Now, I'm not claiming to be 100% knowledgeable about either of these companies here but outside of games - hardware, software and accompanying paraphernalia - what does nintendo do?
With that in mind, I also need to say I'm defending neither sony nor this guy - but as stated in that one minute I referenced earlier today he says outside of gaming he, like myself, could give a damn about Sony's profits outside of Playstation. Full disclosure though, I like Bravia TV's - not gonna cry over it cuz they much too expensive when Samsung offering the same for less. Fanboy am I too, I suppose.
I agree with your statement about the media issues - as you can read on the previous page of this thread. However, the industry has grown very large - and has produced quite a number of notable professionals long before it became a billion dollar industry. So as for it being a laughingstock, I really dunno what to say to that other than to draw your attention to the fact that companies, such as EA, pour *millions* of dollars each year into production (albeit to the detriment of consumers). Don't think that would be the case if the 'industry' was such a joke.
So, until MGS5 comes around, or till more stuff I want to play is out on the failing platform that is the WiiU I can wait it out with my PC backlog. Lords of Shadow 2 is coming to PC, so there's money going to Konami already - if they decide to release MGS on it as well, I will buy a dualshock 4 and like myself even more.