Author Topic: Rise of the Machines: Epic battle of the ages between PCs, Consoles and Mobiles  (Read 55916 times)

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Is a natural function of the phone, of course d stats go be high, that don't mean casual users care bout d advancement of games to d point it influences sales.

the casual mobile user don't care one bit about being able to run crisis on they phone, they don't even know what crisis is.

Casual gamers don't care bout hardcore experiences.

Right here lies the problem.

I see your confusion now, let me clarify.

1) The casual users care about games (on that we are agreed)

2) The casual users don't care about pedigreed "hard core" games like crisis (again, agreement)

3) The casual users will care about running Angry Birds 3D SuperHD edition which will only run on Iphone6, Galaxy 5 or Lumia 1080

4) Hard Core users will care about running Battlefield 3, DOTA 2 and Fifa 14 on their $699 mobile phones (Iphone6, Galaxy 5 or Lumia 1080)

Points 3 and 4 is where we get to have our cake and eat it too

All too often people with Iphones ask me to show what my Galaxy Note  2 can do that their phones can't and vice versa. Samsung and Apple will forever be trying to deliver a good answer to that question. Nothing can put greatest distance between platforms like killer hardware which then delivers killer apps (like top notch games).

As for Kinect, microsoft never stopped trying to force kinect down the hard core gamers throat. In fact, they are now making kinect standard issue on EVERY xbox. To further drive its inclusion in all games.

I love kinect, so you won't hear me complaining.....but a lot of hard core gamers are vocal detractors of motion gaming. MS doesn't care and for that I'm grateful.

Bring on Kinect 2.0!


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Microsoft did very much detract from forcing Kinect hardcore.
Not 1 , I repeat, not 1 game shown at e3 was a Kinect game.
They got the message from hard core gamers loud and clear, they don't want Kinect forced down their throat.

Kinect was included as a defacto feature not for games, but for Media. which is part of MS push also.
Walk in d room, say, "Xbox On", and that's why Kinect is built in.

I also heard talks about dialing back Kinect usage for things like. if u playing a game and u sway ur physical body to d side, it affects the character onscreen. more subtle things that hard core mite except, and that's ah big mite.
But for hard core use, Kinect buss and buss hard.

And I disagree with 3) and 4)

Casual gamers would not care 1 bit about no angry birds 3d. (Nintendo knows this, is why the graphics for the wii u is radically inferior to d competition, and Nintendo know the casual audience wont care).
Casual gamers will be fine once it name angry birds, they don't care bout no super hd 3d version.
They'll play it if it's their, it not going to influence their decision to buy 1 device over another.

Weather or not it has Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Vine, etc, will affect their decision. Casual users care more about that. Games is a secondary activity that just their, that they just happen to do because they have the phone.

And hard-core gamers wont care about running battlefield 3 on their phone because they go be running battlefield 6 on their console instead. I as a hard core gamer in no way about to run the TitanFall on the generation, on a phone, when I can get a much better experience on console/pc. But I do agree, a hardcore man will care more about the gaming capabilities of his phone than a casual user. And is d casual users that driving mobile sales. Not gamers.

Nvidia will do NVidia, try to make money where they can, be it mobile, console, or pc. Sony will do sony, try to make money where they can. And MS will be MS. Decisions these companies make don't mean they will be successful at it. And what 1 CEO say don't mean it's the right thing.

History has proven otherwise.

And yes, the Super HD 3d Remake of Angry Birds will surely come.
Who seriously going to replace they console with that?

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Consoles are inferior to PCs, have always been....yet there are MILLIONS of hard core gamers playing Battlefield on their consoles.

Explain that

Else, argument invalid.

Also, have a read of this.

Nvidia did their homework and the results are exactly as I expected.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 11:17:12 PM by TriniWyatt »

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We've been through this.

The reason millions of hardcore gamers playing battlefield on console, is because console offer something significant that people want. Ease of use. Yuh buy ah cheap box for 3-400$, buy yUh game, insert disc and play.

Vs a gaming PC that requires much more maintenance, setup, and tlc.

So why spend upwards 1500$ even 2000$ for a gaming pc, when u can buy a cheap console that easier to use.

Those are the reasons consoles start taking over in a big way. Now that affordable gaming pcs are back in style, pc gaming kinda get some of it's mojo back. Then their is piracy that killed the PC market, and I can go on and on and on. There are a lot of reasons why consoles dominated the pc.

and some of the ease of use console introduce is d opposite with mobile btw. Hooking up ur mobile to tv then pairing with controllers etc etc etc, is more similar to the pc way of doing things. People eh going through all that.

What makes mobile gaming flourish is cause it simple, it right there, u juss download form app store, run d track.

When u start getting into d idea of console replacement, that's a total different use case for mobiles u talking bout.

And the gap in performance between a console and a similarly priced pc was always 2, maybe 3 times at most.
The gap between a console and a mobile is 100 times.
D gap is too large.

So again, I say, if NVidia is able to improve performance by a factor of 100 by 2015, yes console in trouble.
But until such technology exist, consoles have nothing to worry about. And I have to see that x100 boost to believe it.
Given the current performance of tegra, I eh seeing that atal.

And those very same millions that freaking battlefield, is d very said group I say not going to no mobile.
Their is just too many issues with mobile. Performance is just a small part. Connectivity and ease of use is another.

Mobile networking is another.

Right now men does play games on the platform they friends on. Yuh getting d latest COD for d platform yUh friends on, xbox live or psn.

D mobiles don't even have such models available to them.
Who setting up a unified gaming network for mobiles?
Apple can do it for them phones, they have infrastructure in place to do it.
So what, Samsung going to setup they own?, htc, Motorola, all d phone makers?

Are mobile game makers going to follow the pc modle, and build an entirely independent network stack and gaming network for each of their games? Right now gaming on wifi does have lag, a phone wifi is significantly less powerful than a laptop's wifi, d lag on that going to be tremendous. (which is why, turn by turn, and time delayed gaming is prevalent on mobiles, real-time gaming in a taxing fps shooter? we no where near that technology yet).

What happens if u want to sit and play hrs of Cod, are u suppose to cut yourself off from the rest of d world and put ur phone on silent for hours at a time? What if yUh phone not silent and it rings then what?

It have soo sooo soooooo many issues involved, with replacing your console with a mobile device.
Mobiles will always be complementary, d model just does not lend itself to long permanent gaming sessions.
For that use case, d console will always be there. (Just like digital cameras are still here.)

There is also game pricing as discussed before. Nobody paying 60$ for a mobile game. And we also establish not everybody can do a F2P model.

And I can go on and on and on, with various points as to why it just not going to happen.

If yUh only argument is, what Nvidia CEO say, and how much people does play angry birds, then I cant argue against that lol.

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So question

Do you believe the masses on the consoles are PC gamers who "converted" or mainly a new generation of gamers, who may have had their first FPS experience on a console.

Which is to say, they are not intimate with the PC FPS experience to compare. Can't miss what you never knew.

(we'll come back to this later)

You are making the mistake of thinking that mobile gaming HAS to be connected to the big screen to succeed.


That is only for the hard core people who would prefer an old school experience (We are already in the minority btw).

As the numbers have shown, there is already a massive viable market quite willing to game on a 9" tablet or even their 5" phone screen.

I envision a future where we will have both needs fullfilled at the same time from the same machine but one is not a prerequisite for the other. (ie, a device that can tether to screens/controllers for a hard core gaming experience and double as a casual mobile gaming device on its own)

This isn't far fetched because it is not unlike what Nintendo attempted with the Wii U today, nor what Nvidia is trying with the Shield. Someone will get the formula right, only a matter of time.

What makes mobile gaming flourish is cause it simple, it right there, u juss download form app store, run d track.

You're making my points for me and contradicting yourself. This very same ease of use is what gives mobile a huge advantage over the older platforms. Same as you claimed for consoles vs PC.

As for the gaming networks, Apple already has one. (Game Center)

Google just rolled out theirs. (Google Play Games Service)

And Microsoft is supporting live on their mobile devices.

Just the very name of the android app store should give you a hint of what they think is driving the platform.

Google Play. (

They have the numbers, they know games are the killer apps.

A lot of the other miscellaneous issues you raised are just challenges, easily solved with technology. Handling phone calls while gaming (automated go to voicemail option), improved mobile wifi, etc...

This is a new world order....and while yes, people won't traditionally pay $60, we have seen other monetization strategies that work. In a pure digital model with billions of customers, surely different economies will be at play. (pun intended)

For example, the critically acclaimed Walking Dead game (on PC, Xbox, PS3 and Ios) is split into several "episodes". Not unlike what Valve tried with Half Life. They give you the first episode for free and charge you $4.99 for each additional. 5 episodes in, you've forked over a respectable $25.00 and counting.

And so they rise

Last but not least, VGA game of the year 2012, Walking Dead
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:43:28 AM by TriniWyatt »


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Console gaming started to flourish very early, take Mario 1 for instance. That's a hardcore experience, so it was available n console since d offset. And has been growing ever since. It don't have to be name fps to qualify as hardcore. So the current console gaming market is made up of both pc gamers , legacy console games. And new gamers who never had either a console or pc, but chose to go console cause all they friends there and all d other reasons  listed.

All those game networks u call don't support an online model, and is limited to achievements etc. So n wp yes it name Xbox Live , but is just to chat with players, view friend requests and achievements. U cant setup a real time multi match with. nobody in nothing. (limited by available mobile tech).

Drawing example of pricing models that one or two games are Successful wit does not mean everything can use said model. For phones to replace consoles, they will have to have a viable alternative for every game out there. Every one.
The only game genre dominated by PCs still is rts. Because d console was not, and never will be, conducive to such an experience. You need a mouse and keyboard, plain and simple.

Now, how easy it is to do a mouse and keyboard for consoles? Much muck much easier than d challenges mobiles face. Yet still it was never done why? Because its not viable. Trying to replace a pc in that regard just don't make sense, because adding a keyboard and mouse detracts from the very experience trying to be accomplished  with consoles (ease of use being one).

And the very genre you claiming will be responsible for the mobile revolution (fps) will face similar, if not harder challenges on mobile.

Ryman Jungle Run had to be reduced to a game that does all d running for u. No moves no nothing. I have it on my surface, all u can do is tap the screen to jump. For a casual experience its epic. Much better than those onscreen controlled games attempted in the past. Will hardcore gamers replace they Xbox controller with that mess? Helllsssss no.

And gaming doesn't have to be connected to the big screen to succeed, the Nintendo ds line is quite the success. But mobile gaming most definitely have to be connected to the big screen to "replace" consoles.

And that's d major disagreement point we have. I not saying mobiles not going to succeed, I not saying they not going to improve in a major way. I saying, It not replacing consoles....
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 10:45:05 AM by MessiaaH »

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And the very genre you claiming will be responsible for the mobile revolution (fps) will face similar, if not harder challenges on mobile.

I never said that. Sorry if it came across that way, was just curious to hear your view on whether you thought hard core PC fps gamers were converting to console en masse. Making up the impressive number of Battlefield / CoD players that the industry boasts.

Or that these strong numbers were being posted by gamers new to the FPS experience, who did not have a background in PC (Quake, Duke Nukem, etc...)

What is your take on that?

As for the realtime mobile gaming. Google's Game Service already supports it.

It is a no brainer. Thanks to 4g, I can use my phone's wireless data connection to play Dota 2. A pretty demanding moba game. Works just fine.

Played many games using it. So I'm not sure why you think the wifi capability is unworkable on mobile devices.

Don't think for a second that Apple and Microsoft will leave the realtime advantage in Google's hands exclusively.

Microsoft is already supporting integration of mobile games in xbox live realtime with the Havock engine.

JawFish is doing realtime currently:

Gordon said the technology wasn’t possible 18 months ago, but with faster 4G data networking speeds on smartphones, it is quite doable now. The platform sits upon Amazon Web Services. With more than a million tournaments, the entire bandwidth cost has been less than $20, Gordon said.

Some years ago, the technology would have cost $5 million to configure the racks. Cloud computing has made it a lot easier.

“The turn-by-turn model for games is flawed, and it has played itself out,” Gordon said. “Sitting around and waiting for your opponent to make a move is not fun. Real-time is an obvious idea, but no one has done it. We’re the only ones doing it.”

He is right, the technology didn't exist before but it does now. Making realtime viable for the new slate of devices on the market. Very interesting is how cheaply he is hosting the service in the cloud.

4G + cheap cloud hosting for game servers = win

Realtime will be the vogue on mobile in no time.

Raging Thunder 2
Fun Run
Modern Combat 4
and the list continues to grow.

This industry has the advantage of a desktop / console roadmap to follow. All of the technological advances just need to be miniaturized or re-purposed for mobile consumption.

Don't forget, consoles didn't have realtime online multiplayer at first either. That only became status quo last generation.

As more powerful and full featured games come to mobile, the same will become true.

You're witnessing the revolution as it is being real time. lol
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 02:37:09 PM by TriniWyatt »

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No consoles didn't have online all d time, and I knew ud bring it up lol.

Consoles has only 2 obstacles to overcome.
Online, and Power.
Both was a lot easier to overcome than mobiles because consoles had access to something mobile doesn't. a standalone box that's plugged in. The nature of being plugged into the wall all the time offers a lot of advantages mobiles don't have. Which is why the gap in power between consoles and PCs was always dramatically smaller, than the gap that exists between mobile and consoles.

Nice to see progress in the mobile online space. But it's a far cry from the real thing.
Why I brought up the mobile argument is because of the nature of mobile networking. Even at 4g, u mite have speed, but latency is dramatically high on these networks. which means lag for days.

If u happen to be in America and u happen to be sitting under a cell tower, it mite be fine.
But general consumers will experience lag. Right now on pc man does experience lag plugged into 100meg hard wired flow network. Muchless for a lack luster 4g signal on a phone with 40% battery left.


In regards to the FPS numbers being seen now. I already said what I think those numbers come from.
It came from a combination of places. It come from legacy console men playing hardcore experiences. (Mario 1, 2, 3 Men), Some PC men jump ship. And the rest is new market. Remember, COD didn't reach those numbers over night. It was steady growth. And the growth was started by the hard core croud. Hard Core legacy console men, and hardcore legacy PC gamers started the ball ah rolling. Eventually it spiraled out of control.

Casual gamers had nothing to do with that growth.
Hell even pacman was considered hardcore back in the day.

Casual users gaming is really a new thing. So yUh cant really equate casual numbers to this argument going so far back. Yuh really have to deal with casual numbers as of the Original Wii and Original Angry Birds.
Cause is from then, casual gamers really started to get numbers.

Any how yUh take it wyatt, we can go back and forth arguing down d rise of mobile for years. lol.
Bottom line is, unless I see console sales numbers start declining, and not increasing. I'll never believe in the mobile replacing console dream of yours.

PC even had a downward spiral, and as the past 3 years has shown, PC gaming has been booming.
And as amazon pre-order numbers has shown, Console sales couldn't be better.
I know you say that's the last of the Mohicans. But a lot of people shell out money for an allegedly dying product.

Unless I see gamers stop buying consoles and only buying Mobile, ill never believe it.

There are valid arguments on both sides as said previously by other users.
And we both agree there are plenty of hurdles for mobile to overcome, and we both agree they can eventually be overcome with advance in technology. But again, unless I see them sales figures going down. Ill never believe.
Even ah 5% , ah 10%, some kinda year over year drop rate, some kinda hard fact pointing to the demise of consoles. But those numbers just don't exist.

Also i'll point out, even if, or when, mobile overcome all those obstacles, that still don't mean it go replace console. Cuase like I say, MS and Sony not going to be sitting on their laurels during all of this. As seen from the epicness that was This Year's E3, and the advent of the likes of :

Killer Instinct
Kill Zone 3
Halo 5
Infamous 2nd Son
etc etc etc etc......

When that multi billion dollar business decides to start showing signs of going belly up, then I go believe.
And just like how u want to have ur cake and eat it too.
Nvidia, MS and Sony thinks the exact same way.

They want a massive market, in both mobile, AND consoles. More money, more money, more money.
Right now u go see a strong push in mobile, because it gets them......more money. They in no way shape or form, trying to replace their console profit line with it, they trying to supplement it.

Which brings us right back to what I think actually going to happen.
Supplement, not replace.

O, and on another note, that Modern Combat 4 game u posted above, looks like it running on a PlayStation 1 lol.

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lol, well burying your head in the sand is a strategy....not a particularly strong one....but a strategy nonetheless

Which brings us right back to what I think actually going to happen.
Supplement, not replace.

Supplement may not be the right word, more like trivialize.

Lets compare mobile profits coming out of japan with console
TOKYO, JAPAN - November 6, 2012 - DeNA Co., Ltd. (2432.T), a leading global Internet company, today announced its financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2012. DeNA reported a record-high quarterly revenue of $627 million*, 45 percent higher than the same quarter last year, and increased operating profit of $254 million, 38 percent higher than the same period of the previous year.

38% growth for mobile

Here is console:

Sony’s PlayStation business dropped in sales by over 12% last year, and profits plummeted from $310 million to $18 million

tsk tsk

Poor Sony.

Let us look to Nintendo then:
Nintendo misses FY2013 profit forecast by 50 percent

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, the games console giant posted a net profit of 7.1 billion yen (US$71 million) below its forecast of 14 billion yen (US$142 million), according to results released Thursday. In the previous year, Nintendo had made a net loss of 43.2 billion yen (US$434 million)--its second straight annual loss. For FY13, sales dipped 2 percent dip to 635.4 billion yen (US$6.3 billion).

hmm, nope...more cut arse here too for the console camp.

A single mobile company, whose name you probably never even heard making more money than the two consoles power houses out of Japan COMBINED.

See attached below for the kind of $$ DeNa is generating from one of their mobile games.

Don't know how you can argue with these hard figures Messiah.

Ostrich strategy for the loss.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 03:59:22 PM by TriniWyatt »

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I can argue it because, you are comparing the end of 1 era with the start of another.

Of corse if u check the figures for the past year...two years. you will see declining numbers.

What you have to see is d sales of PS4/Xbox One in the next year-2 years.

Taking the figures of the console in the time it is most likely to be in decline is kind of short sighted.

PC was much worse than those console numbers too weren't they?
Yet still pc gaming has boomed.

The next gen consoles not even released yet, just based on pre-orders you can see much higher growth in consoles than last year. It is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to early to cry consoles dead based on those figures.

And I not burring my head in d sand wyatt. Seriously?
I argue pages upon pages, upon pages of valid arguments to support my position.
But in the end if u not going to acknowledge anything I say, my only recourse is to....bury my head... as you put it.

Also, the only part of sony business they've been making profit is in Insurance.....yes I said it, Insurance is the only aspect of Sony's business that they drawing a profit, non of sony's consumer electornic divisions making any profit.
The company as a whole is doing poorly, not just the PlayStation.r

Find some numbers of the profit Microsoft make on the xbox 360........

And Nintendo have enough money to make 3 failing consoles in a row and still wont die. And we know why Nintendo profit margin declining, the wii has been dead 2 years after it's release, and its been a while, and the wii u have hard core users pissed off, and it didn't offer the same HEY LOOK AT ME effect as the original wii. Most casual gamers don't even know the Wii U is a new console, they think it's a new controller.......

So Nintendo have their own issues as to why they profit decline, none of that was a direct result of Mobile but infact both sony's and Nintendo's own fault.

So like I said, use Microsoft. And wait till the new generation take root before trying to compare it.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 04:16:47 PM by MessiaaH »

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It have a easy way to tell u know wyatt.

All the people you know that own's an Xbox or PS3.

Are they passing up Xbox One and PS4 and gaming solely mobile?

When that starts happening, then I go say, yea boy, mobiles replace consoles.

So let me know when that starts happening.

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O btw, at the same time, their are many mobile manufactures suffering horrible losses.

HTC is in desperate need of a blood transfusion.

And HTC is a big player in the android space.

Arguing profit numbers of companies not going to get us an answer to the question as to.

Mobile phones Replacing Consoles.

The only thing going to answer that, is if it actualy happens.

So like I said, when people you know, stop buying consoles in favor of gaming on mobile, then we'll have an answer.

I stick by my quote. It...EEEEHHHHHH Happening lol.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 04:36:13 PM by MessiaaH »

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Well you asked to see declining numbers, I showed you declining numbers.

Fair enough that Sony is at the end of PS3 life cycle but as you yourself just said, Sony been failing to make proper profits throughout the ENTIRE life cycle of the PS3.

Not just that, thier other divisions catching ass too. lol

Nintendo, on the other hand, has no excuse. They have the deep pockets and they have the Wii U already launched.

Still....missing their targets by 50%. Lihixxx idmc.

And pundits say it is precisely because of mobile, that nintendo is struggling.

They haven't lost as many clients to say Sony or Microsoft, as they have lost to Angry Birds and Candy Crush. The casual crowd are just as happy gaming away on their phones as they were on their Wii.

The sales slump can be blamed in part on smartphones and tablets chipping away at the $58 billion global market for traditional video games

Nintendo wasn’t able to repeat the magic with Wii U, largely because this fickle group of users has moved on to mobile games played on smart phones and tablets. This will put a serious dent in sales, particularly of portable-game players. “In terms of long-term outlook, the real difficulty is in handhelds because people gravitate towards tablets and mobile phones,” Woo says.

This is EXACTLY what I expected to happen.

Unfortunately for Nintendo, mobile graphics and horse power are already on par with their console systems. Not to mention their portable devices like the gameboy and DS.

More lihixxxxxxxxx

Guess what they are doing right now? Courting mobile game developers to bring their titles to the Wii U.

Not sure how that is going to work out for them, but at least they trying something. (Head not buried, lol)

Those pre-order numbers maybe impressive in console land....but they are nothing compared to the figures mobile posting. Especially the profit coming out of these companies in 2013.

Remember....a new generation is usually HELL for a console maker.

Marred by heavy losses as they subsidize the cost of hardware to keep the initial sticker price low. They need to drive adoption hard and fast.

If Sony is not making money on each $399.99 PS4, they are in REAL trouble. Notice, they had to cave and dopt the Microsoft pay to play online model.

All is not well in the land of big screen gaming machines. Regardless of fault.

Unlike mobiles, where we have several players standing to make solid money. A few could fail, no biggie. Hardware makers have a virile mass of consumers willing to change out their handsets every year.

Not so with consoles on the hardware front, we just have three. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Their hardware sits for 5 - 7 years. Pressure

Two looking like they on their last legs already. They can't lie about their financials, else is jail time idmc.

Software makers for mobile have thriving, bouyant app markets to generate $$. Direct Download. Minimal costs to produce and distribute. Wetting after wetting after wetting.

As for asking PS3 / XBOX owners if they switching to mobile...that is the wrong audience.

Remember, my point is a new market of casual / mobile gamers is going to outstrip the number of hard core gamers and making them (us) trivial.

We cleared that up many posts ago, so that we were both on the same page in what we meant by "supplant". Remember.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 09:41:20 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Wyatt, u specifically said mobiles going to replace console, that still not happening.

Also its understandable if Nintendo loosing market share to mobile because they targeting the same core audience...casual.

I said yes casual gamers will be fine on mobile.

My argument is, hardcore gamers will not.

It don't matter if d entire planet buying mobiles, d same people who are hardcore, going to continue buying consoles.

Also, Sony hass been n trouble for years, and d ps3 was not d cause, I just explain their entire business model is falling apart, recession in they skin.

Use Microsoft.........

And saying alyuh could loose HTC? Dude seriously? Llol

Also, don't bundle mobile success and mobile gaming success in the same pile. They are linked. But mobile sales doesn't not automatically equate to mobile game sales.

But all that long talk Wyatt, my ultimate point is, nobody who games on consoles going to replace than with a mobile product. It not happening. Yes mobile will get more customers, as the market is still growing.

But that still does not mean man parking up they console exclusively for mobile.

I will never accept mobiles replace consoles until I see consoles stop selling.
Biggest pre order in amazon history does not say that to me at all. Quite the opposite.

Let me ask u a question, u believe in this so much......u passing on Wii u/ps4/xbox one?
I rest my case.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:44:09 PM by MessiaaH »

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Like you forgot...let me jog your memory on what I be clear.

Well again I see we've run into the semantics situation.

So lets clear that up one time.

You define supplant as in to absolutely replace the old tech, completely.

When I say supplant what I really mean to say is that the new tech will become status quo.

That is, there will be vastly more smart phone "photographers" than DSLRs photographers.

In any given wedding today, you'll see more people taking pix with their phones than those with a DSLR strapped around their neck.

To apply the analogy to gaming, sure there are still arcades around and arcade machines but consoles have supplanted them. In that, there are vastly more console gamers than arcade gamers today.

This is the road mobile is going to take.

Now that we've got that cleared up...on to the next scary point of consumers not caring about games.


Are you for real???

And yes, we can lose HTC.

There are 3,997 unique Android models in existence and 599 manufacturers

Wii U has been out for some time, I planned to buy...but haven't as yet. No urgency.

Same will be true for the other consoles since Titan Fall is coming to PC, which was the killer app for me from E3.

But remember....I am the hard core old school audience, gamers like me making the switch isn't the point of the topic. It is the rise of the mobile masses.

I'll get in on the action when the mobile hardware reaches the performance point where we can have our cakes and eat it too (hard core and casual experience from one device)

For me, that would be primarily Dota 2. lol
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 09:22:00 PM by TriniWyatt »

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cant argue with mobile being everywhere , hell, we don't have to wait until 2015 to see that, its been that way for a few years now lol.

But console ehhhh going anywhere lop.

Ah think we done they. Raster! Lol.

Now let them rise!

Halo wars in we skin soon.

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I now see your comment on loosing htc.


Htc has done as much for mobile rise as nokia.
We cant loose either of them.
To end up wit a sea of Samsung devices, and ah pack of 2nd Grade mess that is the other OEMs.

Loosing htc or Nokia will be a big loss to the world of mobile  technology.
Those 2 companies knows how to innovate.
They just don't know how to market.

I want them both to succeed. We as consumers, especially hard core, cannot afford to loose them.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 09:36:16 PM by MessiaaH »

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I agree, would love for them to succeed.

But we have seen great players take a dive from the industry (Sega with Dreamcast, THQ with my beloved WarHammer and countless others)

Hopefully Sony, Nintendo and HTC will keep up the good fight for many many years to come.

Because you are absolutely right, their existence and continued competition in the marketplace is a boon to the consumers.

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Microsoft ignores the post-PC world and reports $4.97 billion profit on top of $19.90 billion revenue for Q4 2013

• Windows - $4.411 billion revenue with $1.09 billion profit
• Online Services - $800 million revenue with $372 million loss
• Servers and Tools - $5.502 billion revenue with $2.33 billion profit
• Entertainment and Devices - $1.915 billion revenue with $110 million loss
• Business Division - $7.231 billion revenue with $4.87 billion profit



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