The consensus among critics and players is that this is fundamentally a great game. But this SimCity is made to be played online, and if you can’t get a stable connection, you’re NOT having a good experience.
That may be so for you, Shiv, but there are many, many players who aren't having such a stellar experience. If this debacle doesn't demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt why this type of restrictive, invasive DRM is bad, then I don't know what will. Ubisoft walked this road already, and I really thought EA would have learned from their transgressions. Sadly, this has not been the case. That so-called 'apology' is just another way of saying 'we really, REALLY need to have this DRM in our game, and we're sorry that YOU, the gamers, are getting so many issues'. Still, the offer of any free game from their stable is a pretty awesome gesture. SwiftKey 3 | Samsung Galaxy Note 2 | Tapatalk 2
Fans of the game that actually got to play seem to like it. For all intents and purposes, its a great game, completely ruined by greedy and illogical people in charge.Just reading through the Amazon comments, the sheer volume of people that have refunded the game is astounding, not counting the number of 1 star reviews and people who indicated they wish "0" stars was an option...To anyone that says piracy is the cause of such a move, I say gtfo. Seriously. Look at the amount of lost sales and bad image generated that would be very difficult to recover from. Look at how many potential sales lost, not to mention (further)damage to company reputation. Was it all worth it to block a few people from pirating?Blasted idiots. All DRM like this and their purporters should die a horrible, fiery death. It should also be VERY slow. They should be allowed to die ONLY if they have a constant internet connection to their brains and a valid credit card available.