No, this isn't some new DLC nor a new installment in the Mass Effect universe.
No sir, this is a goodness to gracious Anime movie based on everyone's favourite sci fi epic.
Talk about a late Christmas gift.
Two words of caution.
1) If you played Mass Effect 3, you will already know the story as this takes place right after the events of Mass Effect 2. Still, it is a good watch for fans regardless.
2) The animation style is OLD. It looks like the original GI Joe, Thundercats or Voltron. Even the 3D bits look old. They didn't roll out the top CGI computers and animators for this one. Strange, considering how much of an HD affair the Mass Effect games are. You'd think the franchise holders would try to keep a similar polish with their movie attempt.
A biotic named Essex completely stole the spotlight from the lead character imo. Couldn't get enough of him on screen. What an ass.
The Krogan's were very very well done.
Ending was a bit over done but you definitely got the point. The very essence of Mass Effect. Opportunity Cost, big time.
A solid 7 abducted colonists out of 10