I have to say I'm getting hyped for Nintendo as of late.
I usually wait until the new Zelda comes out then buys whatever Nintendo system out at d time.
But a drought for couch coop games on the pc has lead me right back to Nintendo. On pc, or all d other platforms for that matter, it just have Rayman , which I've beaten. Need more coop action and Wii u is it.
And I just hearing so much good things bout wind waker hd . Never played ww because of d art style, only 3d Zelda game I haven't beat, but that will be rectified soon. And Nintendo just announce that Mario kart bundle, with ur choice of a free game, ww being mine.
Getting back excited for Nintendo.
Kart 8
Wind Waker HD
Mario 3D World
Them four games alone! And I good.
But still have d metroid, and d new Zelda to look forward to.
And d 330$ kart bundle is epic.
Hope it have a zelda reveal at e3.