4k is going to be the next big thing imo. Despite the fact that 90% of the content we currently consume on a daily basis is not even as high quality as "lowly" 1080p, people still run it down. "1080p displays or nothing says most"
Of course, the notable exceptions are those people like me that use TV's as their primary PC display.
Technology marches on, however and once again most of us will rush for tech that we cant even appreciate...its like looking at a 5 year old boy running down a lingerie model.
But here we go...a new player in the market previously unheard of.
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7674736That's right, folks. 50 inches of 4k goodness for just $1400us!!! Un-friggin believable.
And I thought Sony's 55" @ $5500us was a steal of a deal!