Well wesleigh,
There is Rough House MMA led by Trinidad's premier MMA fighter Dwayne Hinds:
http://www.facebook.com/rough.house.7?fref=tsThere is Torakan Dojo led by Sensei Adam Leung Kam(I think thats his last name) Dwayne Trained here until they parted ways a couple years ago.
There is Queens Park Judo Club (I was a member for 7 years) Run by sensei Mark littrean,
These are all in town though, so if you want more information I know that there is a judo club in the east as well.
I've listed them in order of 'intensity' from what i've heard.
Put it this way, My gym trainer is a 65 year old cut up man and he trains @ Rough House. I've seen them in action, if you want to fight professionally there is the place.