true to form.
>good points.
>Sad to say though that you are not interested whatsoever in my points
>but only to make yours.
>Nonetheless I enjoyed the discourse and playing devil's advocate but it
>would have been nice to have had a bi partisan discussion.
>maybe next time iymc!
>Kayode James wrote:
>>How does Japan's deception justify dropping nuclear bombs on two civilian
>>cities? If they were not to be trusted, just don't trust them. Keep on yuh
>>ready. Destroy military bases. Take action against military targets, just
>>like Japan took action against the military targeet of Pearl Harbor.
>>Doh slaughter tens of thousands of innocents to get a point across. That is
>>If you acknowledge that the war is primarily over the resources of Iraq,
>>that it's illegal and immoral, and that the US administration is capable of
>>something like that, why does anything else surprise you about this
>>This War is not opinion business anymore dread. Is not even a matter of
>>perspective anymore.
>>There is no moral or legal justification to this war. Not one. Not
>>terrorism, not WMD, and not "freedom".
>>No defense of Bush either, because when it comes down to it, he is the one
>>who made the decision.
>>That is the bottom line. I doh know what your point has been this whole
>>time, but that's mine.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: []On Behalf Of
>>Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 2:33 PM
>>Subject: Re: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the
>>real problem
>>Now let me take you apart piece by piece.
>>1) War crimes are never isolated incidents. They are par for the
>> it or not.
>>2) Bush's relaxing of laws on advice that the terrorists should not be
>>treated as POWs does not imply that he wanted electrical wires attached
>>to their penis and pictures taken and sent across the internet. (my
>>point...forget bush and politics...a few sicko's in the service was
>>being just that...sick)
>>2) Bush did not consult. That was twisting of words. The guy got 50,000
>>letters sent to the white house bolstering his position and has been
>>pushing to associate himself with the present administration. A fanatic
>>harassing the president yes, The forehead kissing and
>>praying with tony blair wasn't my story dread...some reporter thought
>>that prudent to make a big deal off. (what a da) You still don't address
>>the religious fanatacism the west faces in the middle east countries
>>that  are home to the terrorists.
>>4) The war on Iraq is ultimately over it's resources. Everyone knows
>>that. I could go into a 10 page discourse on why the US needs it but
>>that will be ridiculously off topic, lol. Suffice it to say that who
>>commands the most cheap fossil fuel can make or break who leads the
>>world in the coming decades.
>>5) Good is relative and for the sake of argument, I refer to the good
>>americans defeating the bad terrorists. The good Arthur Napoleon
>>Robinson lambastin' the bad reporters. So on and so forth.
>>6)  The fact that you can't tell the difference between a civilian and a
>>terrorist negates the "shock and awe" of the story of a man walking off
>>the force disgusted at "lighting up" a family sedan that didn't explode
>>contrary to intelligence reports. It does not justify reckless
>>persecution. Someone is feeding the troops best they
>>can...on an environment that is harsh and unforgiving and on men who are
>>akin to chameleons.
>>7) Japan was ready to surrender just like they were ready to assure
>>peace with the west when they attacked Pearl Harbour. Veterans were
>>quick to point that out when "good" americans suggested that the bombing
>>was unnecessary. Japan was not to be trusted at best. They started
>>hostile action against the states, unprovoked and with diplomatic
>>trivia question....what race is allowed to become a japanese citizen?
>>try to be informed on the topic Kayode. I'll lend you my copy of google..
>>Kayode James wrote:0
>>>If you read the stories you would have seen that the war crimes and
>>>are not isolated incidents. You would have seen that Bush's
>>>along with the man himself, pushed for  legislation that would allow the
>>>actions. The few bad apples at this stage includes the Secretary of
>>>who was working to get these things done and then working to cover them up
>>>before the scandal even broke.
>>>Bush is not getting lambasted for kissing nobody forehead. He's getting
>>>lambasted for mixing his religion with his politics too deeply. The
>>>kiss is just one side. Consulting with doomsday fundamentalist Christian
>>>groups before going to war is the "scary" part. But of course, you read
>>>that, right?
>>>What does the War on Terror have to do with the Wars against Iraq and
>>>Afghanistan? Can you qualify that? Because not even Bush et al can.
>>>And because there's no way to discern a civilian from a terrorist, you go
>>>the nearest farm or market, pick up a man who sellin or harvestin, carry
>>>back to a military base and let dogs rush him? Or stick a bulb up his
>>>Attach electrical wires to his penis and other extremities?
>>>And then take pictures of it with yuh smiling cohorts?
>>>And please...don't pin moral labels on any group of people. The American
>>>people aren't "good". Trinidadians aren't "good". Iraqis aren't "bad".
>>>They're all just people.
>>>You know that when they dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that
>>>Japan had already agreed to negotiate peace with them, right?
>>>Pearl Harbor was a military base. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilian
>>>Baego, yuh terribly uninformed about this war, the history of both
>>>countries, the context of plenty of these actions, and plenty of the
>>>themselves. Terribly uninformed.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: []On Behalf Of
>>>Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:18 AM
>>>Subject: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the real
>>>wtmc, I now seeing this @ home
>>>like BG spam filter block this one too.
>>>you inserting some cuss words in white font inbetween yuh text or what?
>>>What hidden news you talking bout? There is nothing to become "public"
>>>would prove me wrong.
>>>Sept 11 is proof enough that terrorism is real, WMD or not. That is
>>>sufficient for a nation to establish war on terrorism the world over. Not
>>>just America mind you....all nations. It was the WORLD trade center after
>>>all. Ill treatment of said terrorist is unnecessary but expected.
>>>but to answer the question, yes I read those stories. Did you read the
>>>I posted? Did you know about the statements Robinson made?
>>>let me ask another question.
>>>Could you summarise my point(s) and yours? I am curious to see if we are
>>>the same page.
>>>1) There is absolutely no way to discern a civillian from a terrorist.
>>>probably don't even know what the geneva convention is, don't wear
>>>dog tags, etc..)
>>>2) Bush's name is used for reading mileage and trolling for pageviews. He
>>>WAY too far at the top to be directly involved in 99% of the things
>>>reporters would have you believe he was aware off or instigated.
>>>3) War crimes are expected, only difference now is that thanks to the
>>>internet and flagrant use of scanners/digital cameras in the last 20
>>>years....john doe is getting a sneak peek.
>>>4) A few bad apples can indeed spoil the bunch. America is not a
>>>entity but the actions of a few idiots in an army of millions fighting a
>>>against terror does tarnish the image of it as a world leader in both
>>>and moral integrity. Keep in mind this part...."the actions of a FEW
>>>5) Kissing the forehead of a wounded soldier and praying with him and
>>>with Tony Blair is NOT a bad thing. (Religious wars back in 1805 aside)
>>>are facing nations on the bleeding edge of religious fanatacism, using it
>>>for all of it's worth....and Bush is gettin lambaste for saying a prayer
>>>with a one armed victim of the war? BS....nah it deserve de full
>>>thing.....BULL SH1T!
>>>Blowing smoke....focus on the real problem.
>>>Get serious.
>>>You know what is the worst part of all of this.....the goodness of the
>>>American people that lead them to inflict damage on themselves.
>>>When they dropped "little boy" on Hiroshima....the pilot wrote in his
>>>journal....."What have we done"
>>>Jackass like him....those words spread across the internet as testament to
>>>the "evil" that is America. Obviously he wasn't mindful of the damage that
>>>would have done to the "current administration"....nor did he harken back
>>>his fallen comrades @ pearl harbour, many of which were still trapped in
>>>belly of their vessels, now a watery grave, compliments japan. You don't
>>>just start a war like that and bad. Bomb iymc.
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Kayode James" <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:18 AM
>>>Subject: RE: {GATT} OT: Shock Reporting, Bush calls for focus on the real
>>>>Baego, did you read those stories? It's amazing how you jump to these
>>>>conclusions with logical information presented to you.
>>>>But I'm glad you understand the rationale behind media shock and awe.
>>>>used it to great effect to start this war in the first place.
>>>>And now, a year later, his administration is admitting that they were
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