Author Topic: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?  (Read 4727 times)

Offline woodyear99

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What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:10:43 PM »
Modern Aviation crash investigations are able to explain accidents quickly due to the amount of data transmitted from modern aircraft. This particular missing aircraft has many wondering exactly what happened with a plane that deviated off course with disabled communications systems. Will be interesting to see how the investigation unfolds....

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
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What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« on: March 14, 2014, 04:10:43 PM »

Offline Husk4197

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Re: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2014, 07:02:52 PM »
Serious twilight zone / outer limits stuff here....

Offline woodyear99

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Re: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2014, 07:56:22 PM »
This theory sounds logical to me...

A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

There has been a lot of speculation about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Terrorism, hijacking, meteors. I cannot believe the analysis on CNN; it’s almost disturbing. I tend to look for a simpler explanation, and I find it with the 13,000-foot runway at Pulau Langkawi.

We know the story of MH370: A loaded Boeing 777 departs at midnight from Kuala Lampur, headed to Beijing. A hot night. A heavy aircraft. About an hour out, across the gulf toward Vietnam, the plane goes dark, meaning the transponder and secondary radar tracking go off. Two days later we hear reports that Malaysian military radar (which is a primary radar, meaning the plane is tracked by reflection rather than by transponder interrogation response) has tracked the plane on a southwesterly course back across the Malay Peninsula into the Strait of Malacca.

The left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah1 was a very experienced senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time. We old pilots were drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us. They’re always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don’t want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what you are going to do. When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I instinctively knew he was heading for an airport. He was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach over water and no obstacles. The captain did not turn back to Kuala Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer.

Take a look at this airport on Google Earth. The pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make an immediate turn to the closest, safest airport.

The loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense in a fire.
When I heard this I immediately brought up Google Earth and searched for airports in proximity to the track toward the southwest.

For me, the loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense in a fire. And there most likely was an electrical fire. In the case of a fire, the first response is to pull the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one. If they pulled the busses, the plane would go silent. It probably was a serious event and the flight crew was occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the fire. Aviate, navigate, and lastly, communicate is the mantra in such situations.

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Re: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 05:04:07 PM »

Goodfellow’s account is emotionally compelling, and it is based on some of the most important facts that have been established so far. And it is simple—to a fault. Take other major findings of the investigation into account, and Goodfellow’s theory falls apart. For one thing, while it’s true that MH370 did turn toward Langkawi and wound up overflying it, whoever was at the controls continued to maneuver after that point as well, turning sharply right at VAMPI waypoint, then left again at GIVAL. Such vigorous navigating would have been impossible for unconscious men.

Goodfellow’s theory fails further when one remembers the electronic ping detected by the Inmarsat satellite at 8:11 on the morning of March 8. According to analysis provided by the Malaysian and United States governments, the pings narrowed the location of MH370 at that moment to one of two arcs, one in Central Asia and the other in the southern Indian Ocean. As MH370 flew from its original course toward Langkawi, it was headed toward neither. Without human intervention—which would go against Goodfellow’s theory—it simply could not have reached the position we know it attained at 8:11 a.m.

To make a good theory, Einstein is said to have asserted, “everything should be kept as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Unfortunately, Christopher Goodfellow’s wildly popular theory errs on the side of too much elegance.

 :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

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Re: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 05:08:36 PM »
very intriguing


Re: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 05:08:36 PM »


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