Hi folks, I have recently taken an interest in the WII U after viewing games like mario bros U, luigi U, new DKC and hyrule warriors to name a few. Some of these games bring back memories of the SNES glory days for me.
My main concern with the console is "motion controls". Is it possible to play the these games without the use of motion controls? I saw a pro controller available for the U so I am assuming you should be able to play these games traditionally with a controller right?
The reason for asking this is I own the original WII and was never able to get into any of the games due to the motion controls. I own games like Mario galaxy 2 and Skyward sword that looked great but again I was never able to get past the motion controls to properly play the games. Please understand that I am not bashing but it just felt awkward to use and I eventually just gave up on the console all together. It just wasn't for me. I am also ignorant of the "tab" capabilities of the WII U and would just use a pro controller straight out of the box to play the games if that is possible at all.