Author Topic: The Very Serious Gatt Lag Fix Guide 2015! (Suggestions and Additions welcome)  (Read 6542 times)

Offline Shinsoo

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I decided to write this guide. I don't think I should , have time for nor would I pretend to have the expertise to give you analysis tips. So I will write what I can , in terms of figuring out your exact problem I would start with

This guide assumes you already use or

^Carigamer's speedtest and ping on flow fibre.

1. Speedtest to your ISP's server.
2. Speedtest to a server off island (Florida is usually the best default setting for the caribbean.)

You should also consider getting Flow (unapologetic plug). If you already have flow and you are experience issues that are taking too long for a hardcore gamer like yourself to resolve then this guide is for you. This page is not for you to complain about your current ISP , it is to help u find some small fixes so that your gaming life does not suffer.

This is a tool I use that usually assists me in diagnosing the issue. This is the netalyzr. There is an app for it as well. I have used it for years. If you aren't sure what could possibbly be affecting your connection. Use this , and let it do it's thing. If you are unsure of the terms it uses , ask a tech friend or google is your best friend.

Some basic necessary mentions are simple things such as :
Limit the dowload speed of devices on your network.
Restart your router
Make sure all wires are connected properly

Upgrade your Network Adapter Drivers: You would be surprised how many games lag because people upgrade their gfx card drivers all the time but always forget about their network adapter. 

Use Google dns: To be honest this wont help much but it helps overall a lot. It can also get u back online if ur net is offline due to dns related issues.

Scan your pc : I suggest you use .

Ping and lag fixes programs :
I will skip certain basics here . But I advise you look up a few guides on small things u can do to optimize your connection. Something as simple as gaming closer to your router can make the world of different.

So each of these programs I use used myself. Most of them work pretty well .

If you were a WoW player or a Final Fantasy Realm Reborn player then you probably heard of this. I highly advise this for mmrorpg related lag. 

^This wonderful program can change the way u game. But be warned , for some games it can reduce your delay but it can also give you the occasional spikes.

My personal go to for quick fix / high ping.
Next I want to suggest my favorite gpn (gaming private network).  . They should still have a solid free trial , but if u want to pay for it, they are definitely worth it. I advise this for the League of legends or Moba players . I currently use it for the Diablo ish game called Devillian.

If your wtfast free trial runs out and u dont want to pay. I suggest this good ole fashioned vpn.  Haven't seen ads or had any issues with this one. You get 500 mbs free monthly . I use the Miami server.
500mb monthly doesnt sound like a lot. However if u update your game then restart it with this vpn on. You close your browser ( as u should if u experience lag anyway) for lets say a moba. You would be surprised if u burnt even 5 mbs off it.

For a general program to help you. Use . This tends to be a bit overrated however it can be a good tool to clean your pc, check your drivers and give you some light optimizations. Thread carefully using this though , don't do anything u cannot undo. And also unless you understand what everything does. Try a method at a time. And do not over do mixing methods. Figure out one or two that work and stick to em.

So that's basically it . Feel free to look up basic lag fix guides. Make sure no one stealing your net to netflix and chill. I don't advise changing much on your router. However for some people look into QoS . But depending on your network card you can change your QoS setting.

Here are some more basics you should try.

If I remember or find anything else I will be sure to add. Good luck with your gaming , and feel free to share this guide on facebook etc so that others can stop lagging and delaying.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 03:34:23 PM by Shinsoo »


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I use CFOS Speed to help with online gaming and tormenting. I works pretty well and is available on Steam and also comes with certain ASUS and Gigabyte motherboards

Sent from my SM-N910H using Tapatalk



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